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Java Debug Interface

Interface VirtualMachine

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public interface VirtualMachine
extends Mirror

A virtual machine targeted for debugging. All other mirrors are associated with an instance of this interface. Access to global VM properties and control of VM execution are supported directly by this interface.


Field Summary
static int TRACE_ALL
          All tracing is enabled.
static int TRACE_EVENTS
          Tracing enabled for internal event handling.
static int TRACE_NONE
          All tracing is disabled.
static int TRACE_OBJREFS
          Tracing enabled for internal management of object references.
          Tracing enabled for JDWP packets received from target VM.
          Tracing enabled for internal managment of reference types.
static int TRACE_SENDS
          Tracing enabled for JDWP packets sent to target VM.
Method Summary
 List allClasses()
          Returns all loaded types.
 List allThreads()
          Returns a list of the currently running threads.
 boolean canGetBytecodes()
          Determines if this implementation supports the retrieval of a method's bytecodes.
 boolean canGetCurrentContendedMonitor()
          Determines if this implementation supports the retrieval of the monitor for which a thread is currently waiting.
 boolean canGetMonitorInfo()
          Determines if this implementation supports the retrieval of the monitor information for an object.
 boolean canGetOwnedMonitorInfo()
          Determines if this implementation supports the retrieval of the monitors owned by a thread.
 boolean canGetSyntheticAttribute()
          Determines if this implementation supports the query of the synthetic attribute of a method or field.
 boolean canWatchFieldAccess()
          Determines if this implementation supports watchpoints for field access.
 boolean canWatchFieldModification()
          Determines if this implementation supports watchpoints for field modification.
 List classesByName(String className)
          Returns the loaded reference types that match a given name.
 String description()
          Returns text information on the target VM and the debugger support that mirrors it.
 void dispose()
          Invalidates this virtual machine mirror.
 EventQueue eventQueue()
          Returns the event queue for this virtual machine.
 EventRequestManager eventRequestManager()
          Returns the event request manager for this virtual machine.
 void exit(int exitCode)
          Causes the mirrored VM to terminate with the given error code.
 BooleanValue mirrorOf(boolean value)
          Creates a BooleanValue for the given value.
 ByteValue mirrorOf(byte value)
          Creates a ByteValue for the given value.
 CharValue mirrorOf(char value)
          Creates a CharValue for the given value.
 DoubleValue mirrorOf(double value)
          Creates a DoubleValue for the given value.
 FloatValue mirrorOf(float value)
          Creates a FloatValue for the given value.
 IntegerValue mirrorOf(int value)
          Creates an IntegerValue for the given value.
 LongValue mirrorOf(long value)
          Creates a LongValue for the given value.
 ShortValue mirrorOf(short value)
          Creates a ShortValue for the given value.
 StringReference mirrorOf(String value)
          Creates a string in this virtual machine.
 String name()
          Returns the name of the target VM as reported by the property java.vm.name.
 Process process()
          Returns the Process object for this virtual machine if launched by a LaunchingConnector
 void resume()
          Continues the execution of the application running in this virtual machine.
 void setDebugTraceMode(int traceFlags)
          Traces the activities performed by the com.sun.jdi implementation.
 void suspend()
          Suspends the execution of the application running in this virtual machine.
 List topLevelThreadGroups()
          Returns each thread group which does not have a parent.
 String version()
          Returns the version of the Java Runtime Environment in the target VM as reported by the property java.version.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdi.Mirror
toString, virtualMachine

Field Detail


public static final int TRACE_NONE
All tracing is disabled.


public static final int TRACE_SENDS
Tracing enabled for JDWP packets sent to target VM.


public static final int TRACE_RECEIVES
Tracing enabled for JDWP packets received from target VM.


public static final int TRACE_EVENTS
Tracing enabled for internal event handling.


public static final int TRACE_REFTYPES
Tracing enabled for internal managment of reference types.


public static final int TRACE_OBJREFS
Tracing enabled for internal management of object references.


public static final int TRACE_ALL
All tracing is enabled.
Method Detail


public List classesByName(String className)
Returns the loaded reference types that match a given name. The name must be fully qualified (for example, java.lang.String). The returned list will contain a ReferenceType for each class or interface found with the given name. The search is confined to loaded classes only; no attempt is made to load a class of the given name.

