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Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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localemanager(8)          BSD System Manager's Manual         localemanager(8)

     localemanager -- Configure OpenDirectory Server Locales

     localemanager operation [-l localename] [-subnet] [-server servername] [-i IP address]

     localemanager creates, destroys, and edits OpenDirectory Server Locale information.  Locales are col-lections collections
     lections of OpenDirectory servers to assist clients in locating the nearest OpenDirectory Server.

     To use OpenDirectory Server Locales, simply create a locale on an OD server with the createLocale oper-ation. operation.
     ation.  Then add servers and subnets to the locale.  All localemanager operations are performed on the
     local OpenDirectory node.

     The first time a locale is created, a DefaultLocale will automatically be created as well.  The
     DefaultLocale will be used for any clients that don't match a subnet in any other locale.

     Before a locale can be configured, the server must already be an OpenDirectory server.

     Locales can be defined on each of the OD servers or on a single OD server in the group of OD mas-ter/replicas. master/replicas.
     ter/replicas.  For the latter, the locale information will get replicated to all of the other servers
     but locales will need to be "enabled" on the other servers by running the command localemanager


     help          Displays the commands and options.

     createLocale  Creates a new locale on the local OD server.  This command requires the -l option.

     deleteLocale  Deletes a locale from the local OD server.  This command requires the -l option.

     showLocale    Displays the current locale(s).  The -l option can be used to display a specific locale.
                   If -l is not specified, all locales are displayed.

                   Enables the use of locales on an OD server.  This command is automatically run the first
                   time any localemanager command is run on an OD server.  Therefore this command only needs
                   to be run if no other localemanager commands have been (or will be) run on this server.

     addSubnet     Adds a new subnet to the specified locale.  This command requires the -l -subnet options.

     removeSubnet  Removes a subnet from the specified locale.  This command requires -l -subnet options.

     addServer     Adds a server to the specified locale. This command requires the -l -server options.  If
                   the -i option is specified, that IP address will be used by locale clients.  This may be
                   useful for multi-homed servers to restrict locale clients to a specific network inter-face. interface.
                   face.  If the -i option is not specified the IP address(es) will be looked up.

     removeServer  Removes a server from the specified locale.  This command requires -l -server options.
                   If the -i option is specified, only that IP address will be removed from the locale.  If
                   the -i option is no specified, all of the server's IP addresses will be removed from the


     -l locale   Locale name.

     -subnet 192.168._._/16
                 Subnet specified in CIDR notation.

     -server server.example.com
                 Server fully-qualified domain name.

                 Use this IP address for the server.  Typically used to limit locale clients to a specific
                 interface on a multi-homed server.

     /var/log/localemanager.log                    localemanager log file.


     First introduced in Mac OS X 10.7

Darwin                         October 11, 2013                         Darwin

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