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pt::peg(n)                                      Parser Tools                                      pt::peg(n)


       pt::peg - Parsing Expression Grammar Serialization

       package require Tcl  8.5

       package require pt::peg  ?1?

       package require pt::pe

       ::pt::peg verify serial ?canonvar?

       ::pt::peg verify-as-canonical serial

       ::pt::peg canonicalize serial

       ::pt::peg print serial

       ::pt::peg merge seriala serialb

       ::pt::peg equal seriala serialb


       Are you lost ?  Do you have trouble understanding this document ?  In that case please read the over-view overview
       view provided by the Introduction to Parser Tools. This document is the entrypoint to the whole  sys-tem system
       tem the current package is a part of.

       This package provides commands to work with the serializations of parsing expression grammars as man-aged managed
       aged by the Parser Tools, and specified in section PEG serialization format.

       This is a supporting package in the Core Layer of Parser Tools.

       IMAGE: arch_core_support

       ::pt::peg verify serial ?canonvar?
              This command verifies that the content of serial is a valid serialization of a parsing expres-sion expression
              sion  and  will throw an error if that is not the case. The result of the command is the empty

              If the argument canonvar is specified it is interpreted as the name of a variable in the call-ing calling
              ing context. This variable will be written to if and only if serial is a valid regular serial-ization. serialization.
              ization. Its value will be a boolean, with True indicating that the serialization is not  only
              valid, but also canonical. False will be written for a valid, but non-canonical serialization.

              For the specification of serializations see the section PE serialization format.

       ::pt::peg verify-as-canonical serial
              This command verifies that the content of serial is a valid canonical serialization of  a  PEG
              and  will  throw  an  error  if  that  is not the case. The result of the command is the empty

              For the specification of canonical serializations see the section PEG serialization format.

       ::pt::peg canonicalize serial
              This command assumes that the content of serial is a valid regular serialization of a PEG  and
              will throw an error if that is not the case.

              It  will  then  convert  the  input  into the canonical serialization of the contained PEG and
              return it as its result. If the input is already canonical it will be returned unchanged.

              For the specification of regular and canonical serializations see the section  PEG  serializa-tion serialization
              tion format.

       ::pt::peg print serial
              This  command  assumes  that  the  argument serial contains a valid serialization of a parsing
              expression and returns a string containing that PE in a human readable form.

              The exact format of this form is not specified and cannot be relied on for  parsing  or  other
              machine-based activities.

              For the specification of serializations see the section PEG serialization format.

       ::pt::peg merge seriala serialb
              This  command accepts the regular serializations of two grammars and uses them to create their
              union.  The result of the command is the canonical serialization of this unified grammar.

              A merge errors occurs if for any nonterminal symbol S occuring in both input grammars the  two
              input grammars specify different semantic modes.

              The  semantic  mode of each nonterminal symbol S is the semantic mode of S in any of its input
              grammars. The previous rule made sure that for symbols occuring in both grammars these  values
              are identical.

              The right-hand side of each nonterminal symbol S occuring in both input grammars is the choice
              between the right-hand sides of S in the input grammars, with the parsing expression of  S  in
              seriala coming first, except if both expressions are identical. In that case the first expres-sion expression
              sion is taken.

              The right-hand side of each nonterminal symbol S occuring in only one of the input grammars is
              the right-hand side of S in its input grammar.

              The start expression of the unified grammar is the choice between the start expressions of the
              input grammars, with the start expression of seriala coming first, except if both  expressions
              are identical.  In that case the first expression is taken

       ::pt::peg equal seriala serialb
              This command tests the two grammars seriala and serialb for structural equality. The result of
              the command is a boolean value. It will be set to true if the expressions are  identical,  and
              false otherwise.

              String  equality  is usable only if we can assume that the two grammars are pure Tcl lists and

       Here we specify the format used by the Parser Tools  to  serialize  Parsing  Expression  Grammars  as
       immutable values for transport, comparison, etc.

       We distinguish between regular and canonical serializations.  While a PEG may have more than one reg-ular regular
       ular serialization only exactly one of them will be canonical.

       regular serialization

              [1]    The serialization of any PEG is a nested Tcl dictionary.

              [2]    This dictionary holds a single key, pt::grammar::peg, and its value. This  value  holds
                     the contents of the grammar.