The returned list will include reference types loaded at least to the point of preparation and types (like array) for which preparation is not defined.

className - the class/interface name to search for
a list of ReferenceType objects, each mirroring a type in the target VM with the given name.


public List allClasses()
Returns all loaded types. For each loaded type in the target VM a ReferenceType will be placed in the returned list. The list will include ReferenceTypes which mirror classes, interfaces, and array types.

The returned list will include reference types loaded at least to the point of preparation and types (like array) for which preparation is not defined.

a list of ReferenceType objects, each mirroring a loaded type in the target VM.


public List allThreads()
Returns a list of the currently running threads. For each running thread in the target VM, a ThreadReference that mirrors it is placed in the list. The returned list contains threads created through java.lang.Thread, all native threads attached to the target VM through JNI, and system threads created by the target VM. Thread objects that have not yet been started (see java.lang.Thread#start) and thread objects that have completed their execution are not included in the returned list.
a list of ThreadReference objects, one for each running thread in the mirrored VM.


public void suspend()
Suspends the execution of the application running in this virtual machine. All threads currently running will be suspended.

Unlike java.lang.Thread#suspend, suspends of both the virtual machine and individual threads are counted. Before a thread will run again, it must be resumed (through resume() or ThreadReference.resume()) the same number of times it has been suspended.


public void resume()
Continues the execution of the application running in this virtual machine. All threads are resumed as documented in ThreadReference.resume().
See Also:


public List topLevelThreadGroups()
Returns each thread group which does not have a parent. For each top level thread group a ThreadGroupReference is placed in the returned list.

This command may be used as the first step in building a tree (or trees) of the existing thread groups.

a list of ThreadGroupReference objects, one for each top level thread group.


public EventQueue eventQueue()
Returns the event queue for this virtual machine. A virtual machine has only one EventQueue object, this method will return the same instance each time it is invoked.
the EventQueue for this virtual machine.


public EventRequestManager eventRequestManager()
Returns the event request manager for this virtual machine. The EventRequestManager controls user settable events such as breakpoints. A virtual machine has only one EventRequestManager object, this method will return the same instance each time it is invoked.
the EventRequestManager for this virtual machine.


public BooleanValue mirrorOf(boolean value)
Creates a BooleanValue for the given value. This value can be used for setting and comparing against a value retrieved from a variable or field in this virtual machine.
value - a boolean for which to create the value
the BooleanValue for the given boolean.


public ByteValue mirrorOf(byte value)
Creates a ByteValue for the given value. This value can be used for setting and comparing against a value retrieved from a variable or field in this virtual machine.
value - a byte for which to create the value
the ByteValue for the given byte.


public CharValue mirrorOf(char value)
Creates a CharValue for the given value. This value can be used for setting and comparing against a value retrieved from a variable or field in this virtual machine.
value - a char for which to create the value
the CharValue for the given char.


public ShortValue mirrorOf(short value)
Creates a ShortValue for the given value. This value can be used for setting and comparing against a value retrieved from a variable or field in this virtual machine.
value - a short for which to create the value
the ShortValue for the given short.


public IntegerValue mirrorOf(int value)
Creates an IntegerValue for the given value. This value can be used for setting and comparing against a value retrieved from a variable or field in this virtual machine.
value - an int for which to create the value
the IntegerValue for the given int.


public LongValue mirrorOf(long value)
Creates a LongValue for the given value. This value can be used for setting and comparing against a value retrieved from a variable or field in this virtual machine.
value - a long for which to create the value
the LongValue for the given long.


