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Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 7

DRAFT ea-b118

Uses of Class

Packages that use JEditorPane
Package Description
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.text Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. 
javax.swing.text.html Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors. 

Uses of JEditorPane in javax.swing

Subclasses of JEditorPane in javax.swing
Modifier and Type Class and Description
 class JTextPane
          A text component that can be marked up with attributes that are represented graphically.

Uses of JEditorPane in javax.swing.text

Methods in javax.swing.text that return JEditorPane
Modifier and Type Method and Description
protected  JEditorPane StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction.getEditor(ActionEvent e)
          Gets the target editor for an action.

Methods in javax.swing.text with parameters of type JEditorPane
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 void StyledEditorKit.deinstall(JEditorPane c)
          Called when the kit is being removed from the JEditorPane.
 void EditorKit.deinstall(JEditorPane c)
          Called when the kit is being removed from the JEditorPane.
protected  StyledDocument StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction.getStyledDocument(JEditorPane e)
          Gets the document associated with an editor pane.
protected  StyledEditorKit StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction.getStyledEditorKit(JEditorPane e)
          Gets the editor kit associated with an editor pane.
 void StyledEditorKit.install(JEditorPane c)
          Called when the kit is being installed into a JEditorPane.
 void EditorKit.install(JEditorPane c)
          Called when the kit is being installed into the a JEditorPane.
protected  void StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction.setCharacterAttributes(JEditorPane editor, AttributeSet attr, boolean replace)
          Applies the given attributes to character content.
protected  void StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction.setParagraphAttributes(JEditorPane editor, AttributeSet attr, boolean replace)
          Applies the given attributes to paragraphs.

Uses of JEditorPane in javax.swing.text.html

Methods in javax.swing.text.html with parameters of type JEditorPane
Modifier and Type Method and Description
protected  void HTMLEditorKit.LinkController.activateLink(int pos, JEditorPane editor)
          Calls linkActivated on the associated JEditorPane if the given position represents a link.
 void HTMLEditorKit.deinstall(JEditorPane c)
          Called when the kit is being removed from the JEditorPane.
protected  HTMLDocument HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction.getHTMLDocument(JEditorPane e)
protected  HTMLEditorKit HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction.getHTMLEditorKit(JEditorPane e)
protected  void HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction.insertAtBoundary(JEditorPane editor, HTMLDocument doc, int offset, Element insertElement, String html, HTML.Tag parentTag, HTML.Tag addTag)
          This is invoked when inserting at a boundary.
protected  void HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction.insertAtBoundry(JEditorPane editor, HTMLDocument doc, int offset, Element insertElement, String html, HTML.Tag parentTag, HTML.Tag addTag)
          Deprecated. As of Java 2 platform v1.3, use insertAtBoundary
protected  void HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction.insertHTML(JEditorPane editor, HTMLDocument doc, int offset, String html, int popDepth, int pushDepth, HTML.Tag addTag)
          A cover for HTMLEditorKit.insertHTML.
 void HTMLEditorKit.install(JEditorPane c)
          Called when the kit is being installed into the a JEditorPane.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 7

DRAFT ea-b118

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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DRAFT ea-b118

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