              [3]    The contents of the grammar are a Tcl dictionary holding the set of nonterminal symbols
                     and the starting expression. The relevant keys and their values are

                     rules  The value is a Tcl dictionary whose keys are the names of the  nonterminal  sym-bols symbols
                            bols known to the grammar.

                            [1]    Each nonterminal symbol may occur only once.

                            [2]    The empty string is not a legal nonterminal symbol.

                            [3]    The  value  for each symbol is a Tcl dictionary itself. The relevant keys
                                   and their values in this dictionary are

                                   is     The value is the serialization of the parsing expression  describ-ing describing
                                          ing  the symbols sentennial structure, as specified in the section
                                          PE serialization format.

                                   mode   The value can be one of  three  values  specifying  how  a  parser
                                          should handle the semantic value produced by the symbol.

                                          value  The semantic value of the nonterminal symbol is an abstract
                                                 syntax tree consisting of a single node node for  the  non-terminal nonterminal
                                                 terminal  itself,  which has the ASTs of the symbol's right
                                                 hand side as its children.

                                          leaf   The semantic value of the nonterminal symbol is an abstract
                                                 syntax  tree  consisting of a single node node for the non-terminal, nonterminal,
                                                 terminal, without any children. Any ASTs generated  by  the
                                                 symbol's right hand side are discarded.

                                          void   The  nonterminal  has no semantic value. Any ASTs generated
                                                 by the symbol's right hand side are discarded (as well).

                     start  The value is the serialization of the start parsing expression of  the  grammar,
                            as specified in the section PE serialization format.

              [4]    The terminal symbols of the grammar are specified implicitly as the set of all terminal
                     symbols used in the start expression and on the RHS of the grammar rules.

       canonical serialization
              The canonical serialization of a grammar has the format as specified in the previous item, and
              then additionally satisfies the constraints below, which make it unique among all the possible
              serializations of this grammar.

              [1]    The keys found in all the nested Tcl dictionaries are sorted  in  ascending  dictionary
                     order, as generated by Tcl's builtin command lsort -increasing -dict.

              [2]    The string representation of the value is the canonical representation of a Tcl dictio-nary. dictionary.
                     nary. I.e. it does not contain superfluous whitespace.

       Assuming the following PEG for simple mathematical expressions

       PEG calculator (Expression)
           Digit      <- '0'/'1'/'2'/'3'/'4'/'5'/'6'/'7'/'8'/'9'   ;
           Sign       <- '-' / '+'                       ;
           Number     <- Sign? Digit+                         ;
           Expression <- '(' Expression ')' / (Factor (MulOp Factor)*)  ;
           MulOp      <- '*' / '/'                       ;
           Factor     <- Term (AddOp Term)*                   ;
           AddOp      <- '+'/'-'                         ;
           Term       <- Number                     ;

       then its canonical serialization (except for whitespace) is

       pt::grammar::peg {
           rules {
            AddOp      {is {/ {t -} {t +}}                                                                mode value}
            Digit      {is {/ {t 0} {t 1} {t 2} {t 3} {t 4} {t 5} {t 6} {t 7} {t 8} {t 9}}                mode value}
            Expression {is {/ {x {t (} {n Expression} {t )}} {x {n Factor} {* {x {n MulOp} {n Factor}}}}} mode value}
            Factor     {is {x {n Term} {* {x {n AddOp} {n Term}}}}                                        mode value}
            MulOp      {is {/ {t *} {t /}}                                                                mode value}
            Number     {is {x {? {n Sign}} {+ {n Digit}}}                                                 mode value}
            Sign       {is {/ {t -} {t +}}                                                                mode value}
            Term       {is  {n Number}                                                                    mode value}
           start {n Expression}

       Here we specify the format used by the Parser Tools to serialize  Parsing  Expressions  as  immutable
       values for transport, comparison, etc.

       We  distinguish  between  regular  and canonical serializations.  While a parsing expression may have
       more than one regular serialization only exactly one of them will be canonical.

       Regular serialization

              Atomic Parsing Expressions

                     [1]    The string epsilon is an atomic parsing expression. It matches the empty string.

                     [2]    The string dot is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any character.

                     [3]    The  string alnum is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode alpha-
                            bet or digit character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's builtin
                            command string is.

                     [4]    The  string alpha is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode alpha-bet alphabet
                            bet character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's builtin  command
                            string is.

                     [5]    The string ascii is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode charac-ter character
                            ter below U0080. This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's  builtin  com-mand command
                            mand string is.

