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Java Debug Interface

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Method
com.sun.jdi This is the core package of the Java Debug Interface (JDI), it defines mirrors for values, types, and the target VirtualMachine itself - as well bootstrapping facilities. 
com.sun.jdi.event This package defines JDI events and event processing. 

Uses of Method in com.sun.jdi

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return Method
 Method ClassType.concreteMethodByName(String name, String signature)
          Returns a the single non-abstract Method visible from this class that has the given name and signature.
 Method Location.method()
          Gets the method containing this Location.

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return types with arguments of type Method
 List<Method> ReferenceType.allMethods()
          Returns a list containing each Method declared in this type, and its superclasses, implemented interfaces, and/or superinterfaces.
 List<Method> ReferenceType.methods()
          Returns a list containing each Method declared directly in this type.
 List<Method> ReferenceType.methodsByName(String name)
          Returns a List containing each visible Method that has the given name.
 List<Method> ReferenceType.methodsByName(String name, String signature)
          Returns a List containing each visible Method that has the given name and signature.
 List<Method> ReferenceType.visibleMethods()
          Returns a list containing each Method declared or inherited by this type.

Methods in com.sun.jdi with parameters of type Method
 Value ClassType.invokeMethod(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List<? extends Value> arguments, int options)
          Invokes the specified static Method in the target VM.
 Value ObjectReference.invokeMethod(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List<? extends Value> arguments, int options)
          Invokes the specified Method on this object in the target VM.
 ObjectReference ClassType.newInstance(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List<? extends Value> arguments, int options)
          Constructs a new instance of this type, using the given constructor Method in the target VM.

Uses of Method in com.sun.jdi.event

Methods in com.sun.jdi.event that return Method
 Method MethodExitEvent.method()
          Returns the method that was exited.
 Method MethodEntryEvent.method()
          Returns the method that was entered.

Java Debug Interface