/* |
File: Controller.m |
Abstract: Implementation file for the Controller class in CocoaDVDPlayer, |
an Apple Developer sample project. |
Version: 1.3 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple |
Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following |
terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of |
this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do |
not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or |
redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and |
subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive |
license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the |
"Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple |
Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; |
provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following |
text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. |
Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may |
be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software |
without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or |
implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any |
patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other |
works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE |
Copyright (C) 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
*/ |
#import <DVDPlayback/DVDPlayback.h> |
#import "Controller.h" |
/* |
******************************************************************************** |
** |
** Class: DVDEvent |
** |
******************************************************************************** |
*/ |
/* This is a private class that's used to pass DVD playback event information |
from the callback function MyDVDEventHandler (which runs in a thread other than |
the main thread) to the method handleDVDEvent, which runs in the main thread and |
actually does the work. */ |
@interface DVDEvent : NSObject |
{ |
DVDEventCode mEventCode; |
DVDEventValue mEventData1, mEventData2; |
} |
- (id) initWithData:(DVDEventCode)eventCode |
data1:(DVDEventValue)eventData1 |
data2:(DVDEventValue)eventData2; |
- (DVDEventCode) eventCode; |
- (DVDEventValue) eventData1; |
- (DVDEventValue) eventData2; |
@end |
@implementation DVDEvent |
- (id) initWithData: (DVDEventCode)eventCode |
data1:(DVDEventValue)eventData1 |
data2:(DVDEventValue)eventData2 |
{ |
if ((self = [super init]) != nil) { |
mEventCode = eventCode; |
mEventData1 = eventData1; |
mEventData2 = eventData2; |
} |
return self; |
} |
- (DVDEventCode) eventCode { return mEventCode; } |
- (DVDEventValue) eventData1 { return mEventData1; } |
- (DVDEventValue) eventData2 { return mEventData2; } |
@end |
/* |
******************************************************************************** |
** |
** Class: Controller |
** |
******************************************************************************** |
*/ |
/* These methods are used inside this file only. */ |
@interface Controller (InternalMethods) <NSApplicationDelegate> |
- (BOOL) searchMountedDVDDisc; |
- (BOOL) hasMedia; |
- (BOOL) isValidMedia:(NSURL *)mediaURL; |
- (BOOL) openMedia:(NSString *)inPath isVolume:(BOOL)isVolume; |
- (UInt16) setAudioVolume:(BOOL)up; |
- (int) displayAlertWithMessage:(NSString *)msgKey withInfo:(NSString *)infoKey; |
- (void) beginSession; |
- (void) endSession; |
- (void) closeMedia; |
- (void) deviceDidMount:(NSNotification *)notification; |
- (void) handleDVDEvent:(DVDEvent *)event; |
- (void) handleDVDError:(DVDErrorCode)errorCode; |
- (void) machineDidWake:(NSNotification *)notification; |
- (void) machineWillSleep:(NSNotification *)notification; |
- (void) logMediaInfo; |
- (void) resetUI; |
void MyDVDErrorHandler ( |
DVDErrorCode inErrorCode, |
void *inRefCon); |
void MyDVDEventHandler ( |
DVDEventCode inEventCode, |
DVDEventValue inEventData1, |
DVDEventValue inEventData2, |
void *inRefCon); |
@end |
@implementation Controller |
/* Our init method defines our initial state and registers for |
notifications. The DVD playback session is initialized later, in the method |
applicationDidFinishLaunching. */ |
- (id)init |
{ |
