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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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FSCK_EXFAT(8)             BSD System Manager's Manual            FSCK_EXFAT(8)

     fsck_exfat -- Verify and repair ExFAT file systems.

     fsck_exfat -q device ...
     fsck_exfat [-f] [-p] [-y | -n] [-g | -x] [-d] device ...

     The fsck_exfat utility verifies and repairs ExFAT file systems.

     The first form of fsck_exfat quickly checks the specified file systems to determine whether they were
     cleanly unmounted.

     The second form of fsck_exfat checks the specified file systems and tries to repair all detected prob-lems, problems,
     lems, requesting confirmation before making any changes.  The default behavior is to always ask for
     confirmation of each change.  Use the -n or -y options to override this default behavior.

     The device parameter(s) should be a path to a "raw" disk device (a character special device), such as
     /dev/rdisk1s1.  If you specify a "non-raw" path (a block special device) such as /dev/disk1s1, or just
     the disk name such as disk1s1, they will automatically be converted to the corresponding raw disk
     device (/dev/rdisk1s1).

     The options are as follows:

           -q      Causes fsck_exfat to quickly check whether the volume was unmounted cleanly.  If the vol-ume volume
                   ume was unmounted cleanly, then the exit status is 0.  If the volume was not unmounted
                   cleanly, then the exit status will be non-zero.  In either case, a message is printed to
                   standard output describing whether the volume was clean or dirty.

           -f      This option is ignored by fsck_exfat and is present only for compatibility with programs
                   that check other file system types for consistency.

           -p      Preen the specified file systems.  This option is ignored by fsck_exfat and is present
                   only for compatibility with programs that check other file system types for consistency.

           -y      Causes fsck_exfat to assume yes as the answer to all questions.  It will attempt to
                   repair all problems that are found.

           -n      Causes fsck_exfat to assume no as the answer to all questions.  The device will be opened
                   read-only, and no repairs will be made.

           -g      Causes fsck_exfat to produce its output in GUI-compatible form.  Each message is printed
                   as a tuple containing the kind of message, the message string, and number of parameters
                   to the message string.  Any parameters to the message string are printed on subsequent
                   lines.  The message string uses NSLog-like substitutions.  This output format is used by
                   applications such as Disk Utility.

           -x      Causes fsck_exfat to produce its output in an XML-like form.  Each message is printed as
                   a plist(5) containing a message type, verbosity, message number, and message string.  The
                   message string uses NSLog-like substitutions.  For message strings that contain parame-ters, parameters,
                   ters, an array of dictionaries is output.  This output format is used by applications
                   such as Disk Utility.  It may be used by other kinds of applications which wish to parse
                   the output of fsck_exfat.

           -d      Causes fsck_exfat to produce extra debugging output.  This generally contains additional
                   details about problems found.  When writing bug reports for fsck_exfat, it is usually
                   helpful to include the output generated from this option.

     mount_exfat(8), fsck(8)

     The fsck_exfat utility first appeared in Mac OS X 10.6.3.

Darwin                         January 19, 2010                         Darwin

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