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6.3.5. Assigning Account Passwords

Required credentials for clients that connect to the MySQL server can include a password. This section describes how to assign passwords for MySQL accounts. In MySQL 5.7, it is also possible for clients to authenticate using plugins. For information, see Section 6.3.7, "Pluggable Authentication".

To assign a password when you create a new account with CREATE USER, include an IDENTIFIED BY clause:

        'jeffrey'@'localhost'    -> IDENTIFIED BY

To assign or change a password for an existing account, one way is to issue a SET PASSWORD statement:

        FOR    -> 'jeffrey'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('mypass');

MySQL stores passwords in the user table in the mysql database. Only users such as root that have update access to the mysql database can change the password for other users. If you are not connected as an anonymous user, you can change your own password by omitting the FOR clause:


The old_passwords system variable value determines the hashing method used by PASSWORD(). If you specify the password using that function and SET PASSWORD rejects the password as not being in the correct format, it may be necessary to set old_passwords to change the hashing method. For descriptions of the permitted values, see Section 5.1.4, "Server System Variables".

In MySQL 5.7, enabling the read_only system variable prevents the use of the SET PASSWORD statement by any user not having the SUPER privilege.

You can also use a GRANT USAGE statement at the global level (ON *.*) to assign a password to an account without affecting the account's current privileges:

mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO
        'jeffrey'@'localhost'    -> IDENTIFIED BY

To assign a password from the command line, use the mysqladmin command:

shell> mysqladmin -u user_name
        -h host_name password "newpwd"

The account for which this command sets the password is the one with a user table row that matches user_name in the User column and the client host from which you connect in the Host column.

During authentication when a client connects to the server, MySQL treats the password in the user table as an encrypted hash value (the value that PASSWORD() would return for the password). When assigning a password to an account, it is important to store an encrypted value, not the plaintext password. Use the following guidelines:


PASSWORD() encryption differs from Unix password encryption. See Section 6.3.1, "User Names and Passwords".

It is preferable to assign passwords using SET PASSWORD, GRANT, or mysqladmin, but it is also possible to modify the user table directly. In this case, you must also use FLUSH PRIVILEGES to cause the server to reread the grant tables. Otherwise, the change remains unnoticed by the server until you restart it.