/* |
File: SKTGraphic.m |
Abstract: Part of the Sketch Sample Code |
Version: 1.0 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple |
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The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE |
Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
*/ |
#import "SKTGraphic.h" |
#import "SKTError.h" |
/* String constants declared in the header. A lot of them aren't used by any other class in the project, but it's a good idea to provide and use them, if only to help prevent typos in source code. |
Why are there @"drawingFill" and @"drawingStroke" keys here when @"isDrawingFill" and @"isDrawingStroke" would be a little more consistent with Cocoa convention for boolean values? Because we might want to add setter methods for these properties some day, and key-value coding isn't smart enough to ignore "is" when looking for setter methods, and having to give methods ugly names -setIsDrawingFill: and -setIsDrawingStroke: would be irritating. In general it's best to leave the "is" off the front of keys that identify boolean values. */ |
NSString *SKTGraphicCanDrawFillKey = @"canDrawFill"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicIsDrawingFillKey = @"drawingFill"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicFillColorKey = @"fillColor"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicCanDrawStrokeKey = @"canDrawStroke"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicIsDrawingStrokeKey = @"drawingStroke"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicStrokeColorKey = @"strokeColor"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicStrokeWidthKey = @"strokeWidth"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicXPositionKey = @"xPosition"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicYPositionKey = @"yPosition"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicWidthKey = @"width"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicHeightKey = @"height"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicBoundsKey = @"bounds"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicDrawingBoundsKey = @"drawingBounds"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicDrawingContentsKey = @"drawingContents"; |
NSString *SKTGraphicKeysForValuesToObserveForUndo = @"keysForValuesToObserveForUndo"; |
// Another constant that's declared in the header. |
const int SKTGraphicNoHandle = 0; |
// A key that's used in Sketch's property-list-based file and pasteboard formats. |
static NSString *SKTGraphicClassNameKey = @"className"; |
/* The values that might be returned by -[SKTGraphic creationSizingHandle] and -[SKTGraphic handleUnderPoint:], and that are understood by -[SKTGraphic resizeByMovingHandle:toPoint:]. We provide specific indexes in this enumeration so make sure none of them are zero (that's SKTGraphicNoHandle) and to make sure the flipping arrays in -[SKTGraphic resizeByMovingHandle:toPoint:] work. */ |
enum { |
SKTGraphicUpperLeftHandle = 1, |
SKTGraphicUpperMiddleHandle = 2, |
SKTGraphicUpperRightHandle = 3, |
SKTGraphicMiddleLeftHandle = 4, |
SKTGraphicMiddleRightHandle = 5, |
SKTGraphicLowerLeftHandle = 6, |
SKTGraphicLowerMiddleHandle = 7, |
SKTGraphicLowerRightHandle = 8, |
}; |
// The handles that graphics draw on themselves are 6 point by 6 point rectangles. |
static float SKTGraphicHandleWidth = 6.0f; |
static float SKTGraphicHandleHalfWidth = 6.0f / 2.0f; |
@implementation SKTGraphic |
+ (void)initialize { |
/* This method gets invoked for every subclass of SKTGraphic that's instantiated. That's a good thing, in this case. In most other cases it means you have to check self to protect against redundant invocations. |
Set up use of the KVO dependency mechanism for the receiving class. The use of +keysForValuesAffectingDrawingBounds and +keysForValuesAffectingDrawingContents allows subclasses to easily customize this when they define entirely new properties that affect how they draw. */ |
