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Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Библиотека разработчика Mac Разработчик


Эта страница руководства для  версии 10.9 Mac OS X

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platform::shell(n)                          Tcl Bundled Packages                          platform::shell(n)


       platform::shell - System identification support code and utilities

       package require platform::shell ?1.1.4?

       platform::shell::generic shell
       platform::shell::identify shell
       platform::shell::platform shell

       The  platform::shell  package  provides several utility commands useful for the identification of the
       architecture of a specific Tcl shell.

       This package allows the identification of the architecture of a specific Tcl shell different from the
       shell  running the package. The only requirement is that the other shell (identified by its path), is
       actually executable on the current machine.

       While for most platform this means that the architecture of the interrogated shell  is  identical  to
       the architecture of the running shell this is not generally true. A counter example are all platforms
       which have 32 and 64 bit variants and where a 64bit system is able to run 32bit code. For these  run-ning running
       ning and interrogated shell may have different 32/64 bit settings and thus different identifiers.

       For  applications  like  a  code repository it is important to identify the architecture of the shell
       which will actually run the installed packages, versus the architecture  of  the  shell  running  the
       repository software.

       platform::shell::identify shell
              This  command does the same identification as platform::identify, for the specified Tcl shell,
              in contrast to the running shell.

       platform::shell::generic shell
              This command does the same identification as platform::generic, for the specified  Tcl  shell,
              in contrast to the running shell.

       platform::shell::platform shell
              This command returns the contents of tcl_platform(platform) for the specified Tcl shell.

       operating system, cpu architecture, platform, architecture

platform::shell                                     1.1.4                                 platform::shell(n)

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Ошибки содержания
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Отчеты об ошибках
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Форматирование проблем
Отчет, форматирующий ошибки в интерактивной версии этих страниц со ссылками на отзыв ниже.