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IP6ADDRCTL(8)             BSD System Manager's Manual            IP6ADDRCTL(8)

     ip6addrctl -- configure address selection policy for IPv6 and IPv4

     ip6addrctl [show]
     ip6addrctl add prefix precedence label
     ip6addrctl delete prefix
     ip6addrctl flush
     ip6addrctl install configfile

     The ip6addrctl utility manages the policy table of source and destination address selection for outgo-ing outgoing
     ing IPv4 and IPv6 packets.  When ip6addrctl is invoked without an argument or with a single argument
     show, it prints the content of the policy table currently installed in the kernel.

     To modify the table, the following operations are available:

     add prefix precedence label
             Add a policy entry.  The prefix argument is an IPv6 prefix, which is a key for the entry.  An
             IPv4 prefix should be specified with an IPv6 prefix using an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.  The
             precedence and label arguments are decimal numbers, which specify the precedence and label val-ues values
             ues for the entry, respectively.  This operation should be performed without an existing entry
             for the prefix.

     delete prefix
             Delete a policy entry specified by prefix, which should be an IPv6 prefix.  A corresponding
             entry for the prefix should have already been installed.

     flush   Delete all existing policy entries in the kernel.

     install configfile
             Install policy entries from a configuration file named configfile.  The configuration file
             should contain a set of policy entries.  Each entry is specified in a single line which con-tains contains
             tains an IPv6 prefix, a decimal precedence value, and a decimal label value, separated with
             white space or tab characters.  In the configuration file, lines beginning with the pound-sign
             (`#') are comments and are ignored.

     The ip6addrctl utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

     Richard Draves, Default Address Selection for IPv6, RFC 3484.

     The ip6addrctl utility first appeared in the KAME IPv6 protocol stack kit.  The original command name
     was addrselect, but it was then renamed to the current one so that the name would describe its function

BSD                           September 25, 2001                           BSD

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