[self setKeys:[[self keysForValuesAffectingDrawingBounds] allObjects] triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey:SKTGraphicDrawingBoundsKey]; |
[self setKeys:[[self keysForValuesAffectingDrawingContents] allObjects] triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey:SKTGraphicDrawingContentsKey]; |
NSArray *boundsKeyAsArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject:SKTGraphicBoundsKey]; |
[self setKeys:boundsKeyAsArray triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey:SKTGraphicXPositionKey]; |
[self setKeys:boundsKeyAsArray triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey:SKTGraphicYPositionKey]; |
[self setKeys:boundsKeyAsArray triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey:SKTGraphicWidthKey]; |
[self setKeys:boundsKeyAsArray triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey:SKTGraphicHeightKey]; |
} |
// An override of the superclass' designated initializer. |
- (id)init { |
// Do the regular Cocoa thing. |
self = [super init]; |
if (self) { |
// Set up decent defaults for a new graphic. |
_bounds = NSZeroRect; |
_isDrawingFill = NO; |
_fillColor = [[NSColor whiteColor] retain]; |
_isDrawingStroke = YES; |
_strokeColor = [[NSColor blackColor] retain]; |
_strokeWidth = 1.0f; |
} |
return self; |
} |
- (void)dealloc { |
// Do the regular Cocoa thing. |
[_strokeColor release]; |
[_fillColor release]; |
[super dealloc]; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Private KVC-Compliance for Public Properties *** |
// Pretty simple. |
- (float)xPosition { |
return [self bounds].origin.x; |
} |
- (float)yPosition { |
return [self bounds].origin.y; |
} |
- (float)width { |
return [self bounds].size.width; |
} |
- (float)height { |
return [self bounds].size.height; |
} |
- (void)setXPosition:(float)xPosition { |
NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; |
bounds.origin.x = xPosition; |
[self setBounds:bounds]; |
} |
- (void)setYPosition:(float)yPosition { |
NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; |
bounds.origin.y = yPosition; |
[self setBounds:bounds]; |
} |
- (void)setWidth:(float)width { |
NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; |
bounds.size.width = width; |
[self setBounds:bounds]; |
} |
- (void)setHeight:(float)height { |
NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; |
bounds.size.height = height; |
[self setBounds:bounds]; |
} |
// An override of the NSObject(NSKeyValueObservingCustomization) method. |
+ (BOOL)automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:(NSString *)key { |
/* We don't want KVO autonotification for these properties. Because the setters for all of them invoke -setBounds:, and this class is KVO-compliant for "bounds," and we declared that the values of these properties depend on "bounds," we would up end up with double notifications for them. That would probably be unnoticable, but it's a little wasteful. Something you have to think about with codependent mutable properties like these (regardless of what notification mechanism you're using). */ |
BOOL automaticallyNotifies; |
if ([[NSSet setWithObjects:SKTGraphicXPositionKey, SKTGraphicYPositionKey, SKTGraphicWidthKey, SKTGraphicHeightKey, nil] containsObject:key]) { |
automaticallyNotifies = NO; |
} else { |
automaticallyNotifies = [super automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:key]; |
} |
return automaticallyNotifies; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Convenience *** |
+ (NSRect)boundsOfGraphics:(NSArray *)graphics { |
// The bounds of an array of graphics is the union of all of their bounds. |
NSRect bounds = NSZeroRect; |
unsigned int graphicCount = [graphics count]; |
if (graphicCount>0) { |
bounds = [[graphics objectAtIndex:0] bounds]; |
for (unsigned int index = 1; index<graphicCount; index++) { |
bounds = NSUnionRect(bounds, [[graphics objectAtIndex:index] bounds]); |
} |
} |
return bounds; |
} |
+ (NSRect)drawingBoundsOfGraphics:(NSArray *)graphics { |
// The drawing bounds of an array of graphics is the union of all of their drawing bounds. |
NSRect drawingBounds = NSZeroRect; |