                     [6]    The  string control is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode con-trol control
                            trol character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's builtin command
                            string is.

                     [7]    The  string  digit is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode digit
                            character. Note that this includes characters outside of the [0..9] range.  This
                            is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's builtin command string is.

                     [8]    The  string graph is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode print-ing printing
                            ing character, except for space. This is a custom  extension  of  PEs  based  on
                            Tcl's builtin command string is.

                     [9]    The  string lower is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode lower-case lowercase
                            case alphabet character. This is a  custom  extension  of  PEs  based  on  Tcl's
                            builtin command string is.

                     [10]   The  string print is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode print-ing printing
                            ing character, including space. This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's
                            builtin command string is.

                     [11]   The string punct is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode punctu-ation punctuation
                            ation character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's  builtin  com-mand command
                            mand string is.

                     [12]   The  string  space is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode space
                            character. This is a custom extension of PEs  based  on  Tcl's  builtin  command
                            string is.

                     [13]   The  string upper is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode upper-case uppercase
                            case alphabet character. This is a  custom  extension  of  PEs  based  on  Tcl's
                            builtin command string is.

                     [14]   The string wordchar is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any Unicode word
                            character. This is any alphanumeric character (see  alnum),  and  any  connector
                            punctuation  characters  (e.g.   underscore).  This is a custom extension of PEs
                            based on Tcl's builtin command string is.

                     [15]   The string xdigit is an atomic parsing expression. It  matches  any  hexadecimal
                            digit  character.  This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's builtin com-mand command
                            mand string is.

                     [16]   The string ddigit is an atomic parsing expression. It matches any decimal  digit
                            character. This is a custom extension of PEs based on Tcl's builtin command reg-exp. regexp.

                     [17]   The expression [list t x] is an atomic parsing expression. It matches the termi-nal terminal
                            nal string x.

                     [18]   The  expression  [list n A] is an atomic parsing expression. It matches the non-terminal nonterminal
                            terminal A.

              Combined Parsing Expressions

                     [1]    For parsing expressions e1, e2, ... the result of [list / e1 e2 ... ] is a pars-ing parsing
                            ing expression as well.  This is the ordered choice, aka prioritized choice.

                     [2]    For parsing expressions e1, e2, ... the result of [list x e1 e2 ... ] is a pars-ing parsing
                            ing expression as well.  This is the sequence.

                     [3]    For a parsing expression e the result of [list * e] is a parsing  expression  as
                            well.  This is the kleene closure, describing zero or more repetitions.

                     [4]    For  a  parsing expression e the result of [list + e] is a parsing expression as
                            well.  This is the positive kleene closure, describing one or more  repetitions.

                     [5]    For  a  parsing expression e the result of [list & e] is a parsing expression as
                            well.  This is the and lookahead predicate.

                     [6]    For a parsing expression e the result of [list ! e] is a parsing  expression  as
                            well.  This is the not lookahead predicate.

                     [7]    For  a  parsing expression e the result of [list ? e] is a parsing expression as
                            well.  This is the optional input.

       Canonical serialization
              The canonical serialization of a parsing expression has the format as specified in the  previ-ous previous
              ous  item,  and  then additionally satisfies the constraints below, which make it unique among
              all the possible serializations of this parsing expression.

              [1]    The string representation of the value is the canonical representation of  a  pure  Tcl
                     list. I.e. it does not contain superfluous whitespace.

              [2]    Terminals are not encoded as ranges (where start and end of the range are identical).

       Assuming the parsing expression shown on the right-hand side of the rule

           Expression <- '(' Expression ')'
                       / Factor (MulOp Factor)*

       then its canonical serialization (except for whitespace) is

           {/ {x {t (} {n Expression} {t )}} {x {n Factor} {* {x {n MulOp} {n Factor}}}}}

       This  document,  and  the  package  it  describes,  will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems.
       Please  report  such   in   the   category   pt   of   the   Tcllib   SF   Trackers   [http://source -
       forge.net/tracker/? group_id=12883].   Please  also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for
       either package and/or documentation.

       EBNF, LL(k), PEG, TDPL,  context-free  languages,  expression,  grammar,  matching,  parser,  parsing
       expression, parsing expression grammar, push down automaton, recursive descent, state, top-down pars-ing parsing
       ing languages, transducer

       Parsing and Grammars

       Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>

pt                                                    1                                           pt::peg(n)

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