if ((self = [super init]) != nil) { |
mBookmarks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; |
mDVDState = kDVDStateUnknown; |
mEventCallBackID = 0; |
mVolumePath = nil; |
/* register for several notifications posted to the shared workspace |
notification center */ |
NSNotificationCenter *center = |
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]; |
[center addObserver:self |
selector:@selector(deviceDidMount:) |
name:NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification |
object:NULL]; |
[center addObserver:self |
selector:@selector(machineWillSleep:) |
name:NSWorkspaceWillSleepNotification |
object:NULL]; |
[center addObserver:self |
selector:@selector(machineDidWake:) |
name:NSWorkspaceDidWakeNotification |
object:NULL]; |
/* make sure we're the delegate of the NSApplication instance */ |
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] setDelegate:self]; |
} |
return self; |
} |
/* The dealloc message is normally received when our creator releases us. |
Cocoa doesn't seem to do this automatically when the application terminates, |
so we release ourself in the method applicationWillTerminate. */ |
- (void) dealloc |
{ |
[mBookmarks release]; |
[[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] removeObserver:self]; |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; |
[super dealloc]; |
} |
/* The deviceDidMount notification is received when the system mounts a |
removable volume. We registered for this notification in our init method. If no |
media is playing, we naively assume the user has inserted a new DVD disc and |
respond by sending the openMedia message. No harm is done if the volume is not a |
DVD, just a few wasted cycles. */ |
- (void) deviceDidMount:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
if (mDVDState != kDVDStatePlaying) |
{ |
NSString *devicePath = |
[[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSDevicePath"]; |
NSLog(@"Device did mount: %@", devicePath); |
/* DVD volumes have a VIDEO_TS media folder at the root level */ |
NSString *mediaPath = [devicePath stringByAppendingString:@"/VIDEO_TS"]; |
[self openMedia:mediaPath isVolume:YES]; |
} |
} |
/* The machineWillSleep notification is received when the system is about to |
sleep. We registered for this notification in our init method. We respond |
by notifying DVD Playback Services. */ |
- (void) machineWillSleep:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
OSStatus result = DVDSleep(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDSleep returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
/* The machineDidWake notification is received when the system is no longer |
sleeping. We registered for this notification in our init method. We respond by |
notifying DVD Playback Services. */ |
- (void) machineDidWake:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
OSStatus result = DVDWakeUp(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDWakeUp returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
/* This method is declared in the NSMenuValidation protocol. As the delegate of |
the application object, we get a validateMenuItem message whenever the user |
displays one of the CocoaDVDPlayer menus. We respond by changing the appearance |
of several menu items, based on our state. */ |
- (BOOL) validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)inItem |
{ |
SEL action = [inItem action]; |
/* File menu */ |
if (action == @selector(onMediaFolder:)) { |
if ([self hasMedia] == NO) { |
[inItem setTitle:@"Open Media Folder..."]; |
[inItem setKeyEquivalent:@"o"]; |
} |
else { |
[inItem setTitle:@"Close Media Folder"]; |
[inItem setKeyEquivalent:@"w"]; |
} |
} |
/* Controls menu */ |
if (action == @selector(onMute:)) { |
Boolean isMuted; |
(void) DVDIsMuted (&isMuted); |
if (isMuted) |
/* display check mark */ |
[inItem setState: NSOnState]; |
else |
/* hide check mark */ |
[inItem setState: NSOffState]; |
} |
/* Window menu */ |
if (action == @selector(onShowController:)) { |
if ([mControlWindow isVisible]) |
[inItem setTitle:@"Hide Controller"]; |
else |
[inItem setTitle:@"Show Controller"]; |
} |