unsigned int graphicCount = [graphics count]; |
if (graphicCount>0) { |
drawingBounds = [[graphics objectAtIndex:0] drawingBounds]; |
for (unsigned int index = 1; index<graphicCount; index++) { |
drawingBounds = NSUnionRect(drawingBounds, [[graphics objectAtIndex:index] drawingBounds]); |
} |
} |
return drawingBounds; |
} |
+ (void)translateGraphics:(NSArray *)graphics byX:(float)deltaX y:(float)deltaY { |
// Pretty simple. |
unsigned graphicCount = [graphics count]; |
for (unsigned int index = 0; index<graphicCount; index++) { |
SKTGraphic *graphic = [graphics objectAtIndex:index]; |
[graphic setBounds:NSOffsetRect([graphic bounds], deltaX, deltaY)]; |
} |
} |
#pragma mark *** Persistence *** |
+ (NSArray *)graphicsWithPasteboardData:(NSData *)data error:(NSError **)outError { |
// Because this data may have come from outside this process, don't assume that any property list object we get back is the right type. |
NSArray *graphics = nil; |
NSArray *propertiesArray = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:data mutabilityOption:NSPropertyListImmutable format:NULL errorDescription:NULL]; |
if (![propertiesArray isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { |
propertiesArray = nil; |
} |
if (propertiesArray) { |
// Convert the array of graphic property dictionaries into an array of graphics. |
graphics = [self graphicsWithProperties:propertiesArray]; |
} else if (outError) { |
/* If property list parsing fails we have no choice but to admit that we don't know what went wrong. The error description returned by +[NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:mutabilityOption:format:errorDescription:] would be pretty technical, and not the sort of thing that we should show to a user. */ |
*outError = SKTErrorWithCode(SKTUnknownPasteboardReadError); |
} |
return graphics; |
} |
+ (NSArray *)graphicsWithProperties:(NSArray *)propertiesArray { |
// Convert the array of graphic property dictionaries into an array of graphics. Again, don't assume that property list objects are the right type. |
unsigned int graphicCount = [propertiesArray count]; |
NSMutableArray *graphics = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:graphicCount]; |
for (unsigned int index = 0; index<graphicCount; index++) { |
NSDictionary *properties = [propertiesArray objectAtIndex:index]; |
if ([properties isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { |
/* Figure out the class of graphic to instantiate. The value of the SKTGraphicClassNameKey entry must be an Objective-C class name. Don't trust the type of something you get out of a property list unless you know your process created it or it was read from your application or framework's resources. */ |
NSString *className = [properties objectForKey:SKTGraphicClassNameKey]; |
if ([className isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { |
Class class = NSClassFromString(className); |
if (class) { |
/* Create a new graphic. If it doesn't work then just do nothing. We could return an NSError, but doing things this way 1) means that a user might be able to rescue graphics from a partially corrupted document, and 2) is easier. */ |
SKTGraphic *graphic = [[class alloc] initWithProperties:properties]; |
if (graphic) { |
[graphics addObject:graphic]; |
[graphic release]; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return [graphics autorelease]; |
} |
+ (NSData *)pasteboardDataWithGraphics:(NSArray *)graphics { |
// Convert the contents of the document to a property list and then flatten the property list. |
return [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:[self propertiesWithGraphics:graphics] format:NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0 errorDescription:NULL]; |
} |
+ (NSArray *)propertiesWithGraphics:(NSArray *)graphics { |
// Convert the array of graphics dictionaries into an array of graphic property dictionaries. |
unsigned int graphicCount = [graphics count]; |
NSMutableArray *propertiesArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:graphicCount]; |
