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SLAPCAT(8C)                                                                                      SLAPCAT(8C)

       slapcat - SLAPD database to LDIF utility

       /usr/sbin/slapcat  [-afilter] [-bsuffix] [-c] [-ddebug-level] [-fslapd.conf] [-Fconfdir] [-g] [-HURI]
       [-lldif-file] [-ndbnum] [-ooption[=value]] [-ssubtree-dn] [-v]

       Slapcat is used to generate an LDAP Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) output based  upon  the  con-tents contents
       tents  of a slapd(8) database.  It opens the given database determined by the database number or suf-fix suffix
       fix and writes the corresponding LDIF to standard output or the specified file.  Databases configured
       as subordinate of this one are also output, unless -g is specified.

       The  entry records are presented in database order, not superior first order.  The entry records will
       include all (user and operational) attributes stored in the database.  The  entry  records  will  not
       include dynamically generated attributes (such as subschemaSubentry).

       The  output  of  slapcat is intended to be used as input to slapadd(8).  The output of slapcat cannot
       generally be used as input to ldapadd(1) or other LDAP clients  without  first  editing  the  output.
       This editing would normally include reordering the records into superior first order and removing no-user-modification nouser-modification
       user-modification operational attributes.

       -a filter
              Only dump entries matching the asserted filter.  For example

              slapcat -a \

              will dump all but the "ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" subtree of the  "dc=example,dc=com"  data-base. database.
              base.  Deprecated; use -H ldap:///???(filter) instead.

       -b suffix
              Use the specified suffix to determine which database to generate output for.  The -b cannot be
              used in conjunction with the -n option.

       -c     Enable continue (ignore errors) mode.  Multiple occorrences of -c make slapcat(8) try  harder.

       -d debug-level
              Enable debugging messages as defined by the specified debug-level; see slapd(8) for details.

       -f slapd.conf
              Specify an alternative slapd.conf(5) file.

       -F confdir
              specify a config directory.  If both -f and -F are specified, the config file will be read and
              converted to config directory format and written  to  the  specified  directory.   If  neither
              option  is specified, an attempt to read the default config directory will be made before try-ing trying
              ing to use the default config file. If a valid config directory exists then the default config
              file is ignored.

       -g     disable  subordinate gluing.  Only the specified database will be processed, and not its glued
              subordinates (if any).

       -H  URI
              use dn, scope and filter from URI to only handle matching entries.

       -l ldif-file
              Write LDIF to specified file instead of standard output.

       -n dbnum
              Generate output for the dbnum-th database listed in the configuration file. The  config  data-base database
              base slapd-config(5), is always the first database, so use -n 0 to select it.

              The -n cannot be used in conjunction with the -b option.

       -o option[=value]
              Specify an option with a(n optional) value.  Possible generic options/values are:

                     syslog=<subsystems>  (see `-s' in slapd(8))
                     syslog-level=<level> (see `-S' in slapd(8))
                     syslog-user=<user>   (see `-l' in slapd(8))


              n is the number of columns allowed for the LDIF output
              (n equal to _ uses the default, corresponding to 76).
              Use no for no wrap.

       -s subtree-dn
              Only dump entries in the subtree specified by this DN.
              Implies -b subtree-dn if no
              option is given.
              Deprecated; use -H ldap:///subtree-dn instead.

       -v     Enable verbose mode.

       For  some  backend types, your slapd(8) should not be running (at least, not in read-write mode) when
       you do this to ensure consistency of the database.  It  is  always  safe  to  run  slapcat  with  the
       slapd-bdb(5), slapd-hdb(5), and slapd-null(5) backends.

       To make a text backup of your SLAPD database and put it in a file called ldif, give the command:

            /usr/sbin/slapcat -l ldif

       ldap(3), ldif(5), slapadd(8), ldapadd(1), slapd(8)

       "OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide" (http://www.OpenLDAP.org/doc/admin/)

       OpenLDAP  Software  is  developed  and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project <http://www.openldap.org/>.
       OpenLDAP Software is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

OpenLDAP 2.4.28                                  2011/11/24                                      SLAPCAT(8C)

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