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Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 7

DRAFT ea-b118

Uses of Class

Packages that use MethodType
Package Description
java.dyn PROVISIONAL API, WORK IN PROGRESS: This package contains dynamic language support provided directly by the Java core class libraries and virtual machine. 

Uses of MethodType in java.dyn

Fields in java.dyn declared as MethodType
Modifier and Type Field and Description
static MethodType Linkage.BOOTSTRAP_METHOD_TYPE
          PROVISIONAL API, WORK IN PROGRESS: The type of any bootstrap method is a three-argument method (Class, String, MethodType) returning a CallSite.

Methods in java.dyn that return MethodType
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 MethodType MethodType.changeParameterType(int num, Class<?> nptype)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
 MethodType MethodType.changeReturnType(Class<?> nrtype)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
 MethodType MethodType.dropParameterType(int num)
          Deprecated. Use dropParameterTypes(int, int) instead.
 MethodType MethodType.dropParameterTypes(int start, int end)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
 MethodType MethodType.erase()
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
static MethodType MethodType.fromBytecodeString(String descriptor, ClassLoader loader)
          Temporary alias for fromMethodDescriptorString; delete after M3.
static MethodType MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString(String descriptor, ClassLoader loader)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
 MethodType MethodType.generic()
          Convenience method for genericMethodType(int).
static MethodType MethodType.genericMethodType(int objectArgCount)
          All parameters and the return type will be Object.
static MethodType MethodType.genericMethodType(int objectArgCount, boolean varargs)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
 MethodType MethodType.insertParameterType(int num, Class<?> nptype)
          Deprecated. Use insertParameterTypes(int, java.lang.Class<?>...) instead.
 MethodType MethodType.insertParameterTypes(int num, Class<?>... ptypesToInsert)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
 MethodType MethodType.insertParameterTypes(int num, List<Class<?>> ptypesToInsert)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
static MethodType MethodType.make(Class<?> rtype)
static MethodType MethodType.make(Class<?> rtype, Class<?> ptype0)
static MethodType MethodType.make(Class<?> rtype, Class<?>[] ptypes)
static MethodType MethodType.make(Class<?> rtype, Class<?> ptype0, Class<?>... ptypes)
static MethodType MethodType.make(Class<?> rtype, List<? extends Class<?>> ptypes)
static MethodType MethodType.make(Class<?> rtype, MethodType ptypes)
static MethodType MethodType.makeGeneric(int objectArgCount)
static MethodType MethodType.makeGeneric(int objectArgCount, boolean varargs)
static MethodType MethodType.methodType(Class<?> rtype)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
static MethodType MethodType.methodType(Class<?> rtype, Class<?> ptype0)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
static MethodType MethodType.methodType(Class<?> rtype, Class<?>[] ptypes)
          Find or create an instance of the given method type.
static MethodType MethodType.methodType(Class<?> rtype, Class<?> ptype0, Class<?>... ptypes)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
static MethodType MethodType.methodType(Class<?> rtype, List<? extends Class<?>> ptypes)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
static MethodType MethodType.methodType(Class<?> rtype, MethodType ptypes)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
 MethodType MethodHandle.type()
          Report the type of this method handle.
 MethodType CallSite.type()
          Deprecated. transitional form defined in EDR but removed in PFD
 MethodType MethodType.unwrap()
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
 MethodType MethodType.wrap()
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).

Methods in java.dyn with parameters of type MethodType
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 MethodHandle MethodHandle.asMethodHandle(MethodType type)
          Implementation of MethodHandleProvider, which returns this.asType(type).
 MethodHandle MethodHandleProvider.asMethodHandle(MethodType type)
          Produce a method handle of a given type which will serve as a behavioral proxy for the current object.
 MethodHandle CallSite.asMethodHandle(MethodType type)
          Implementation of MethodHandleProvider, which returns this.dynamicInvoker().asType(type).
 MethodHandle MethodHandle.asType(MethodType newType)
          PROVISIONAL API, WORK IN PROGRESS: Produce an adapter method handle which adapts the type of the current method handle to a new type by pairwise argument conversion.
 MethodHandle MethodHandles.Lookup.bind(Object receiver, String name, MethodType type)
          Produce an early-bound method handle for a non-static method.
static MethodHandle MethodHandles.collectArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodType newType)
          PROVISIONAL API, WORK IN PROGRESS: Produce a method handle which adapts the type of the given method handle to a new type, by collecting a series of trailing arguments as elements to a single argument array.
static MethodHandle MethodHandles.convertArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodType newType)
          Produce a method handle which adapts the type of the given method handle to a new type by pairwise argument conversion.
static MethodHandle MethodHandles.exactInvoker(MethodType type)
          PROVISIONAL API, WORK IN PROGRESS: Produce a method handle which will take a invoke any method handle of the given type.
 MethodHandle MethodHandles.Lookup.findConstructor(Class<?> refc, MethodType type)
          Produce a method handle which creates an object and initializes it, using the constructor of the specified type.
 MethodHandle MethodHandles.Lookup.findSpecial(Class<?> refc, String name, MethodType type, Class<?> specialCaller)
          Produce an early-bound method handle for a virtual method, as if called from an invokespecial instruction from caller.
 MethodHandle MethodHandles.Lookup.findStatic(Class<?> refc, String name, MethodType type)
          Produce a method handle for a static method.
 MethodHandle MethodHandles.Lookup.findVirtual(Class<?> refc, String name, MethodType type)
          Produce a method handle for a virtual method.
static MethodHandle MethodHandles.genericInvoker(MethodType type)
          PROVISIONAL API, WORK IN PROGRESS: Produce a method handle which will invoke any method handle of the given type on a standard set of Object type arguments.
protected  MethodHandle CallSite.initialTarget(Class<?> callerClass, String name, MethodType type)
          Deprecated. transitional form defined in EDR but removed in PFD
static MethodType MethodType.make(Class<?> rtype, MethodType ptypes)
static MethodType MethodType.methodType(Class<?> rtype, MethodType ptypes)
          Convenience method for methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]).
static MethodHandle MethodHandles.permuteArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodType newType, int[] reorder)
          PROVISIONAL API, WORK IN PROGRESS: Produce a method handle which adapts the calling sequence of the given method handle to a new type, by reordering the arguments.
static MethodHandle MethodHandles.spreadArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodType newType)
          PROVISIONAL API, WORK IN PROGRESS: Produce a method handle which adapts the type of the given method handle to a new type, by spreading the final argument.
static MethodHandle MethodHandles.varargsInvoker(MethodType type, int objectArgCount)
          PROVISIONAL API, WORK IN PROGRESS: Produce a method handle which will invoke any method handle of the given type on a standard set of Object type arguments and a single trailing Object[] array.

Constructors in java.dyn with parameters of type MethodType
Constructor and Description
CallSite(Class<?> caller, String name, MethodType type)
          Deprecated. transitional form defined in EDR but removed in PFD
MethodHandle(sun.dyn.Access token, MethodType type)
          The constructor for MethodHandle may only be called by privileged code.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 7

DRAFT ea-b118

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DRAFT ea-b118

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