for (unsigned int index = 0; index<graphicCount; index++) { |
SKTGraphic *graphic = [graphics objectAtIndex:index]; |
// Get the properties of the graphic, add the class name that can be used by +graphicsWithProperties: to it, and add the properties to the array we're building. |
NSMutableDictionary *properties = [graphic properties]; |
[properties setObject:NSStringFromClass([graphic class]) forKey:SKTGraphicClassNameKey]; |
[propertiesArray addObject:properties]; |
} |
return [propertiesArray autorelease]; |
} |
- (id)initWithProperties:(NSDictionary *)properties { |
// Invoke the designated initializer. |
self = [self init]; |
if (self) { |
/* The dictionary entries are all instances of the classes that can be written in property lists. Don't trust the type of something you get out of a property list unless you know your process created it or it was read from your application or framework's resources. We don't have to worry about KVO-compliance in initializers like this by the way; no one should be observing an unitialized object. */ |
Class dataClass = [NSData class]; |
Class numberClass = [NSNumber class]; |
Class stringClass = [NSString class]; |
NSString *boundsString = [properties objectForKey:SKTGraphicBoundsKey]; |
if ([boundsString isKindOfClass:stringClass]) { |
_bounds = NSRectFromString(boundsString); |
} |
NSNumber *isDrawingFillNumber = [properties objectForKey:SKTGraphicIsDrawingFillKey]; |
if ([isDrawingFillNumber isKindOfClass:numberClass]) { |
_isDrawingFill = [isDrawingFillNumber boolValue]; |
} |
NSData *fillColorData = [properties objectForKey:SKTGraphicFillColorKey]; |
if ([fillColorData isKindOfClass:dataClass]) { |
[_fillColor release]; |
_fillColor = [[NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:fillColorData] retain]; |
} |
NSNumber *isDrawingStrokeNumber = [properties objectForKey:SKTGraphicIsDrawingStrokeKey]; |
if ([isDrawingStrokeNumber isKindOfClass:numberClass]) { |
_isDrawingStroke = [isDrawingStrokeNumber boolValue]; |
} |
NSData *strokeColorData = [properties objectForKey:SKTGraphicStrokeColorKey]; |
if ([strokeColorData isKindOfClass:dataClass]) { |
[_strokeColor release]; |
_strokeColor = [[NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:strokeColorData] retain]; |
} |
NSNumber *strokeWidthNumber = [properties objectForKey:SKTGraphicStrokeWidthKey]; |
if ([strokeWidthNumber isKindOfClass:numberClass]) { |
_strokeWidth = [strokeWidthNumber floatValue]; |
} |
} |
return self; |
} |
- (NSMutableDictionary *)properties { |
// Return a dictionary that contains nothing but values that can be written in property lists. |
NSMutableDictionary *properties = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; |
[properties setObject:NSStringFromRect([self bounds]) forKey:SKTGraphicBoundsKey]; |
[properties setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[self isDrawingFill]] forKey:SKTGraphicIsDrawingFillKey]; |
NSColor *fillColor = [self fillColor]; |
if (fillColor) { |
[properties setObject:[NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:fillColor] forKey:SKTGraphicFillColorKey]; |
} |
[properties setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[self isDrawingStroke]] forKey:SKTGraphicIsDrawingStrokeKey]; |
NSColor *strokeColor = [self strokeColor]; |
if (strokeColor) { |
[properties setObject:[NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:strokeColor] forKey:SKTGraphicStrokeColorKey]; |
} |
[properties setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:[self strokeWidth]] forKey:SKTGraphicStrokeWidthKey]; |
return properties; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Simple Property Getting *** |
// Do the regular Cocoa thing. |
- (NSRect)bounds { |
return _bounds; |
} |
- (BOOL)isDrawingFill { |
return _isDrawingFill; |
} |
- (NSColor *)fillColor { |
return [[_fillColor retain] autorelease]; |
} |
- (BOOL)isDrawingStroke { |
return _isDrawingStroke; |
} |
- (NSColor *)strokeColor { |
return [[_strokeColor retain] autorelease]; |
} |
- (float)strokeWidth { |