/* always enable the menu item */ |
return YES; |
} |
/* The setAudioVolume message is sent by the two action methods onVolumeUp |
and onVolumeDown, in response to a user request to increase or decrease the |
audio level. The audio level is an integer in the range minLevel (0) to maxLevel |
(255). We change the level by an increment of 16, which is 1/16 of the total |
range. */ |
- (UInt16) setAudioVolume:(BOOL)up |
{ |
/* get range and current audio level */ |
UInt16 minLevel, curLevel, maxLevel; |
OSStatus result = DVDGetAudioVolumeInfo (&minLevel, &curLevel, &maxLevel); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDGetAudioVolumeInfo returned %ld", result); |
} |
UInt16 newLevel; |
/* compute how much we are going to change */ |
UInt16 delta = (maxLevel - minLevel + 1) / 16; |
if (up) { |
/* compute the next level in the up direction, clamping the value to maxLevel */ |
newLevel = MIN(curLevel + delta, maxLevel); |
} |
else { |
/* compute the next level in the down direction, clamping the value to minLevel */ |
newLevel = MAX(curLevel - delta, minLevel); |
} |
/* set the new audio level */ |
result = DVDSetAudioVolume (newLevel); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDSetAudioVolume returned %ld", result); |
} |
/* return the new level, which we use to adjust the audio slider */ |
return newLevel; |
} |
/* After the application finishes launching, we search for mounted volumes that |
might be DVD media. We attempt to open each volume for playback. We can open |
only one media folder at a time, so we stop when we succeed. */ |
- (BOOL) searchMountedDVDDisc |
{ |
BOOL foundDVD = NO; |
/* get an array of strings containing the full pathnames of all |
currently mounted removable media */ |
NSArray *volumes = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] mountedRemovableMedia]; |
NSInteger i, count = [volumes count]; |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) |
{ |
/* get the next volume path, and append the standard name for the |
media folder on a DVD-Video volume */ |
NSString *path = [[volumes objectAtIndex:i] stringByAppendingString:@"/VIDEO_TS"]; |
foundDVD = [self openMedia:path isVolume:YES]; |
if (foundDVD) { |
/* we just opened a DVD volume */ |
break; |
} |
} |
return foundDVD; |
} |
/* This method displays a modal alert panel with a short and long text |
message. Both messages should be stored in a Localizable.strings file inside |
the application bundle. You pass in the two string keys that correspond to the |
text you want to display. */ |
- (NSInteger) displayAlertWithMessage:(NSString *)msgKey withInfo:(NSString *)infoKey |
{ |
NSString *messageText = nil; |
NSString *informativeText = nil; |
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]; |
if (bundle) { |
messageText = [bundle localizedStringForKey:msgKey |
value:@"No translation" table:@"Localizable"]; |
informativeText = [bundle localizedStringForKey:infoKey |
value:@"No translation" table:@"Localizable"]; |
} |
NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init]; |
[alert setAlertStyle: NSCriticalAlertStyle]; |
[alert setMessageText: messageText]; |
[alert setInformativeText: informativeText]; |
NSInteger result = [alert runModal]; |
[alert release]; |
return result; |
} |
/* This method starts a new playback session, registers our DVD event and DVD |
error handlers, and defines the rate at which timer events arrive. */ |
- (void) beginSession |
{ |
/* start a new playback session */ |
NSLog(@"Step 1: Begin Session"); |
OSStatus result = DVDInitialize(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
/* we can't do anything useful now, so we handle the error and exit */ |
NSLog(@"DVDInitialize returned %ld", result); |
if (result == kDVDErrorInitializingLib) { |
/* notify user that another client is using the framework */ |
[self displayAlertWithMessage:@"frameworkBusy" withInfo:@"frameworkBusyInfo"]; |
} |
[NSApp terminate:self]; |
} |
/* install our handler for playback events */ |
DVDEventCode eventCodes[] = { |
kDVDEventDisplayMode, |
kDVDEventError, |
/* registering for and handling this event makes the use of |
