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GETTYTAB(5)                 BSD File Formats Manual                GETTYTAB(5)

     gettytab -- terminal configuration data base


     The gettytab file is a simplified version of the termcap(5) data base used to describe terminal lines.
     The initial terminal login process getty(8) accesses the gettytab file each time it starts, allowing
     simpler reconfiguration of terminal characteristics.  Each entry in the data base is used to describe
     one class of terminals.

     There is a default terminal class, default, that is used to set global defaults for all other classes.
     (That is, the default entry is read, then the entry for the class required is used to override particu-lar particular
     lar settings.)

     Refer to termcap(5) for a description of the file layout.  The default column below lists defaults
     obtained if there is no entry in the table obtained, nor one in the special default table.

     Name    Type    Default           Description
     ac      str     unused            expect-send chat script for modem answer
     al      str     unused            user to auto-login instead of prompting
     ap      bool    false             terminal uses any parity
     bk      str     0377              alternate end of line character (input break)
     c0      num     unused            tty control flags to write messages
     c1      num     unused            tty control flags to read login name
     c2      num     unused            tty control flags to leave terminal as
     ce      bool    false             use crt erase algorithm
     ck      bool    false             use crt kill algorithm
     cl      str     NULL              screen clear sequence
     co      bool    false             console - add `\n' after login prompt
     ct      num     10                chat timeout for ac and ic scripts
     dc      num     0                 chat debug bitmask
     de      num     0                 delay secs and flush input before writing first prompt
     df      str     %+                the strftime(3) format used for %d in the banner message
     ds      str     `^Y'              delayed suspend character
     dx      bool    false             set DECCTLQ
     ec      bool    false             leave echo OFF
     ep      bool    false             terminal uses even parity
     er      str     `^?'              erase character
     et      str     `^D'              end of text (EOF) character
     ev      str     NULL              initial environment
     f0      num     unused            tty mode flags to write messages
     f1      num     unused            tty mode flags to read login name
     f2      num     unused            tty mode flags to leave terminal as
     fl      str     `^O'              output flush character
     hc      bool    false             do NOT hangup line on last close
     he      str     NULL              hostname editing string
     hn      str     hostname          hostname
     ht      bool    false             terminal has real tabs
     hw      bool    false             do cts/rts hardware flow control
     i0      num     unused            tty input flags to write messages
     i1      num     unused            tty input flags to read login name
     i2      num     unused            tty input flags to leave terminal as
     ic      str     unused            expect-send chat script for modem initialization
     if      str     unused            display named file before prompt, like /etc/issue
     ig      bool    false             ignore garbage characters in login name
     im      str     NULL              initial (banner) message
     in      str     `^C'              interrupt character
     is      num     unused            input speed
     kl      str     `^U'              kill character
     l0      num     unused            tty local flags to write messages
     l1      num     unused            tty local flags to read login name
     l2      num     unused            tty local flags to leave terminal as
     lm      str     login:            login prompt
     ln      str     `^V'              ``literal next'' character
     lo      str     /usr/bin/login    program to exec when name obtained
     mb      bool    false             do flow control based on carrier
     nc      bool    false             terminal does not supply carrier (set clocal)
     nl      bool    false             terminal has (or might have) a newline character
     np      bool    false             terminal uses no parity (i.e. 8-bit characters)
     nx      str     default           next table (for auto speed selection)
     o0      num     unused            tty output flags to write messages
     o1      num     unused            tty output flags to read login name
     o2      num     unused            tty output flags to leave terminal as
     op      bool    false             terminal uses odd parity
     os      num     unused            output speed
     pc      str     `\0'              pad character
     pe      bool    false             use printer (hard copy) erase algorithm
     pf      num     0                 delay between first prompt and following flush (seconds)
     pl      bool    false             start PPP login program unconditionally if pp is specified
     pp      str     unused            PPP login program
     ps      bool    false             line connected to a MICOM port selector
     qu      str     `^\'              quit character
     rp      str     `^R'              line retype character
     rt      num     unused            ring timeout when using ac
     rw      bool    false             do NOT use raw for input, use cbreak
     sp      num     unused            line speed (input and output)
     su      str     `^Z'              suspend character
     tc      str     none              table continuation
     to      num     0                 timeout (seconds)
     tt      str     NULL              terminal type (for environment)
     ub      bool    false             do unbuffered output (of prompts etc)
     we      str     `^W'              word erase character
     xc      bool    false             do NOT echo control chars as `^X'
     xf      str     `^S'              XOFF (stop output) character
     xn      str     `^Q'              XON (start output) character
     Lo      str     C                 the locale name used for %d in the banner message

