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Java Debug Interface

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Value
com.sun.jdi This is the core package of the Java Debug Interface (JDI), it defines mirrors for values, types, and the target VirtualMachine itself - as well bootstrapping facilities. 
com.sun.jdi.event This package defines JDI events and event processing. 

Uses of Value in com.sun.jdi

Subinterfaces of Value in com.sun.jdi
 interface ArrayReference
          Provides access to an array object and its components in the target VM.
 interface BooleanValue
          Provides access to a primitive boolean value in the target VM.
 interface ByteValue
          Provides access to a primitive byte value in the target VM.
 interface CharValue
          Provides access to a primitive char value in the target VM.
 interface ClassLoaderReference
          A class loader object from the target VM.
 interface ClassObjectReference
          An instance of java.lang.Class from the target VM.
 interface DoubleValue
          Provides access to a primitive double value in the target VM.
 interface FloatValue
          Provides access to a primitive float value in the target VM.
 interface IntegerValue
          Provides access to a primitive int value in the target VM.
 interface LongValue
          Provides access to a primitive long value in the target VM.
 interface ObjectReference
          An object that currently exists in the target VM.
 interface PrimitiveValue
          The value assigned to a field or variable of primitive type in a target VM.
 interface ShortValue
          Provides access to a primitive short value in the target VM.
 interface StringReference
          A string object from the target VM.
 interface ThreadGroupReference
          A thread group object from the target VM.
 interface ThreadReference
          A thread object from the target VM.
 interface VoidValue
          Provides access to a primitive void value in the target VM.

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return Value
 Value ReferenceType.getValue(Field field)
          Gets the Value of a given static Field in this type.
 Value ObjectReference.getValue(Field sig)
          Gets the value of a given instance or static field in this object.
 Value ArrayReference.getValue(int index)
          Returns an array component value.
 Value StackFrame.getValue(LocalVariable variable)
          Gets the Value of a LocalVariable in this frame.
 Value ClassType.invokeMethod(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List<? extends Value> arguments, int options)
          Invokes the specified static Method in the target VM.
 Value ObjectReference.invokeMethod(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List<? extends Value> arguments, int options)
          Invokes the specified Method on this object in the target VM.

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return types with arguments of type Value
 List<Value> StackFrame.getArgumentValues()
          Returns the values of all arguments in this frame.
 List<Value> ArrayReference.getValues()
          Returns all of the components in this array.
 List<Value> ArrayReference.getValues(int index, int length)
          Returns a range of array components.
 Map<Field,Value> ReferenceType.getValues(List<? extends Field> fields)
          Returns a map containing the Value of each static Field in the given list.
 Map<Field,Value> ObjectReference.getValues(List<? extends Field> fields)
          Gets the value of multiple instance and/or static fields in this object.
 Map<LocalVariable,Value> StackFrame.getValues(List<? extends LocalVariable> variables)
          Returns the values of multiple local variables in this frame.

Methods in com.sun.jdi with parameters of type Value
 void ThreadReference.forceEarlyReturn(Value value)
          Force a method to return before it reaches a return statement.
 void ClassType.setValue(Field field, Value value)
          Assigns a value to a static field.
 void ObjectReference.setValue(Field field, Value value)
          Sets the value of a given instance or static field in this object.
 void ArrayReference.setValue(int index, Value value)
          Replaces an array component with another value.
 void StackFrame.setValue(LocalVariable variable, Value value)
          Sets the Value of a LocalVariable in this frame.

Method parameters in com.sun.jdi with type arguments of type Value
 Value ClassType.invokeMethod(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List<? extends Value> arguments, int options)
          Invokes the specified static Method in the target VM.
 Value ObjectReference.invokeMethod(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List<? extends Value> arguments, int options)
          Invokes the specified Method on this object in the target VM.
 ObjectReference ClassType.newInstance(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List<? extends Value> arguments, int options)
          Constructs a new instance of this type, using the given constructor Method in the target VM.
 void ArrayReference.setValues(int index, List<? extends Value> values, int srcIndex, int length)
          Replaces a range of array components with other values.
 void ArrayReference.setValues(List<? extends Value> values)
          Replaces all array components with other values.

Uses of Value in com.sun.jdi.event

Methods in com.sun.jdi.event that return Value
 Value MethodExitEvent.returnValue()
          Returns the value that the method will return.
 Value WatchpointEvent.valueCurrent()
          Current value of the field.
 Value ModificationWatchpointEvent.valueToBe()
          Value that will be assigned to the field when the instruction completes.

Java Debug Interface