DVDGetState unnecessary */ |
kDVDEventPlayback, |
kDVDEventPTT, |
kDVDEventTitle, |
kDVDEventTitleTime, |
kDVDEventVideoStandard, |
}; |
result = DVDRegisterEventCallBack ( |
MyDVDEventHandler, |
eventCodes, |
sizeof(eventCodes)/sizeof(DVDEventCode), |
(void *)self, |
&mEventCallBackID); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDRegisterEventCallBack returned %ld", result); |
} |
/* install a handler for unrecoverable errors */ |
result = DVDSetFatalErrorCallBack (MyDVDErrorHandler, (void *)self); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDSetFatalErrorCallBack returned %ld", result); |
} |
/* Change the period for the recurring kDVDEventTitleTime event to 1000 |
milliseconds. This makes it more likely that the playback time advances at |
least one second on each update. */ |
result = DVDSetTimeEventRate (1000); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDSetTimeEventRate returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
/* This method determines whether a specified path represents a valid DVD-Video |
media folder. */ |
- (BOOL) isValidMedia:(NSURL *)mediaURL |
{ |
BOOL isDir; |
Boolean isValid = false; |
NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; |
if ([manager fileExistsAtPath:[mediaURL path] isDirectory:&isDir] && isDir) |
{ |
OSStatus result = DVDIsValidMediaURL ((CFURLRef)mediaURL, &isValid); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDIsValidMediaURL returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
return isValid; |
} |
/* We send ourself the openMedia message: (1) when the application launches and |
finds removable media, (2) when the deviceDidMount notification is received, or |
(3) when the user chooses the menu item Open Media Folder and selects a folder |
to open. In cases 1 and 2, we call DVDOpenMediavolume. In case 3, we always call |
DVDOpenMediaFile even if the folder is actually on a DVD disc volume. */ |
- (BOOL) openMedia:(NSString *)inPath isVolume:(BOOL)isVolume |
{ |
BOOL mediaIsOpen = NO; |
NSURL *mediaURL = [NSURL URLWithString:inPath]; |
if ([self isValidMedia:mediaURL]) |
{ |
OSStatus result; |
if ([self hasMedia] == YES) { |
[self closeMedia]; |
} |
if (isVolume) { |
result = DVDOpenMediaVolumeWithURL ((CFURLRef)mediaURL); |
if (result == noErr) { |
mVolumePath = inPath; |
[mVolumePath retain]; |
} |
} |
else { |
result = DVDOpenMediaFileWithURL ((CFURLRef)mediaURL); |
} |
if (result == noErr) { |
NSLog(@"Step 5: Open Media"); |
NSLog(@"Media Folder: %@", inPath); |
mediaIsOpen = YES; |
[self logMediaInfo]; |
} |
if (result == kDVDErrordRegionCodeUninitialized) { |
/* The drive region code has not been initialized. Refer to the |
readme file for information on handling this situation. */ |
[self displayAlertWithMessage:@"noRegionCode" withInfo:@"noRegionCodeInfo"]; |
[NSApp terminate:self]; |
} |
} |
return mediaIsOpen; |
} |
/* We send ourself the closeMedia message (1) when a media folder is open and |
the user closes the folder, (2) when the user selects a new media folder to open |
and another media folder is already open, or (3) when the session is ending. */ |
- (void) closeMedia |
{ |
if ([self hasMedia] == NO) |
return; |
NSLog(@"Step 7: Close Media"); |
if (mVolumePath) { |
OSStatus result = DVDCloseMediaVolume(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDCloseMediaVolume returned %ld", result); |
} |
[mVolumePath release]; |
mVolumePath = nil; |
} |
else { |
OSStatus result = DVDCloseMediaFile(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDCloseMediaFile returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
/* clear all information in Controller window */ |
[self resetUI]; |
/* delete any bookmarks */ |
[mBookmarks removeAllObjects]; |
} |
/* If a playback session is active, this method closes media, unregisters the |
event callback, and ends the session. We send ourself the endSession message |
when the application is about to terminate. */ |
- (void) endSession |
{ |
/* mEventCallBackID is non-zero only if a session is active */ |
if (mEventCallBackID) |
{ |
[self closeMedia]; |
NSLog(@"Step 8: End Session"); |
DVDUnregisterEventCallBack (mEventCallBackID); |
