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Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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Эта страница руководства для  версии 10.9 Mac OS X

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console(n)                                  Tk Built-In Commands                                  console(n)


       console - Control the console on systems without a real console

       console subcommand ?arg ...?

       The  console window is a replacement for a real console to allow input and output on the standard I/O
       channels on platforms that do not have a real console.  It is implemented as a  separate  interpreter
       with  the  Tk toolkit loaded, and control over this interpreter is given through the console command.
       The behaviour of the console window is defined mainly through the contents of the console.tcl file in
       the  Tk  library.  Except  for  TkAqua,  this command is not available when Tk is loaded into a tclsh
       interpreter with "package require Tk", as a conventional terminal is expected to be present  in  that
       case.  In TkAqua, this command is ony available when stdin is /dev/null (as is the case e.g. when the
       application embedding Tk is started from the Mac OS X Finder).

       console eval script
              Evaluate the script argument as a Tcl script in the console interpreter.   The  normal  inter-preter interpreter
              preter is accessed through the consoleinterp command in the console interpreter.

       console hide
              Hide  the  console  window from view.  Precisely equivalent to withdrawing the . window in the
              console interpreter.

       console show
              Display the console window.  Precisely equivalent to deiconifying the . window in the  console

       console title ?string?
              Query  or  modify  the  title  of the console window.  If string is not specified, queries the
              title of the console window, and sets the title of the console  window  to  string  otherwise.
              Precisely equivalent to using the wm title command in the console interpreter.

       The  consoleinterp  command  in  the  console  interpreter allows scripts to be evaluated in the main
       interpreter.  It supports two subcommands: eval and record.

       consoleinterp eval script
              Evaluates script as a Tcl script at the global level in the main interpreter.

       consoleinterp record script
              Records and evaluates script as a Tcl script at the global level in the main interpreter as if
              script had been typed in at the console.

       There  are  several  additional  commands  in  the console interpreter that are called in response to
       activity in the main interpreter.  These are documented here for completeness only; they form part of
       the internal implementation of the console and are likely to change or be modified without warning.

       Output  to  the  console  from  the main interpreter via the stdout and stderr channels is handled by
       invoking the tk::ConsoleOutput command in the console interpreter  with  two  arguments.   The  first
       argument  is  the  name  of the channel being written to, and the second argument is the string being
       written to the channel (after encoding and end-of-line translation processing has been performed.)

       When the . window of the main interpreter is destroyed, the tk::ConsoleExit command  in  the  console
       interpreter  is  called  (assuming  the console interpreter has not already been deleted itself, that

       The default script creates a console window (implemented using a text widget) that has the  following

       [1]    Pressing the tab key inserts a TAB character (as defined by the Tcl \t escape.)

       [2]    Pressing the return key causes the current line (if complete by the rules of info complete) to
              be passed to the main interpreter for evaluation.

       [3]    Pressing the delete key deletes the selected text (if any text is selected) or  the  character
              to the right of the cursor (if not at the end of the line.)

       [4]    Pressing  the backspace key deletes the selected text (if any text is selected) or the charac-ter character
              ter to the left of the cursor (of not at the start of the line.)

       [5]    Pressing either Control+A or the home key causes the cursor to go to the  start  of  the  line
              (but after the prompt, if a prompt is present on the line.)

       [6]    Pressing either Control+E or the end key causes the cursor to go to the end of the line.

       [7]    Pressing either Control+P or the up key causes the previous entry in the command history to be

       [8]    Pressing either Control+N or the down key causes the next entry in the command history  to  be

       [9]    Pressing  either Control+B or the left key causes the cursor to move one character backward as
              long as the cursor is not at the prompt.

       [10]   Pressing either Control+F or the right key causes the cursor to move one character forward.

       [11]   Pressing F9 rebuilds the console window by destroying all its children and reloading  the  Tcl
              script that defined the console's behaviour.

       Most  other  behaviour  is the same as a conventional text widget except for the way that the <<Cut>>
       event is handled identically to the <<Copy>> event.

       Not all platforms have the console command, so debugging code often has the following  code  fragment
       in it so output produced by puts can be seen while during development:
              catch {console show}

       destroy(n), fconfigure(n), history(n), interp(n), puts(n), text(n), wm(n)

       console, interpreter, window, interactive, output channels

Tk                                                   8.4                                          console(n)

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Ошибки содержания
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Форматирование проблем
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