// |
// Author: Jon Kennedy |
// Copyright: 2002-2006 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All rights reserved. |
// License: see 3Dlabs-license.txt |
// |
#include "BlobbyCloudSupport.h" |
#include "os.h" |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <vector> |
// sorting predicate |
bool compareBlobs(const TBlobby& b1, const TBlobby& b2) |
{ |
return b1.distSqr < b2.distSqr; |
} |
#define slices 16 |
TBlobbyCloud::TBlobbyCloud(double startTime):positions(blobCount), velocities(blobCount), nearestBlobs(blobCount), blobbyPos(maxNearestBlobs) |
{ |
blobbyCutoff = 100.0; |
limit = vec3(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f); |
previousTime = startTime; |
srand(30757); |
// seed the positions |
for(int ii = 0; ii < blobCount; ++ii) { |
positions[ii].x = ((float) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 0.5f; |
positions[ii].y = ((float) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 0.5f; |
positions[ii].z = ((float) rand() / RAND_MAX) * 0.5f; |
} |
// seed the velocities |
for(int ii = 0; ii < blobCount; ++ii) { |
velocities[ii].x = (((float) rand() / RAND_MAX) - 0.5) * 2.0; |
velocities[ii].y = (((float) rand() / RAND_MAX) - 0.5) * 2.0; |
velocities[ii].z = (((float) rand() / RAND_MAX) - 0.5) * 2.0; |
} |
} |
void TBlobbyCloud::Update(double elapsedTime) |
{ |
float deltaTime; |
deltaTime = float(elapsedTime - previousTime); |
previousTime = elapsedTime; |
//deltaTime *= 100.0f; |
for(int ii = 0; ii < (blobCount); ii++) { |
positions[ii] = positions[ii] + velocities[ii] * deltaTime; |
if (positions[ii].x > limit.x) { |
velocities[ii].x = 0 - velocities[ii].x; |
positions[ii].x = limit.x; |
} else if (positions[ii].x < -limit.x) { |
velocities[ii].x = 0 - velocities[ii].x; |
positions[ii].x = -limit.x; |
} |
if (positions[ii].y > limit.y) { |
velocities[ii].y = 0 - velocities[ii].y; |
positions[ii].y = limit.y; |
} else if (positions[ii].y < -limit.y) { |
velocities[ii].y = 0 - velocities[ii].y; |
positions[ii].y = -limit.y; |
} |
if (positions[ii].z > limit.z) { |
velocities[ii].z = 0 - velocities[ii].z; |
positions[ii].z = limit.z; |
} else if (positions[ii].z < -limit.z) { |
velocities[ii].z = 0 - velocities[ii].z; |
positions[ii].z = -limit.z; |
} |
} |
} |
void TBlobbyCloud::Load(GLhandleARB program_object) |
{ |
// Set up some default values for the uniforms and send them to the card. |
count = blobCount; |
glUniform1iARB(glGetUniformLocationARB(program_object, "BlobbyCount"), count); |
char name[] = "BlobbyPos[xx]"; |
for(int ii = 0; ii < maxNearestBlobs; ++ii) { |
sprintf(name, "BlobbyPos[%2d]", ii); |
blobbyPos[ii] = vec3(0, 0, 0); |
glUniform3fARB(glGetUniformLocationARB(program_object, name), blobbyPos[ii].x, blobbyPos[ii].y, blobbyPos[ii].z); |
} |
} |
void TBlobbyCloud::Draw(GLhandleARB program_object) const |
{ |
for (int ii = 0; ii < blobCount; ++ii) { |
// |
// Find the closest neighbours |
// |
for(int jj = 0; jj < blobCount; ++jj) { |
vec3 distSqr = positions[ii] - positions[jj]; |
nearestBlobs[jj].blob = jj; |
nearestBlobs[jj].distSqr = distSqr.mag2(); |
} |
std::sort(nearestBlobs.begin(), nearestBlobs.end(), compareBlobs); |
// |
// This is safe as we should always get 1 (ie. the actual blob itself) |
// |
int nearestCount = 0; |
TBlobbies::iterator pBlobs = nearestBlobs.begin(); |
char name[] = "BlobbyPos[xx]"; |
do { |
vec3 center = positions[pBlobs->blob]; |
sprintf(name, "BlobbyPos[%2d]", pBlobs->blob); |
blobbyPos[nearestCount] = vec3(center.x, center.y + 2.5f, center.z); |
glUniform3fARB(glGetUniformLocationARB(program_object, name), blobbyPos[nearestCount].x, blobbyPos[nearestCount].y, blobbyPos[nearestCount].z); |
++nearestCount; |
++pBlobs; |
} while((pBlobs->distSqr < blobbyCutoff) && (nearestCount < maxNearestBlobs)); |
// |
// Tell the shader how many blobs to test |
// |
count = nearestCount; |
glUniform1iARB(glGetUniformLocationARB(program_object, "BlobbyCount"), count); |
// |
// Render it. |
// The scale factor is to adjust each vertex so it is closer to the desirable radius of influence, |
// hence ensures less travel is required for the verts as they migrate along the normal to find the isosurface. |
// Ideally we would change the size of the original sphere, but this works just as well. |
// |
glPushMatrix(); |
glScalef(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); |
glTranslatef(blobbyPos[ii].x, blobbyPos[ii].y, blobbyPos[ii].z); |
TSphere().Draw(slices); |
glPopMatrix(); |
} |
} |
void* newCloud(GLhandleARB program_object, double time) |
{ |
TBlobbyCloud* blobbyCloud = new TBlobbyCloud(time); |
blobbyCloud->Load(program_object); |
return blobbyCloud; |
} |
void updateDrawCloud(void* cloud, GLhandleARB program_object, double time) |
{ |
TBlobbyCloud* blobbyCloud = (TBlobbyCloud*)cloud; |
blobbyCloud->Update(time); |
blobbyCloud->Draw(program_object); |
} |
void deleteCloud(void* cloud) |
{ |
TBlobbyCloud* blobbyCloud = (TBlobbyCloud*)cloud; |
delete blobbyCloud; |
} |