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fdesetup(8)               BSD System Manager's Manual              fdesetup(8)

     fdesetup -- FileVault enabling tool

     fdesetup verb [options]

     fdesetup is used to enable or disable FileVault, to list, add, or remove enabled FileVault users, and
     to obtain status about the current state of FileVault. Most commands require root access and need to be
     authenticated with either a FileVault password, a personal recovery key (if enabled), and in some cases
     the private key from the installed institutional recovery key.  Some status related commands can be run
     from a non-root session.

     By default, when enabling FileVault fdesetup will only return a personal recovery key. Given the proper
     certificate information, fdesetup can install an institutional recovery key.  You can also set it up
     without a personal recovery key using the -norecoverykey option, though this is not recommended unless
     you are also installing an institutional recovery key.   Either type of keys can be added or changed at
     a later time.

     Data passed in via stdin should be a property list using the example format described later. When
     enabling FileVault, the top level Username and Password key values must be for an existing MacOS X
     user. For other commands that require authentication, the top level Username key is ignored, and the
     Password key value should either be an existing FileVault user password or the personal recovery key
     (in the example form "AU2A-PHMK-WBGX-PWKX-M3X3-VAPY"). If a password is not in the property list,
     fdesetup will prompt the user for it.  Added Username parameters should be short names of existing
     users.  Some commands allow you to authenticate and unlock by providing the -key option followed by the
     path to a keychain file containing the private key of the institutional recovery key.  Do not include
     the certificate in this keychain.

     With the -keychain option, an institutional recovery key can be set up by placing an X.509 asymmetric
     public certificate in the /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain file. security create-filevault-master-keychain create-filevaultmaster-keychain
     master-keychain can be used to create the keychain. Alternatively a certificate can be passed in by
     using the -certificate option and entering the path to the DER encoded certificate file. In this case
     the FileVaultMaster.keychain file will be created using the certificate. With your .cer file, the
     optional certificate data can be obtained using the base64 tool.  For example: 'base64 /path/to/myc-ert.cer /path/to/mycert.cer
     ert.cer > /mynewdata.txt', at which point you would copy the data string contained in the text file and
     place it into the Certificate <data></data> value area of the property list.

     The status command will indicate if FileVault is On or Off.  If a FileVault master keychain is
     installed into the /Library/Keychains folder it will also report this back.  Note that this, by itself,
     does not indicate whether or not FileVault has been set up with an institutional recovery key.  Use the
     hasinstitutionalrecoverykey command to see if the institutional recovery key is active.

     The list command will display the short names and UUIDs of any enabled FileVault users. The remove com-mand command
     mand will remove a user from FileVault.

     The syncusers command synchronizes Open Directory attributes (e.g. user pictures) with FileVault users,
     and removes FileVault users that were removed from Open Directory.   In most cases these changes will
     already be updated in FileVault.  syncusers does not add users to FileVault.

     Use the haspersonalrecoverykey or hasinstitutionalrecoverykey commands to see if FileVault has a per-sonal personal
     sonal or institutional recovery key set up.  If FileVault is active and the key is set, these commands
     will return "true", otherwise they will return "false".  Note that "false" may also be returned if any
     error occurs, or if FileVault is not yet fully enabled.

     If a user currently has the system unlocked using the recovery key, the usingrecoverykey command will
     return "true".

     The changerecovery command changes or adds either the personal or institutional recovery key.  You can
     only have one recovery key of each type, so any associated existing key will be removed.  The
     removerecovery command will remove any existing recovery key of the type specified.  It is not recom-mended recommended
     mended that you remove all recovery keys since, if you lose your FileVault password, you may not be
     able to access your information.

     On supported hardware, fdesetup allows restart of a FileVault-enabled system without requiring unlock
     during the subsequent boot using the authrestart command. WARNING: FileVault protections are reduced
     during authenticated restarts. In particular, fdesetup deliberately stores at least one additional copy
     of a permanent FDE (full disk encryption) unlock key in both system memory and (on supported systems)
     the System Management Controller (SMC).  fdesetup must be run as root and itself prompts for a password
     to unlock the FileVault root volume.  Use pmset destroyfvkeyonstandby to prevent saving the key across
     standby modes. Once authrestart is authenticated, it launches reboot(8) and, upon successful unlock,
     the unlock key will be removed.  You can also use this as an option to the enable command if the system
     supports this feature.  The supportsauthrestart command will check the system to see if it supports
     this option.