     The following capabilities are no longer supported by getty(8):

     bd      num     0                 backspace delay
     cb      bool    false             use crt backspace mode
     cd      num     0                 carriage-return delay
     fd      num     0                 form-feed (vertical motion) delay
     lc      bool    false             terminal has lower case
     nd      num     0                 newline (line-feed) delay
     uc      bool    false             terminal is known upper case only

     If no line speed is specified, speed will not be altered from that which prevails when getty is
     entered.  Specifying an input or output speed will override line speed for stated direction only.

     Terminal modes to be used for the output of the message, for input of the login name, and to leave the
     terminal set as upon completion, are derived from the boolean flags specified.  If the derivation
     should prove inadequate, any (or all) of these three may be overridden with one of the c_, c1, c2, i_,
     i1, i2, l_, l1, l2, o_, o1, or o2 numeric specifications, which can be used to specify (usually in
     octal, with a leading '0') the exact values of the flags.  These flags correspond to the termios
     c_cflag, c_iflag, c_lflag, and c_oflag fields, respectively.  Each of these sets must be completely
     specified to be effective.

     The f_, f1, and f2 are excepted for backwards compatibility with a previous incarnation of the TTY sub-system. subsystem.
     system.  In these flags the bottom 16 bits of the (32 bits) value contain the sgttyb sg_flags field,
     while the top 16 bits represent the local mode word.

     Should getty(8) receive a null character (presumed to indicate a line break) it will restart using the
     table indicated by the nx entry.  If there is none, it will re-use its original table.

     Delays are specified in milliseconds, the nearest possible delay available in the tty driver will be
     used.  Should greater certainty be desired, delays with values 0, 1, 2, and 3 are interpreted as choos-ing choosing
     ing that particular delay algorithm from the driver.

     The cl screen clear string may be preceded by a (decimal) number of milliseconds of delay required (a
     la termcap).  This delay is simulated by repeated use of the pad character pc.

     The initial message, login message, and initial file; im, lm and if may include any of the following
     character sequences, which expand to information about the environment in which getty(8) is running.

           %d               The current date and time formatted according to the Lo and df strings.

           %h               The hostname of the machine, which is normally obtained from the system using
                            gethostname(3), but may also be overridden by the hn table entry.  In either
                            case it may be edited with the he string.  A '@' in the he string causes one
                            character from the real hostname to be copied to the final hostname.  A '#' in
                            the he string causes the next character of the real hostname to be skipped.
                            Each character that is neither '@' nor '#' is copied into the final hostname.
                            Surplus '@' and '#' characters are ignored.

           %t               The tty name.

           %m, %r, %s, %v   The type of machine, release of the operating system, name of the operating sys-tem, system,
                            tem, and version of the kernel, respectively, as returned by uname(3).

           %%               A ``%'' character.

     When getty execs the login process, given in the lo string (usually ``/usr/bin/login''), it will have
     set the environment to include the terminal type, as indicated by the tt string (if it exists).  The ev
     string, can be used to enter additional data into the environment.  It is a list of comma separated
     strings, each of which will presumably be of the form name=value.

     If a non-zero timeout is specified, with to, then getty will exit within the indicated number of sec-onds, seconds,
     onds, either having received a login name and passed control to login(1), or having received an alarm
     signal, and exited.  This may be useful to hangup dial in lines.

     Output from getty(8) is even parity unless op or np is specified.  The op string may be specified with
     ap to allow any parity on input, but generate odd parity output.  Note: this only applies while getty
     is being run, terminal driver limitations prevent a more complete implementation.  The getty(8) utility
     does not check parity of input characters in RAW mode.

     If a pp string is specified and a PPP link bring-up sequence is recognized, getty will invoke the pro-gram program
     gram referenced by the pp option.  This can be used to handle incoming PPP calls.  If the pl option is
     true as well, getty(8) will skip the user name prompt and the PPP detection phase, and will invoke the
     program specified by pp instantly.

     Getty provides some basic intelligent modem handling by providing a chat script feature available via
     two capabilities:

           ic        Chat script to initialize modem.
           ac        Chat script to answer a call.

     A chat script is a set of expect/send string pairs.  When a chat string starts, getty will wait for the
     first string, and if it finds it, will send the second, and so on.  Strings specified are separated by
     one or more tabs or spaces.  Strings may contain standard ASCII characters and special 'escapes', which
     consist of a backslash character followed by one or more characters which are interpreted as follows:

           \a        bell character.
           \b        backspace.
           \n        newline.
           \e        escape.
           \f        formfeed.
           \p        half-second pause.
           \r        carriage return.
           \S, \s    space character.
           \t        tab.
           \xNN      hexadecimal byte value.
           \0NNN     octal byte value.

     Note that the `\p' sequence is only valid for send strings and causes a half-second pause between send-ing sending
     ing the previous and next characters.  Hexadecimal values are, at most, 2 hex digits long, and octal
     values are a maximum of 3 octal digits.

     The ic chat sequence is used to initialize a modem or similar device.  A typical example of an init
     chat script for a modem with a hayes compatible command set might look like this:

           :ic="" ATE0Q0V1\r OK\r ATS0=0\r OK\r:

     This script waits for nothing (which always succeeds), sends a sequence to ensure that the modem is in
     the correct mode (suppress command echo, send responses in verbose mode), and then disables auto-answer. autoanswer.
     answer.  It waits for an "OK" response before it terminates.  The init sequence is used to check modem
     responses to ensure that the modem is functioning correctly.  If the init script fails to complete,
     getty considers this to be fatal, and results in an error logged via syslogd(8), and exiting.

     Similarly, an answer chat script is used to manually answer the phone in response to (usually) a
     "RING".  When run with an answer script, getty opens the port in non-blocking mode, clears any extrane-ous extraneous
     ous input and waits for data on the port.  As soon as any data is available, the answer chat script is
     started and scanned for a string, and responds according to the answer chat script.  With a hayes com-patible compatible
     patible modem, this would normally look something like:

           :ac=RING\r ATA\r CONNECT:

     This causes the modem to answer the call via the "ATA" command, then scans input for a "CONNECT"
     string.  If this is received before a ct timeout, then a normal login sequence commences.

     The ct capability specifies a timeout for all send and expect strings.  This timeout is set individu-ally individually
     ally for each expect wait and send string and must be at least as long as the time it takes for a con-nection connection
     nection to be established between a remote and local modem (usually around 10 seconds).

     In most situations, you will want to flush any additional input after the connection has been detected,
     and the de capability may be used to do that, as well as delay for a short time after the connection
     has been established during which all of the connection data has been sent by the modem.

     login(1), gethostname(3), uname(3), termcap(5), getty(8), telnetd(8)

     The gettytab file format appeared in 4.2BSD.

     The special characters (erase, kill, etc.) are reset to system defaults by login(1).  In all cases, '#'
     or '^H' typed in a login name will be treated as an erase character, and '@' will be treated as a kill

     The delay stuff is a real crock.  Apart form its general lack of flexibility, some of the delay algo-rithms algorithms
     rithms are not implemented.  The terminal driver should support sane delay settings.

     The he capability is stupid.

     The termcap(5) format is horrid, something more rational should have been chosen.

     This should be converted to use termios(4).

BSD                             April 19, 1994                             BSD

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