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Java Debug Interface

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Field
com.sun.jdi This is the core package of the Java Debug Interface (JDI), it defines mirrors for values, types, and the target VirtualMachine itself - as well bootstrapping facilities. 
com.sun.jdi.event This package defines JDI events and event processing. 
com.sun.jdi.request This package is used to request that a JDI event be sent under specified conditions. 

Uses of Field in com.sun.jdi

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return Field
 Field ReferenceType.fieldByName(String fieldName)
          Finds the visible Field with the given non-ambiguous name.

Methods in com.sun.jdi with parameters of type Field
 void ClassType.setValue(Field field, Value value)
          Assigns a value to a static field.
 Value ReferenceType.getValue(Field field)
          Gets the Value of a given static Field in this type.
 Value ObjectReference.getValue(Field sig)
          Gets the value of a given instance or static field in this object.
 void ObjectReference.setValue(Field field, Value value)
          Sets the value of a given instance or static field in this object.

Uses of Field in com.sun.jdi.event

Methods in com.sun.jdi.event that return Field
 Field WatchpointEvent.field()
          Returns the field that is about to be accessed/modified.

Uses of Field in com.sun.jdi.request

Methods in com.sun.jdi.request that return Field
 Field WatchpointRequest.field()
          Gets the Field being watched by this WatchpointRequest.

Methods in com.sun.jdi.request with parameters of type Field
 AccessWatchpointRequest EventRequestManager.createAccessWatchpointRequest(Field field)
          Creates a new disabled watchpoint which watches accesses to the specified field.
 ModificationWatchpointRequest EventRequestManager.createModificationWatchpointRequest(Field field)
          Creates a new disabled watchpoint which watches accesses to the specified field.

Java Debug Interface