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doctoc_lang_cmdref(n)                        Documentation tools                       doctoc_lang_cmdref(n)


       doctoc_lang_cmdref - doctoc language command reference

       comment plaintext


       division_start text ?symfile?

       include filename

       item file text desc



       toc_begin text title


       vset varname value

       vset varname


       This  document  specifies  both  names  and  syntax of all the commands which together are the doctoc
       markup language, version 1.  As this document is intended to be a reference the commands  are  listed
       in  alphabetical  order,  and the descriptions are relatively short.  A beginner should read the much
       more informally written doctoc language introduction first.

       comment plaintext
              Toc markup. The argument text is marked up as a comment standing outside of the actual text of
              the document. Main use is in free-form text.

              Toc structure. This command closes the division opened by the last division_begin command com-ing coming
              ing before it, and not yet closed.

       division_start text ?symfile?
              Toc structure. This command opens a division in the table  of  contents.  Its  counterpart  is
              division_end. Together they allow a user to give a table of contents additional structure.

              The title of the new division is provided by the argument text.

              If  the  symbolic filename symfile is present then the section title should link to the refer-enced referenced
              enced document, if links are supported by the output format.

       include filename
              Templating. The contents of the named file are interpreted  as  text  written  in  the  doctoc
              markup  and  processed  in  the place of the include command. The markup in the file has to be
              self-contained. It is not possible for a markup command to cross the file boundaries.

       item file text desc
              Toc structure. This command adds an individual element to the table  of  contents.  Each  such
              element  refers  to  a document. The document is specified through the symbolic name file. The
              text argument is used to label the reference, whereas the desc provides  a  short  descriptive
              text of that document.

              The  symbolic  names are used to preserve the convertibility of this format to any output for-mat. format.
              mat. The actual name of the file will be inserted by the chosen formatting  engine  when  con-verting converting
              verting  the input. This will be based on a mapping from symbolic to actual names given to the

       lb     Text. The command is replaced with a left bracket. Use in free-form text.  Required  to  avoid
              interpretation  of a left bracket as the start of a markup command. Its usage is restricted to
              the arguments of other markup commands.

       rb     Text. The command is replaced with a right bracket. Use in free-form text. Required  to  avoid
              interpretation  of  a right bracket as the end of a markup command. Its usage is restricted to
              the arguments of other commands.

       toc_begin text title
              Document structure. The command to start a table of contents. The arguments are  a  label  for
              the  whole  group  of  documents the index refers to (text) and the overall title text for the
              index (title), without markup.

              The label often is the name of the package (or extension) the documents belong to.

              Document structure. Command to end a table of contents. Anything in the document coming  after
              this command is in error.

       vset varname value
              Templating.  In this form the command sets the named document variable to the specified value.
              It does not generate output. I.e. the command is replaced by the empty string.

       vset varname
              Templating. In this form the command is replaced by the value of the named document variable

       This document, and the package it describes,  will  undoubtedly  contain  bugs  and  other  problems.
       Please   report   such   in   the  category  doctools  of  the  Tcllib  SF  Trackers  [http://source -
       forge.net/tracker/? group_id=12883].  Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may  have  for
       either package and/or documentation.

       doctoc_intro, doctoc_lang_faq, doctoc_lang_intro, doctoc_lang_syntax

       doctoc commands, doctoc language, doctoc markup, markup, semantic markup

       Documentation tools

       Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>

doctools                                             1.0                               doctoc_lang_cmdref(n)

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