public FloatValue mirrorOf(float value)
Creates a FloatValue for the given value. This value can be used for setting and comparing against a value retrieved from a variable or field in this virtual machine.
value - a float for which to create the value
the FloatValue for the given float.


public DoubleValue mirrorOf(double value)
Creates a DoubleValue for the given value. This value can be used for setting and comparing against a value retrieved from a variable or field in this virtual machine.
value - a double for which to create the value
the DoubleValue for the given double.


public StringReference mirrorOf(String value)
Creates a string in this virtual machine. The created string can be used for setting and comparing against a string value retrieved from a variable or field in this virtual machine.
the - string to be created
a StringReference that mirrors the newly created string in the target VM.


public Process process()
Returns the Process object for this virtual machine if launched by a LaunchingConnector
the Process object for this virtual machine, or null if it was not launched by a LaunchingConnector.


public void dispose()
Invalidates this virtual machine mirror. The communication channel to the target VM is closed, and the target VM prepares to accept another subsequent connection from this debugger or another debugger, including the following tasks: Any current method invocations executing in the target VM are continued after the disconnection. Upon completion of any such method invocation, the invoking thread continues from the location where it was originally stopped.

Resources originating in this VirtualMachine (ObjectReferences, ReferenceTypes, etc.) will become invalid.


public void exit(int exitCode)
Causes the mirrored VM to terminate with the given error code. All resources associated with this VirtualMachine are freed. If the mirrored VM is remote, the communication channel to it will be closed. Resources originating in this VirtualMachine (ObjectReferences, ReferenceTypes, etc.) will become invalid.

Threads running in the mirrored VM are abruptly terminated. A thread death exception is not thrown and finally blocks are not run.

exitCode - the exit code for the target VM.


public boolean canWatchFieldModification()
Determines if this implementation supports watchpoints for field modification.
true if the feature is supported, false otherwise.


public boolean canWatchFieldAccess()
Determines if this implementation supports watchpoints for field access.
true if the feature is supported, false otherwise.


public boolean canGetBytecodes()
Determines if this implementation supports the retrieval of a method's bytecodes.
true if the feature is supported, false otherwise.


public boolean canGetSyntheticAttribute()
Determines if this implementation supports the query of the synthetic attribute of a method or field.
true if the feature is supported, false otherwise.


public boolean canGetOwnedMonitorInfo()
Determines if this implementation supports the retrieval of the monitors owned by a thread.
true if the feature is supported, false otherwise.


public boolean canGetCurrentContendedMonitor()
Determines if this implementation supports the retrieval of the monitor for which a thread is currently waiting.
true if the feature is supported, false otherwise.


public boolean canGetMonitorInfo()
Determines if this implementation supports the retrieval of the monitor information for an object.
true if the feature is supported, false otherwise.


public String description()
Returns text information on the target VM and the debugger support that mirrors it. No specific format for this information is guaranteed. Typically, this string contains version information for the target VM and debugger interfaces. More precise information on VM and JDI versions is available through version(), VirtualMachineManager.majorInterfaceVersion(), and VirtualMachineManager.minorInterfaceVersion()
the description.


public String version()
Returns the version of the Java Runtime Environment in the target VM as reported by the property java.version. For obtaining the JDI interface version, use VirtualMachineManager.majorInterfaceVersion() and VirtualMachineManager.minorInterfaceVersion()
the target VM version.


public String name()
Returns the name of the target VM as reported by the property java.vm.name.
the target VM name.


public void setDebugTraceMode(int traceFlags)
Traces the activities performed by the com.sun.jdi implementation. All trace information is output to System.err. The given trace flags are used to limit the output to only the information desired. The given flags are in effect and the corresponding trace will continue until the next call to this method.

Output is implementation dependent and trace mode may be ignored.

traceFlags - identifies which kinds of tracing to enable.

Java Debug Interface