OSStatus result = DVDDispose(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDDispose returned %ld", result); |
} |
mEventCallBackID = 0; |
} |
} |
/* This method clears the title number, scene number, and playing time in the |
Controller window. We send ourself the resetUI message (1) when the application |
is finished launching, (2) when we close a media folder, or (3) when the user |
clicks the Stop button twice in succession. */ |
- (void) resetUI |
{ |
[mTitleText setStringValue:@"-"]; |
[mSceneText setStringValue:@"-"]; |
[mTimeText setTimeElapsed:0 timeRemaining:0]; |
} |
/* This method shows how to get information about the open media and the DVD |
drive. The media ID is generated by DVD Playback Services and is not stored |
inside the media itself. CocoaDVDPlayer does not implement the "Change Drive |
Region Code" feature, but the user may want to know what the current drive |
region code is and how many changes remain. */ |
- (void) logMediaInfo |
{ |
if ([self hasMedia] == NO) |
return; |
/* retrieve and display the 64-bit media ID */ |
DVDDiscID id; |
DVDGetMediaUniqueID (id); |
// unsigned long long x = *(unsigned long long *)id; |
// NSLog(@"Media ID: %qx", x); |
NSLog(@"Media ID: %.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x", |
id[0], id[1], id[2], id[3], id[4], id[5], id[6], id[7]); |
/* retrieve and display region code information */ |
DVDRegionCode discRegions = kDVDRegionCodeUninitialized; |
DVDRegionCode driveRegion = kDVDRegionCodeUninitialized; |
SInt16 numChangesLeft = -1; |
DVDGetDiscRegionCode (&discRegions); |
DVDGetDriveRegionCode (&driveRegion, &numChangesLeft); |
NSLog(@"Disc Regions: 0x%lx", discRegions); |
NSLog(@"Drive Region: 0x%lx", driveRegion); |
NSLog(@"Changes Left: %d", numChangesLeft); |
/* DVD Playback Services checks for a region match whenever you open |
media, so this code is redundant. The code is included here to show how |
it's done. */ |
if ((~driveRegion & ~discRegions) != ~driveRegion) { |
NSLog(@"Warning: region code mismatch"); |
} |
} |
/* This method is a wrapper around the DVDHasMedia function. */ |
- (BOOL) hasMedia |
{ |
Boolean hasMedia = FALSE; |
OSStatus result = DVDHasMedia (&hasMedia); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDHasMedia returned %ld", result); |
} |
if (hasMedia) { return YES; } |
else { return NO; } |
} |
/* This is our DVD event callback function. It's always called in a thread other |
than the main thread. We need to handle the event in the main thread because we |
may want to update the UI, which involves drawing. Therefore we pass the event |
information to the handleDVDEvent method, which runs in the main thread and |
actually does the work. Cocoa requires that we package the information inside an |
object. */ |
void MyDVDEventHandler ( |
DVDEventCode inEventCode, |
DVDEventValue inEventData1, |
DVDEventValue inEventData2, |
void *inRefCon |
) |
{ |
Controller *controller = (Controller *)inRefCon; |
/* decouple the event from the callback thread */ |
DVDEvent *dvdEvent = [[DVDEvent alloc] initWithData:inEventCode |
data1:inEventData1 |
data2:inEventData2]; |
[controller performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(handleDVDEvent:) |
withObject:dvdEvent |
waitUntilDone:FALSE]; |
[dvdEvent release]; |
} |
/* This method does the work of handling the DVD events that we registered to |
receive in the beginSession method. */ |
- (void) handleDVDEvent:(DVDEvent *)event |
{ |
[event retain]; |
switch ([event eventCode]) { |
case kDVDEventTitleTime: { |
[mTimeText setTimeElapsed:[event eventData1] |
timeRemaining: ([event eventData2] - [event eventData1])]; |
break; |
} |
case kDVDEventTitle: { |
[mTitleText setIntegerValue:[event eventData1]]; |
[mVideoWindow setWindowSize:kVideoSizeCurrent]; |
break; |
} |
case kDVDEventPTT: { |
[mSceneText setIntegerValue:[event eventData1]]; |
// NSLog(@"Scene changed to %d", [event eventData1]); |
break; |
} |
case kDVDEventError: |
[self handleDVDError:(DVDErrorCode)[event eventData1]]; |
break; |
case kDVDEventPlayback: { |
mDVDState = (OSStatus)[event eventData1]; |
