### PVRTextureLoader ### |
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This application illustrates how to load a PVR texture file using the included PVRTexture class and then display it using OpenGL ES. |
The sample image, encoded as an xcode project build phase, is rendered on a rotatable and scalable quad. Controls are provided for experimenting with various texture compression and filter settings. |
Further details are given as comments in the code. |
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iOS 6.0 SDK |
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iPhone OS 6.0 or later |
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Classes/PVRTexture.h |
Classes/PVRTexture.m |
The PVRTexture class is responsible for loading the pvr files generated by texturetool. The class handles loading mipmapped and non-mipmapped pvr files. |
The method calls to create a PVRTexture object will also generate a GL texture name and upload as many texture levels as are present. |
Classes/EAGLView.h |
Classes/EAGLView.m |
The OpenGL ES code that is responsible for displaying the encoded pvr data. |
Brick_mipmap_4.pvr |
Brick_mipmap_2.pvr |
Brick_4.pvr |
Brick_2.pvr |
These are the pvr files generated from the Brick.png image by the "Encode Images" build phase. |
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Version 1.6 |
- Removed warnings. |
- Updated for iOS 7. |
- Updated for 64-bit. |
Version 1.5 |
- Changed deployment target back to iPhone OS 3.2 and added CFBundleIconFiles in Info.plist. |
Version 1.4 |
- Upgraded project to build with the iOS 4 SDK. |
Version 1.3 |
- Modified the script so that it works regardless of where texturetool is installed. |
Version 1.2 |
- Check for availablility of any GL extensions used. Disable UI if extensions aren't present. |
- Set proper min filter param depending on if texture is going to be mipmapped or not. This provides a hint to GL in order to help decrease memory usage. |
- Use calloc instead of malloc when allocating memory for use in texture generation. We need to guarantee that our memory is zero filled for the cases where the |
dimensions of the cg image might be smaller than the cg bitmap context. Set the kCGBlendModeCopy flag since we don't care about the previous contents of memory. |
Version 1.1 |
- Quote instances of $SRCROOT variable in the encode shell script to handle paths with spaces. |
Version 1.0 |
- First version. |
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Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |