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SLAPO-REFINT(5)                                                                              SLAPO-REFINT(5)

       slapo-refint - Referential Integrity overlay to slapd


       The  Referential  Integrity overlay can be used with a backend database such as slapd-bdb(5) to main-tain maintain
       tain the cohesiveness of a schema which utilizes reference attributes.

       Integrity is maintained by updating database records which contain the named attributes to match  the
       results  of  a modrdn or delete operation. For example, if the integrity attribute were configured as
       manager, deletion of the record "uid=robert,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" would trigger a  search  for
       all  other  records  which  have a manager attribute containing that DN. Entries matching that search
       would have their manager attribute removed.  Or, renaming the same  record  into  "uid=george,ou=peo-ple,dc=example,dc=com" "uid=george,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
       ple,dc=example,dc=com"  would  trigger  a search for all other records which have a manager attribute
       containing that DN.  Entries matching that search would have  their  manager  attribute  deleted  and
       replaced by the new DN.

       rootdn  must  be set for the database.  refint runs as the rootdn to gain access to make its updates.
       rootpw is not needed.

       These slapd.conf options apply to the Referential Integrity overlay.  They should  appear  after  the
       overlay directive.

       refint_attributes <attribute> [...]
              Specify one or more attributes for which integrity will be maintained as described above.

       refint_nothing <string>
              Specify  an arbitrary value to be used as a placeholder when the last value would otherwise be
              deleted from an attribute. This can be useful in cases where the schema requires the existence
              of  an  attribute  for  which  referential  integrity is enforced. The attempted deletion of a
              required attribute will otherwise result in an Object Class Violation, causing the request  to
              fail.  The string must be a valid DN.

       refint_modifiersname <DN>
              Specify  the DN to be used as the modifiersName of the internal modifications performed by the
              overlay.  It defaults to "cn=Referential Integrity Overlay".

              default slapd configuration file

       slapd.conf(5), slapd-config(5).

       OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by  The  OpenLDAP  Project  <http://www.openldap.org/>.
       OpenLDAP Software is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

OpenLDAP 2.4.28                                  2011/11/24                                  SLAPO-REFINT(5)

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