// NSLog(@"DVD state changed to %d", mDVDState); |
break; |
} |
case kDVDEventVideoStandard: |
case kDVDEventDisplayMode: { |
[mVideoWindow setWindowSize:kVideoSizeCurrent]; |
break; |
} |
} |
[event release]; |
} |
/* This function and method handle the fatal error event that we registered to |
receive in the beginSession method. Typically a fatal error means an I/O problem |
such as a damaged disc has made it impossible to continue with playback. You |
should always implement this callback and respond by ending the playback |
session. */ |
void MyDVDErrorHandler (DVDErrorCode inErrorCode, void *inRefCon) |
{ |
Controller *controller = (Controller *)inRefCon; |
[controller handleDVDError:inErrorCode]; |
} |
- (void) handleDVDError:(DVDErrorCode)errorCode |
{ |
NSLog(@"fatal error %ld", errorCode); |
[NSApp terminate:self]; |
} |
/* |
******************************************************************************** |
** |
** NSApplication delegate methods |
** |
******************************************************************************** |
*/ |
/* As the delegate of NSApp (the NSApplication instance), we're automatically |
registered to receive these notifications. We use them to begin and end the |
playback session cleanly. */ |
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
[self beginSession]; |
[self resetUI]; |
[mVideoWindow setupVideoWindow]; |
[self searchMountedDVDDisc]; |
} |
/* Elsewhere in this file, we send ourself the terminate message when an |
unrecoverable error occurs. To ensure that we also receive the |
applicationWillTerminate message, we need to indicate that it's all right to |
quit immediately. */ |
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)sender |
{ |
return NSTerminateNow; |
} |
/* When this method is called, the application is about to terminate in response |
to a user action or because an unrecoverable error occurred. */ |
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)notification |
{ |
/* end the playback session */ |
[self endSession]; |
/* ensure that our dealloc method is called */ |
[self release]; |
} |
/* |
******************************************************************************** |
** |
** UI actions |
** |
******************************************************************************** |
*/ |
#pragma mark Controller UI Actions |
/* This method implements the actions for Open/Close Media Folder in the File |
menu. */ |
- (IBAction) onMediaFolder:(id)sender |
{ |
/* If media is currently open, the user wants to close it. */ |
if ([self hasMedia] == YES) { |
[self closeMedia]; |
return; |
} |
/* The user wants to open a media folder. We display a modal Open dialog |
that's configured to open a single folder. If the user selects a folder and |
clicks the Open button, we attempt to open the media. */ |
NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; |
[panel setCanChooseFiles:NO]; |
[panel setCanChooseDirectories:YES]; |
[panel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO]; |
if ([panel runModal] == NSOKButton) |
{ |
NSURL *folderURL = [[panel URLs] objectAtIndex:0]; |
NSString *folderPath = [folderURL path]; |
NSLog(@"Opening Media Folder: %@", folderPath); |
[self openMedia:folderPath isVolume:NO]; |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Play button in the Control window. |
It's also invoked in our onKeyDown method if media is paused and the user |
presses the space bar. */ |
- (IBAction) onPlay:(id)sender |
{ |
/* If media is open and not playing, we initiate playback. */ |
if ([self hasMedia] == NO) { |
return; |
} |
if (mDVDState != kDVDStatePlaying) { |
NSLog(@"Step 6: Play"); |
OSStatus result = DVDPlay(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDPlay returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Pause button in the Control window. |
It's also invoked in our onKeyDown method if media is playing and the user |
presses the space bar. */ |
- (IBAction) onPause:(id)sender |
{ |
/* If media is open and not paused, we pause playback. */ |
if ([self hasMedia] == NO) { |
return; |
} |
if (mDVDState != kDVDStatePaused) { |
