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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Библиотека разработчика Mac Разработчик


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idebug(n)                                                                                          idebug(n)


       idebug - Interactive debugging environment in TkCon

       idebug body ?level?

       idebug break ?id?

       idebug {echo ?id?} ?args?

       idebug id ?id?

       idebug off

       idebug on ?id?

       idebug {puts ?id?} args

       idebug show type ?level? ?VERBOSE?

       idebug trace ?level?


       The  idebug  command provides an interactive debugging environment for procedures via TkCon.  You can
       place idebug break commands into your procedure to create breakpoints.  It will pop up the TkCon con-sole console
       sole  and  put you into a "debugging" mode.  The body, show & trace methods are intended for internal
       use only.  This procedure works for minimal debugging sessions.  Comments are encouraged.

       idebug body ?level?
              Prints out the body of the command (if it is a  procedure)  at  the  specified  level.   level
              defaults to the current level.

       idebug break ?id?
              Creates  a  breakpoint  within a procedure.  This will only trigger if idebug is on and the id
              matches the pattern.  If so, TkCon will pop to the front with the prompt changed to an  idebug
              prompt.   You  are given the basic ability to observe the call stack an query/set variables or
              execute Tcl commands at any level.  A separate history is maintained in  debugging  mode.   To
              see the special commands available at the debug prompt, type ? and hit return.

       idebug {echo ?id?} ?args?
              Behaves  just  like echo, but only triggers when idebug is on.  You can specify an optional id
              to further restrict triggering.  If no id is specified, it defaults to the name of the command
              in which the call was made.

       idebug id ?id?
              Query  or  set  the  idebug  id.  This id is used by other idebug methods to determine if they
              should trigger or not.  The idebug id can be a glob pattern and defaults to *.

       idebug off
              Turns idebug off.

       idebug on ?id?
              Turns idebug on.  If id is specified, it sets the id to it.

       idebug {puts ?id?} args
              Behaves just like puts, but only triggers when idebug is on.  You can specify an  optional  id
              to further restrict triggering.  If no id is specified, it defaults to the name of the command
              in which the call was made.

       idebug show type ?level? ?VERBOSE?
              type  must  be  one  of  vars,  locals  or  globals.   This  method  will  output  the   vari-ables/locals/globals variables/locals/globals
              ables/locals/globals  present  in  a  particular level.  If VERBOSE is added, then it actually
              dumps out the values as well.  level defaults to the level in which this method was called.

       idebug trace ?level?
              Prints out the stack trace from the specified level up to the top level.   level  defaults  to
              the current level.

       dump(n), observe(n), tkcon(1), tkcon(n), tkconrc(5)

       Tk, console, debug

       Copyright (c) Jeffrey Hobbs <jeff at hobbs.org>

TkCon                                                2.5                                           idebug(n)

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