     Each command verb is listed with its description and individual arguments.

                Shows abbreviated help

     list       [-verbose]
                List enabled users.

     enable     [[[-user username ...] [-usertoadd added_username ...]] | [-inputplist]] [-outputplist]
                [-prompt] [-forcerestart] [-authrestart] [-keychain | [-certificate path_to_cer_file]]
                [-defer file_path] [-norecoverykey] [-verbose]
                Enables FileVault.

     disable    [-verbose]
                Disables FileVault.

     status     [-verbose]
                Returns current status about FileVault.

                Synchronizes information from Open Directory to FileVault.

     add        -usertoadd added_username ... | -inputplist [-verbose]
                Adds additional FileVault users.   A FileVault user password or recovery key must be used to

     remove     -uuid user_uuid | -user username [-verbose]
                Removes enabled user from FileVault.

     changerecovery -personal | -institutional [[-keychain] | [-certificate path_to_cer_file]] [-key
                path_to_keychain_file] [-inputplist] [-verbose]
                Updates the current recovery key.   Either personal and/or institutional options must be
                specified.  When changing the personal recovery key, the updated personal recovery key will
                be automatically generated.   When changing either key, the old value will be removed and
                replaced.  changerecovery can also be used to add either type of recovery user if it was not
                already set up.

     removerecovery -personal | -institutional [[-key path_to_keychain_file] | [-inputplist]] [-verbose]
                Removes the current recovery key.   Either personal and/or institutional options must be
                specified.   If the recovery key had been sent to a corporate server, this removal does not
                notify the server that it was removed from this computer.

     authrestart [[-key path_to_keychain_file] | [-inputplist]] [-verbose]
                Immediately restarts the system, bypassing the initial unlock.   The command may not work on
                all systems.

     isactive   [-verbose]
                Returns status 0 if FileVault is enabled along with the string "true".  Will return status 1
                if FileVault is Off, along with "false".

     haspersonalrecoverykey [-verbose]
                Returns the string "true" if FileVault contains a personal recovery key.

     hasinstitutionalrecoverykey [-verbose]
                Returns the string "true" if FileVault contains an institutional recovery key.

     usingrecoverykey [-verbose]
                Returns the string "true" if FileVault is currently unlocked using the personal recovery

                Returns the string "true" if the system supports the authenticated restart option.

     validaterecovery [-inputplist] [-verbose]
                Returns the string "true" if the personal recovery key is validated.  The validated recovery
                key must be in the form xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.

                If the defer mode is set, this will show the current settings.

                Displays current tool version.

     -defer file_path
             Defer enabling FileVault until the user password is obtained, and recovery key and system
             information will be written to the file path.

     -user user_shortname
             Short user name.

     -uuid user_uuid
             User UUID in canonical form: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555.

     -usertoadd added_user
             Additional user(s) to be added to FileVault.

             Acquire configuration information from stdin when enabling or adding users to FileVault.

             Always prompt for information.

             Force a normal restart after FileVault has been successfully configured.

             Do an authenticated restart after a successful enable occurs.

             Outputs the recovery key and additional system information to stdout in a plist dictionary.  If
             the recovery key changes, a Change key will be set and the EnableDate will contain the date of
             the change.   This should not be used when using the deferred mode.

             Use the institutional recovery key stored in /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain.

     -certificate path_to_cer_file
             Use the certificate data located at the path. Any existing /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMas-ter.keychain /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain
             ter.keychain file will be moved away with the location logged in the system log.  Do not set
             this option if your certificate data is located in the input plist information.

     -key path_to_keychain_file
             Use the keychain file located at the path containing the private key for the currently
             installed institiutional recovery key to unlock and authenticate FileVault.

             Do not return a personal recovery key.

     The -defer option can be used with the enable command option to delay enabling FileVault until after
     the current (or next) user logs out, thus avoiding the need to enter a password when the tool is run.
     The user will be prompted at logout time for the password, at which point an attempt will be made to
     enable FileVault. If the volume is not already a CoreStorage volume, the system may need to be
     restarted to start the encryption process. Logout dialogs are automatically dismissed and canceled
     after 60 seconds if no interaction occurs and the user will be prompted again at the next logout time.

     The -defer option sets up a single user to be added to FileVault. If there was no user specified (e.g.
     without the -user option), then the currently logged in user will be added to the configuration and
     becomes the designated user. If there is no user specified and no users are logged in at the time of
     configuration, then the next user that logs in will be used as the designated user.