OSStatus result = DVDPause(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDPause returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Stop button in the Control window. |
If we call DVDStop twice in succession, DVD Playback Services rewinds to the |
beginning of the media. */ |
- (IBAction) onStop:(id)sender |
{ |
if ([self hasMedia] == NO) { |
return; |
} |
if (mDVDState == kDVDStateStopped) { |
/* we're going to rewind, so we clear the UI information */ |
[self resetUI]; |
} |
OSStatus result = DVDStop(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDStop returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Eject button in the Control window. */ |
- (IBAction) onEject:(id)sender |
{ |
/* if mVolumePath is defined, removable media is open */ |
if (mVolumePath) { |
NSString *volumePath = [NSString stringWithString:mVolumePath]; |
[self closeMedia]; |
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] unmountAndEjectDeviceAtPath:volumePath]; |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Scan Forward button in the Control window. */ |
- (IBAction) onScanForward:(id)sender |
{ |
if (mDVDState == kDVDStatePlaying) { |
OSStatus result = DVDScan (kDVDScanRate4x, kDVDScanDirectionForward); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDScan returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Scan Backward button in the Control window. */ |
- (IBAction) onScanBackward:(id)sender |
{ |
if (mDVDState == kDVDStatePlaying) { |
OSStatus result = DVDScan (kDVDScanRate4x, kDVDScanDirectionBackward); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDScan returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Previous Scene button in the |
Control window. Scene, chapter, and part of title (PTT) all mean the same thing. */ |
- (IBAction) onPreviousScene:(id)sender |
{ |
if (mDVDState == kDVDStatePlaying) { |
OSStatus result = DVDPreviousChapter(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDPreviousChapter returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Next Scene button in the Control window. */ |
- (IBAction) onNextScene:(id)sender |
{ |
if (mDVDState == kDVDStatePlaying) { |
OSStatus result = DVDNextChapter(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDNextChapter returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Menu button in the Control window. |
If a title is playing, we go to the associated menu. If a menu is displayed, we |
go to the associated title. */ |
- (IBAction) onToggleMenu:(id)sender |
{ |
if ((mDVDState == kDVDStatePlaying) || |
(mDVDState == kDVDStatePlayingStill) || |
(mDVDState == kDVDStatePaused)) |
{ |
Boolean onMenu = false; |
DVDMenu whichMenu; |
OSStatus result = DVDIsOnMenu (&onMenu, &whichMenu); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDIsOnMenu returned %ld", result); |
} |
// NSLog(@"onMenu = %d, whichMenu = %d", onMenu, whichMenu); |
if (onMenu) { |
result = DVDReturnToTitle(); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDReturnToTitle returned %ld", result); |
} |
} else { |
result = DVDGoToMenu (kDVDMenuRoot); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDGoToMenu returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Next Camera Angle button in the |
Control window. */ |
- (IBAction) onNextAngle:(id)sender |
{ |
if (mDVDState == kDVDStatePlaying) |
{ |
UInt16 numAngles = 0, angle = 0; |
OSStatus result = DVDGetNumAngles (&numAngles); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDGetNumAngles returned %ld", result); |
} |
result = DVDGetAngle (&angle); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDGetAngle returned %ld", result); |
} |
if (++angle > numAngles) |
angle = 1; |
result = DVDSetAngle (angle); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDSetAngle returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the New Bookmark button in the Control |
window. Each time the user clicks this button, we add a new bookmark to the |
mBookmarks array. To learn how bookmarks are implemented, see the Bookmark |
class. */ |
- (IBAction) onNewBookmark:(id)sender |
{ |
/* bookmarks to still or moving frames are ok */ |