return _strokeWidth; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Drawing *** |
+ (NSSet *)keysForValuesAffectingDrawingBounds { |
// The only properties managed by SKTGraphic that affect the drawing bounds are the bounds and the the stroke width. |
return [NSSet setWithObjects:SKTGraphicBoundsKey, SKTGraphicStrokeWidthKey, nil]; |
} |
+ (NSSet *)keysForValuesAffectingDrawingContents { |
// The only properties managed by SKTGraphic that affect drawing but not the drawing bounds are the fill and stroke parameters. |
return [NSSet setWithObjects:SKTGraphicIsDrawingFillKey, SKTGraphicFillColorKey, SKTGraphicIsDrawingStrokeKey, SKTGraphicStrokeColorKey, nil]; |
} |
- (BOOL)canDrawFill { |
// The default implementation of -drawContentsInView: can draw fills. |
return YES; |
} |
- (BOOL)canDrawStroke { |
// The default implementation of -drawContentsInView: can draw strokes. |
return YES; |
} |
- (NSRect)drawingBounds { |
/* Assume that -[SKTGraphic drawContentsInView:] and -[SKTGraphic drawHandlesInView:] will be doing the drawing. Start with the plain bounds of the graphic, then take drawing of handles at the corners of the bounds into account, then optional stroke drawing. */ |
float outset = SKTGraphicHandleHalfWidth; |
if ([self isDrawingStroke]) { |
float strokeOutset = [self strokeWidth] / 2.0f; |
if (strokeOutset>outset) { |
outset = strokeOutset; |
} |
} |
float inset = 0.0f - outset; |
NSRect drawingBounds = NSInsetRect([self bounds], inset, inset); |
// -drawHandleInView:atPoint: draws a one-unit drop shadow too. |
drawingBounds.size.width += 1.0f; |
drawingBounds.size.height += 1.0f; |
return drawingBounds; |
} |
- (void)drawContentsInView:(NSView *)view isBeingCreateOrEdited:(BOOL)isBeingCreatedOrEditing { |
/* If the graphic is so so simple that it can be boiled down to a bezier path then just draw a bezier path. It's -bezierPathForDrawing's responsibility to return a path with the current stroke width. */ |
NSBezierPath *path = [self bezierPathForDrawing]; |
if (path) { |
if ([self isDrawingFill]) { |
[[self fillColor] set]; |
[path fill]; |
} |
if ([self isDrawingStroke]) { |
[[self strokeColor] set]; |
[path stroke]; |
} |
} |
} |
- (NSBezierPath *)bezierPathForDrawing { |
// Live to be overriden. |
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Neither -drawContentsInView: nor -bezierPathForDrawing has been overridden."]; |
return nil; |
} |
- (void)drawHandlesInView:(NSView *)view { |
// Draw handles at the corners and on the sides. |
NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; |
[self drawHandleInView:view atPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(bounds), NSMinY(bounds))]; |
[self drawHandleInView:view atPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMidX(bounds), NSMinY(bounds))]; |
[self drawHandleInView:view atPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(bounds), NSMinY(bounds))]; |
[self drawHandleInView:view atPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(bounds), NSMidY(bounds))]; |
[self drawHandleInView:view atPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(bounds), NSMidY(bounds))]; |
[self drawHandleInView:view atPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(bounds), NSMaxY(bounds))]; |
[self drawHandleInView:view atPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMidX(bounds), NSMaxY(bounds))]; |
[self drawHandleInView:view atPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(bounds), NSMaxY(bounds))]; |
} |
- (void)drawHandleInView:(NSView *)view atPoint:(NSPoint)point { |
// Figure out a rectangle that's centered on the point but lined up with device pixels. |
NSRect handleBounds; |
handleBounds.origin.x = point.x - SKTGraphicHandleHalfWidth; |
handleBounds.origin.y = point.y - SKTGraphicHandleHalfWidth; |
handleBounds.size.width = SKTGraphicHandleWidth; |
handleBounds.size.height = SKTGraphicHandleWidth; |
handleBounds = [view centerScanRect:handleBounds]; |
// Draw the shadow of the handle. |
NSRect handleShadowBounds = NSOffsetRect(handleBounds, 1.0f, 1.0f); |
[[NSColor controlDarkShadowColor] set]; |