     As recovery key information is not generated until the user password is obtained, the -defer option
     requires a path where this information will be written to. The property list file will be created as a
     root-only readable file and should be placed in a secure location.  You can use the showdeferralinfo
     command to view the current deferral configuration information.

     Options that can be used in conjunction with the -defer option include: -keychain, -certificate,
     -forcerestart, -user, and -norecoverykey.

     Note that if the designated user doesn't complete the setup at logout, FileVault will not be enabled,
     and the configuration will remain and be used again for the designated user's next logout, thereby
     'nagging' the user to enable FileVault. To remove an active deferred enablement configuration, you can
     use the disable command, even if FileVault is not currently enabled.


             Short name of OD user used in enabling FileVault.

             Used for 1) Password of OD user used in enabling FileVault, 2) Password to authenticate to Fil-eVault FileVault
             eVault after enablement, 3) Personal recovery key used to authenticate to FileVault after

             An array of dictionaries for each OD user that will be added during enablment.

             The OD short user name for a user to be added to the FileVault user list.

             The OD user password for a user to be added to the FileVault user list.

             The institutional recovery key asymmetric certficate data.

             The path to the private key keychain file if you are authenticating to certain comamnds.

             The password to the private key keychain.

     fdesetup enable
              Enable FileVault after prompting for an OpenDirectory user name and password, and return the
              personal recovery key.

     fdesetup enable -user sally -usertoadd johnny -usertoadd henry -outputplist >
              Enables FileVault, adds users sally, johnny and henry to the EFI login, and outputs the recov-ery recovery
              ery key and other information into the file.  Note that the user sally here does not have more
              privileges than the other added users.

     fdesetup enable -keychain -norecoverykey
              Enables FileVault using an institutional recovery key in the FileVaultMaster.keychain file. No
              personal recovery key will be created.

     fdesetup enable -defer /MykeyAndInfo.plist
              Enables FileVault when the current user logs out and successfully enters their password and
              then writes the personal recovery key and other relevant information to the file.

     fdesetup enable -certificate /mycertfile.cer
              Enables FileVault with an institutional recovery key based off the certificate data in the DER
              encoded file. A FileVaultMaster.keychain file will be created automatically.

     fdesetup enable -inputplist < /someinfo.plist
              Enables FileVault using information from the property list read in from stdin.

     fdesetup enable -authrestart
              Enables FileVault and then does an immediate authenticated restart.

     fdesetup status
              Shows the current status of FileVault.

     fdesetup list
              Lists the current FileVault users.

     fdesetup remove -uuid A6C75639-1D98-4F19-ACD5-1892BAE27991
              Removes the user with the UUID from the FileVault users list.

     fdesetup isactive
              Returns with exit status zero and "true" if FileVault is enabled and active.

     fdesetup add -usertoadd betty
              Adds the user betty to the existing FileVault setup.

     fdesetup changerecovery -personal -inputplist < /authinfo.plist
              Changes the existing recovery key and generates a new recovery key.

     fdesetup validaterecovery -inputplist < /fvinput1-recoverykeyonly.plist
              Gets the existing personal recovery key in the "Password" key value of the plist and returns
              "true" if the recovery key appears to be valid.

     The exit status of the tool is set to indicate whether any error was detected. The values returned are:

     0                  No error, or successful operation.

     1                  FileVault is Off.

     2                  FileVault appears to be On but Busy.

     11                 Authentication error.

     12                 Parameter error.

     13                 Unknown command error.

     14                 Bad command error.

     15                 Bad input error.

     16                 Legacy FileVault error.

     17                 Added users failed error.

     18                 Unexpected keychain found error.

     19                 Keychain error. This usually means the FileVaultMaster keychain could not be moved
                        or replaced.

     20                 Deferred configuration setup missing or error.

     21                 Enable failed (Keychain) error.

     22                 Enable failed (CoreStorage) error.

     23                 Enable failed (DiskManager) error.

     24                 Already enabled error.

     25                 Unable to remove user.

     26                 Unable to change recovery key.

     27                 Unable to remove recovery key.

     28                 FileVault is either off, busy, or the volume is locked.

     99                 Internal error.

     security(1), diskutil(8), base64(1), pmset(1)

MacOSX                          August 21, 2013                         MacOSX

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