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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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doctools_intro(n)                            Documentation tools                           doctools_intro(n)


       doctools_intro - doctools introduction

       doctools  (short  for documentation tools) stands for a set of related, yet different, entities which
       are working together for the easy creation and transformation of documentation. These are

       [1]    A tcl based language for the semantic markup of text. Markup is represented  by  Tcl  commands
              interspersed with the actual text.

       [2]    A  package  providing the ability to read and transform texts written in that markup language.
              It is important to note that the actual transformation of the input text is delegated to plug-ins. plugins.

       [3]    An API describing the interface between the package above and a plugin.

       Which of the more detailed documents are relevant to the reader of this introduction depends on their
       role in the documentation process.

       [1]    A writer of documentation has to understand the markup language itself. A beginner to doctools
              should  read the more informally written doctools language introduction first. Having digested
              this the formal doctools language syntax specification should become understandable. A  writer
              experienced  with  doctools may only need the doctools language command reference from time to
              time to refresh her memory.

              While a document is written the dtplite application can be used to validate it, and after com-pletion completion
              pletion  it also performs the conversion into the chosen system of visual markup, be it *roff,
              HTML, plain text, wiki, etc.

       [2]    A processor of documentation written in the doctools markup language has to know  which  tools
              are available for use.

              The  main  tool  is the aforementioned dtplite application provided by Tcllib. A more powerful
              one (in terms of options and ability to configure it) is  the  dtp  application,  provided  by
              Tclapps.  At the bottom level, common to both applications, however sits the package doctools,
              providing the basic facilities to read and process files containing text in the doctools  for-mat. format.

       [3]    At last, but not least, plugin writers have to understand the interaction between the doctools
              package and its plugins, as described in the doctools plugin API reference.

       doctools does not stand alone, it has two companion formats. These are called docidx and doctoc,  and
       they are for the markup of keyword indices, and tables of contents, respectively.  They are described
       in their own sets of documents, starting at the docidx  introduction  and  the  doctoc  introduction,

       This  document, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems.  Please report such in the category
       doctools of the Tcllib SF  Trackers  [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12883].   Please  also
       report any ideas for enhancements you may have.

       docidx_intro,  doctoc_intro,  doctools, doctools_lang_cmdref, doctools_lang_faq, doctools_lang_intro,
       doctools_lang_syntax, doctools_plugin_apiref

       markup, semantic markup

       Documentation tools

       Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>

doctools                                             1.0                                   doctools_intro(n)

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