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Interface SeeTag

public abstract interface SeeTag
extends Tag

Represents a see also documentation tag. The @see tag can be plain text, or reference a class or member.

Fields inherited from class java.io.Serializable
Method Summary
 java.lang.String label()
          Return the label of the see tag.
 ClassDoc referencedClass()
          get the class referenced by the class name part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) .
 java.lang.String referencedClassName()
          get the class name part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) .
 MemberDoc referencedMember()
          get the member referenced by the prototype part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) .
 java.lang.String referencedMemberName()
          get the name of the member referenced by the prototype part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) .
 PackageDoc referencedPackage()
          get the package referenced by @see.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.javadoc.Tag
firstSentenceTags, inlineTags, kind, name, text, toString

Method Detail


public java.lang.String label()
Return the label of the see tag.


public PackageDoc referencedPackage()
get the package referenced by @see. For instance, if the comment is @see java.lang This function returns a PackageDoc for java.lang Returns null if no known package found.


public java.lang.String referencedClassName()
get the class name part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) . This function returns String. Returns null if format was not that of java reference. Return empty string if class name was not specified..


public ClassDoc referencedClass()
get the class referenced by the class name part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) . This function returns a ClassDoc for java.lang.String. Returns null if class is not a class specified on the javadoc command line..


public java.lang.String referencedMemberName()
get the name of the member referenced by the prototype part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) . This function returns "startsWith(java.lang.String)" Returns null if format was not that of java reference. Return empty string if member name was not specified..


public MemberDoc referencedMember()
get the member referenced by the prototype part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) . This function returns a MethodDoc for startsWith. Returns null if member could not be determined.