NSRectFill(handleShadowBounds); |
// Draw the handle itself. |
[[NSColor knobColor] set]; |
NSRectFill(handleBounds); |
} |
#pragma mark *** Editing *** |
+ (NSCursor *)creationCursor { |
// By default we use the crosshairs cursor. |
static NSCursor *crosshairsCursor = nil; |
if (!crosshairsCursor) { |
NSImage *crosshairsImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"Cross"]; |
NSSize crosshairsImageSize = [crosshairsImage size]; |
crosshairsCursor = [[NSCursor alloc] initWithImage:crosshairsImage hotSpot:NSMakePoint((crosshairsImageSize.width / 2.0), (crosshairsImageSize.height / 2.0))]; |
} |
return crosshairsCursor; |
} |
+ (int)creationSizingHandle { |
// Return the number of the handle for the lower-right corner. If the user drags it so that it's no longer in the lower-right, -resizeByMovingHandle:toPoint: will deal with it. |
return SKTGraphicLowerRightHandle; |
} |
- (BOOL)canMakeNaturalSize { |
// Only return YES if -makeNaturalSize would actually do something. |
NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; |
return bounds.size.width!=bounds.size.height; |
} |
- (BOOL)isContentsUnderPoint:(NSPoint)point { |
// Just check against the graphic's bounds. |
return NSPointInRect(point, [self bounds]); |
} |
- (int)handleUnderPoint:(NSPoint)point { |
// Check handles at the corners and on the sides. |
int handle = SKTGraphicNoHandle; |
NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; |
if ([self isHandleAtPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(bounds), NSMinY(bounds)) underPoint:point]) { |
handle = SKTGraphicUpperLeftHandle; |
} else if ([self isHandleAtPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMidX(bounds), NSMinY(bounds)) underPoint:point]) { |
handle = SKTGraphicUpperMiddleHandle; |
} else if ([self isHandleAtPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(bounds), NSMinY(bounds)) underPoint:point]) { |
handle = SKTGraphicUpperRightHandle; |
} else if ([self isHandleAtPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(bounds), NSMidY(bounds)) underPoint:point]) { |
handle = SKTGraphicMiddleLeftHandle; |
} else if ([self isHandleAtPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(bounds), NSMidY(bounds)) underPoint:point]) { |
handle = SKTGraphicMiddleRightHandle; |
} else if ([self isHandleAtPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(bounds), NSMaxY(bounds)) underPoint:point]) { |
handle = SKTGraphicLowerLeftHandle; |
} else if ([self isHandleAtPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMidX(bounds), NSMaxY(bounds)) underPoint:point]) { |
handle = SKTGraphicLowerMiddleHandle; |
} else if ([self isHandleAtPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(bounds), NSMaxY(bounds)) underPoint:point]) { |
handle = SKTGraphicLowerRightHandle; |
} |
return handle; |
} |
- (BOOL)isHandleAtPoint:(NSPoint)handlePoint underPoint:(NSPoint)point { |
// Check a handle-sized rectangle that's centered on the handle point. |
NSRect handleBounds; |
handleBounds.origin.x = handlePoint.x - SKTGraphicHandleHalfWidth; |
handleBounds.origin.y = handlePoint.y - SKTGraphicHandleHalfWidth; |
handleBounds.size.width = SKTGraphicHandleWidth; |
handleBounds.size.height = SKTGraphicHandleWidth; |
return NSPointInRect(point, handleBounds); |
} |
- (int)resizeByMovingHandle:(int)handle toPoint:(NSPoint)point { |
// Start with the original bounds. |
NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; |
// Is the user changing the width of the graphic? |
if (handle==SKTGraphicUpperLeftHandle || handle==SKTGraphicMiddleLeftHandle || handle==SKTGraphicLowerLeftHandle) { |
// Change the left edge of the graphic. |
bounds.size.width = NSMaxX(bounds) - point.x; |
bounds.origin.x = point.x; |
} else if (handle==SKTGraphicUpperRightHandle || handle==SKTGraphicMiddleRightHandle || handle==SKTGraphicLowerRightHandle) { |
// Change the right edge of the graphic. |
bounds.size.width = point.x - bounds.origin.x; |
} |
// Did the user actually flip the graphic over? |
if (bounds.size.width<0.0f) { |
// The handle is now playing a different role relative to the graphic. |
static int flippings[9]; |
static BOOL flippingsInitialized = NO; |
if (!flippingsInitialized) { |
flippings[SKTGraphicUpperLeftHandle] = SKTGraphicUpperRightHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicUpperMiddleHandle] = SKTGraphicUpperMiddleHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicUpperRightHandle] = SKTGraphicUpperLeftHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicMiddleLeftHandle] = SKTGraphicMiddleRightHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicMiddleRightHandle] = SKTGraphicMiddleLeftHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicLowerLeftHandle] = SKTGraphicLowerRightHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicLowerMiddleHandle] = SKTGraphicLowerMiddleHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicLowerRightHandle] = SKTGraphicLowerLeftHandle; |
flippingsInitialized = YES; |
} |
handle = flippings[handle]; |
// Make the graphic's width positive again. |
bounds.size.width = 0.0f - bounds.size.width; |
bounds.origin.x -= bounds.size.width; |
// Tell interested subclass code what just happened. |
[self flipHorizontally]; |
} |
// Is the user changing the height of the graphic? |
if (handle==SKTGraphicUpperLeftHandle || handle==SKTGraphicUpperMiddleHandle || handle==SKTGraphicUpperRightHandle) { |
// Change the top edge of the graphic. |
bounds.size.height = NSMaxY(bounds) - point.y; |
bounds.origin.y = point.y; |
} else if (handle==SKTGraphicLowerLeftHandle || handle==SKTGraphicLowerMiddleHandle || handle==SKTGraphicLowerRightHandle) { |
// Change the bottom edge of the graphic. |
bounds.size.height = point.y - bounds.origin.y; |
} |
// Did the user actually flip the graphic upside down? |
if (bounds.size.height<0.0f) { |
// The handle is now playing a different role relative to the graphic. |
static int flippings[9]; |
static BOOL flippingsInitialized = NO; |
if (!flippingsInitialized) { |
flippings[SKTGraphicUpperLeftHandle] = SKTGraphicLowerLeftHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicUpperMiddleHandle] = SKTGraphicLowerMiddleHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicUpperRightHandle] = SKTGraphicLowerRightHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicMiddleLeftHandle] = SKTGraphicMiddleLeftHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicMiddleRightHandle] = SKTGraphicMiddleRightHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicLowerLeftHandle] = SKTGraphicUpperLeftHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicLowerMiddleHandle] = SKTGraphicUpperMiddleHandle; |
flippings[SKTGraphicLowerRightHandle] = SKTGraphicUpperRightHandle; |
flippingsInitialized = YES; |
} |
handle = flippings[handle]; |
// Make the graphic's height positive again. |
bounds.size.height = 0.0f - bounds.size.height; |
bounds.origin.y -= bounds.size.height; |
// Tell interested subclass code what just happened. |
[self flipVertically]; |
} |
// Done. |
[self setBounds:bounds]; |
return handle; |
} |
- (void)flipHorizontally { |
// Live to be overridden. |
} |
- (void)flipVertically { |
// Live to be overridden. |
} |
- (void)makeNaturalSize { |
// Just make the graphic square. |
NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; |
if (bounds.size.width<bounds.size.height) { |
bounds.size.height = bounds.size.width; |
[self setBounds:bounds]; |
} else if (bounds.size.width>bounds.size.height) { |
bounds.size.width = bounds.size.height; |
[self setBounds:bounds]; |
} |
} |
- (void)setBounds:(NSRect)bounds { |
// Simple. |
_bounds = bounds; |
} |
- (void)setColor:(NSColor *)color { |
/* This method demonstrates something interesting: we haven't bothered to provide setter methods for the properties we want to change, but we can still change them using KVC. KVO autonotification will make sure observers hear about the change (it works with -setValue:forKey: as well as -set<Key>:). Of course, if we found ourselvings doing this a little more often we would go ahead and just add the setter methods. The point is that KVC direct instance variable access very often makes boilerplate accessors unnecessary but if you want to just put them in right away, eh, go ahead. */ |
