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Java Debug Interface

Interface InterfaceType

All Superinterfaces:
Accessible, Comparable<ReferenceType>, Mirror, ReferenceType, Type

public interface InterfaceType
extends ReferenceType

A mirror of an interface in the target VM. An InterfaceType is a refinement of ReferenceType that applies to true interfaces in the JLS sense of the definition (not a class, not an array type). An interface type will never be returned by ObjectReference.referenceType(), but it may be in the list of implemented interfaces for a ClassType that is returned by that method.

See Also:

Method Summary
 List<ClassType> implementors()
          Gets the currently prepared classes which directly implement this interface.
 List<InterfaceType> subinterfaces()
          Gets the currently prepared interfaces which directly extend this interface.
 List<InterfaceType> superinterfaces()
          Gets the interfaces directly extended by this interface.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType
allFields, allLineLocations, allLineLocations, allMethods, availableStrata, classLoader, classObject, constantPool, constantPoolCount, defaultStratum, equals, failedToInitialize, fieldByName, fields, genericSignature, getValue, getValues, hashCode, instances, isAbstract, isFinal, isInitialized, isPrepared, isStatic, isVerified, locationsOfLine, locationsOfLine, majorVersion, methods, methodsByName, methodsByName, minorVersion, name, nestedTypes, sourceDebugExtension, sourceName, sourceNames, sourcePaths, visibleFields, visibleMethods
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdi.Type
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdi.Mirror
toString, virtualMachine
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdi.Accessible
isPackagePrivate, isPrivate, isProtected, isPublic, modifiers

Method Detail


List<InterfaceType> superinterfaces()
Gets the interfaces directly extended by this interface. The returned list contains only those interfaces this interface has declared to be extended.

a List of InterfaceType objects each mirroring an interface extended by this interface. If none exist, returns a zero length List.
ClassNotPreparedException - if this class not yet been prepared.


List<InterfaceType> subinterfaces()
Gets the currently prepared interfaces which directly extend this interface. The returned list contains only those interfaces that declared this interface in their "extends" clause.

a List of InterfaceType objects each mirroring an interface extending this interface. If none exist, returns a zero length List.


List<ClassType> implementors()
Gets the currently prepared classes which directly implement this interface. The returned list contains only those classes that declared this interface in their "implements" clause.

a List of ClassType objects each mirroring a class implementing this interface. If none exist, returns a zero length List.

Java Debug Interface