if ((mDVDState == kDVDStatePlaying) || (mDVDState == kDVDStatePlayingStill)) |
{ |
DVDBookmark *bookmark = [[DVDBookmark alloc] init]; |
[mBookmarks addObject:bookmark]; |
/* the array retains it, so we can safely release the bookmark now */ |
[bookmark release]; |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Goto Next Bookmark button in the |
Control window. It simply cycles though the bookmarks in the mBookmarks array. */ |
- (IBAction) onNextBookmark:(id)sender |
{ |
NSUInteger count = [mBookmarks count]; |
if (count) { |
/* index of next bookmark in array */ |
static unsigned next; |
[[mBookmarks objectAtIndex:next] gotoBookmark]; |
if (++next == count) { |
/* reset to first bookmark */ |
next = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the (Audio) Volume Down item in the |
Controls menu. */ |
- (IBAction) onVolumeDown:(id)sender |
{ |
UInt16 newLevel = [self setAudioVolume:NO]; |
[mAudioControl setFloatValue:newLevel]; |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the (Audio) Volume Up item in the |
Controls menu. */ |
- (IBAction) onVolumeUp:(id)sender |
{ |
UInt16 newLevel = [self setAudioVolume:YES]; |
[mAudioControl setFloatValue:newLevel]; |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the (Audio) Mute item in the Controls |
menu. */ |
- (IBAction) onMute:(id)sender |
{ |
Boolean isMuted; |
OSStatus result = DVDIsMuted (&isMuted); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDIsMuted returned %ld", result); |
} |
result = DVDMute (!isMuted); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDMute returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the audio volume slider control in the |
Control window. */ |
- (IBAction) onAudioVolume:(id)sender |
{ |
OSStatus result = DVDSetAudioVolume ([sender floatValue]); |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDSetAudioVolume returned %ld", result); |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Show/Hide Controller item in the Window |
menu. */ |
- (IBAction)onShowController:(id)sender |
{ |
if ([mControlWindow isVisible]) { |
[mControlWindow orderOut:self]; |
} else { |
[mControlWindow orderFront:self]; |
} |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Maximum Size item in the Video menu. */ |
- (IBAction) onVideoMax:(id)sender |
{ |
[mVideoWindow setWindowSize:kVideoSizeMax]; |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Normal Size item in the Video menu. */ |
- (IBAction) onVideoNormal:(id)sender |
{ |
[mVideoWindow setWindowSize:kVideoSizeNormal]; |
} |
/* This method implements the action for the Small Size item in the Video menu. */ |
- (IBAction) onVideoSmall:(id)sender |
{ |
[mVideoWindow setWindowSize:kVideoSizeSmall]; |
} |
/* Both the video window and the control window pass their key down events to |
this method. We want to respond to these events in the same manner, regardless |
of which window is currently the key window. */ |
- (BOOL) onKeyDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent |
{ |
NSString *keyString = [theEvent characters]; |
unichar key = [keyString characterAtIndex:0]; |
BOOL keyIsHandled = YES; |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
switch (key) { |
case NSUpArrowFunctionKey: |
result = DVDDoUserNavigation (kDVDUserNavigationMoveUp); |
break; |
case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: |
result = DVDDoUserNavigation (kDVDUserNavigationMoveDown); |
break; |
case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey: |
result = DVDDoUserNavigation (kDVDUserNavigationMoveLeft); |
break; |
case NSRightArrowFunctionKey: |
result = DVDDoUserNavigation (kDVDUserNavigationMoveRight); |
break; |
case NSCarriageReturnCharacter: |
case NSEnterCharacter: |
result = DVDDoUserNavigation (kDVDUserNavigationEnter); |
break; |
case ' ': |
/* space bar toggles between play and pause */ |
if (mDVDState == kDVDStatePlaying) |
[self onPause:self]; |
else if (mDVDState == kDVDStatePaused) |
[self onPlay:self]; |
break; |
default: |
keyIsHandled = NO; |
break; |
} |
if (result != noErr) { |
NSLog(@"DVDDoUserNavigation returned %ld", result); |
} |
return keyIsHandled; |
} |
@end |