// Can we fill the graphic? |
if ([self canDrawFill]) { |
// Are we filling it? If not, start, using the new color. |
if (![self isDrawingFill]) { |
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:SKTGraphicIsDrawingFillKey]; |
} |
[self setValue:color forKey:SKTGraphicFillColorKey]; |
} |
} |
- (NSView *)newEditingViewWithSuperviewBounds:(NSRect)superviewBounds { |
// Live to be overridden. |
return nil; |
} |
- (void)finalizeEditingView:(NSView *)editingView { |
// Live to be overridden. |
} |
#pragma mark *** Undo *** |
- (NSSet *)keysForValuesToObserveForUndo { |
/* Of the properties managed by SKTGraphic, "canDrawFill," "canDrawStroke," "drawingingBounds," and "drawingContents" aren't anything that the user changes, so changes of their values aren't registered undo operations. "xPosition," "yPosition," "width," and "height" are all derived from "bounds," so we don't need to register those either. Changes of any other property are undoable. */ |
return [NSSet setWithObjects:SKTGraphicIsDrawingFillKey, SKTGraphicFillColorKey, SKTGraphicIsDrawingStrokeKey, SKTGraphicStrokeColorKey, SKTGraphicStrokeWidthKey, SKTGraphicBoundsKey, nil]; |
} |
+ (NSString *)presentablePropertyNameForKey:(NSString *)key { |
/* Pretty simple. Don't be surprised if you never see "Bounds" appear in an undo action name in Sketch. SKTGraphicView invokes -[NSUndoManager setActionName:] for things like moving, resizing, and aligning, thereby overwriting whatever SKTDrawDocument sets with something more specific. */ |
static NSDictionary *presentablePropertyNamesByKey = nil; |
if (!presentablePropertyNamesByKey) { |
presentablePropertyNamesByKey = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: |
NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Filling", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name part for SKTGraphicIsDrawingFillKey."), SKTGraphicIsDrawingFillKey, |
NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Fill Color", @"UndoStrings",@"Action name part for SKTGraphicFillColorKey."), SKTGraphicFillColorKey, |
NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Stroking", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name part for SKTGraphicIsDrawingStrokeKey."), SKTGraphicIsDrawingStrokeKey, |
NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Stroke Color", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name part for SKTGraphicStrokeColorKey."), SKTGraphicStrokeColorKey, |
NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Stroke Width", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name part for SKTGraphicStrokeWidthKey."), SKTGraphicStrokeWidthKey, |
NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Bounds", @"UndoStrings", @"Action name part for SKTGraphicBoundsKey."), SKTGraphicBoundsKey, |
nil]; |
} |
return [presentablePropertyNamesByKey objectForKey:key]; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Scripting *** |
- (void)setScriptingContainer:(NSObject *)scriptingContainer { |
// Don't retain the container. It's supposed to be retaining this object. |
_scriptingContainer = scriptingContainer; |
} |
// Conformance to the NSObject(NSScriptObjectSpecifiers) informal protocol. |
- (NSScriptObjectSpecifier *)objectSpecifier { |
// This object can't create an object specifier for itself, so ask its scriptable container to do it. |
NSScriptObjectSpecifier *objectSpecifier = [_scriptingContainer objectSpecifierForGraphic:self]; |
if (!objectSpecifier) { |
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"A scriptable graphic has no scriptable container, or one that doesn't implement -objectSpecifierForGraphic: correctly."]; |
} |
return objectSpecifier; |
} |
#pragma mark *** Debugging *** |
// An override of the NSObject method. |
- (NSString *)description { |
// Make 'po aGraphic' do something useful in gdb. |
return [[self properties] description]; |
} |
@end |