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спецификации, руководства, описания, API

Mirror API
DRAFT ea-b118


accept(DeclarationVisitor) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.Declaration
Deprecated. Applies a visitor to this declaration.
accept(TypeVisitor) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.TypeMirror
Deprecated. Applies a visitor to this type.
addListener(AnnotationProcessorListener) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Add a listener.
and(DeclarationFilter) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. Returns a filter that selects those declarations selected by both this filter and another.
AnnotationMirror - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is AnnotationMirror.
AnnotationProcessor - Interface in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is Processor.
AnnotationProcessorEnvironment - Interface in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is ProcessingEnvironment.
AnnotationProcessorFactory - Interface in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is Processor.
AnnotationProcessorListener - Interface in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. This interface has no direct analog in the standardized API because the different round model renders it unnecessary.
AnnotationProcessors - Class in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. There is no direct analog of the functionality of this class in the standardized API.
AnnotationProcessors() - Constructor for class com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessors
AnnotationType - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in DeclaredType.
AnnotationTypeDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in TypeElement.
AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in ExecutableElement.
AnnotationValue - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is AnnotationValue.
ArrayType - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is ArrayType.


ClassDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in TypeElement.
classFilesCreated() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.RoundState
Deprecated. Returns true if new class files were created in this round of processing; returns false otherwise.
ClassType - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in DeclaredType.
column() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.SourcePosition
Deprecated. Returns the column number of this position.
com.sun.mirror.apt - package com.sun.mirror.apt
Classes used to communicate information between annotation processors and an annotation processing tool.
com.sun.mirror.declaration - package com.sun.mirror.declaration
Interfaces used to model program element declarations.
com.sun.mirror.type - package com.sun.mirror.type
Interfaces used to model types.
com.sun.mirror.util - package com.sun.mirror.util
Utilities to assist in the processing of declarations and types.
ConstructorDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in ExecutableElement.
createBinaryFile(Filer.Location, String, File) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.Filer
Deprecated. Creates a new binary file, and returns a stream for writing to it.
createClassFile(String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.Filer
Deprecated. Creates a new class file, and returns a stream for writing to it.
createSourceFile(String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.Filer
Deprecated. Creates a new source file and returns a writer for it.
createTextFile(Filer.Location, String, File, String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.Filer
Deprecated. Creates a new text file, and returns a writer for it.


Declaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is Element.
DeclarationFilter - Class in com.sun.mirror.util
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this class is ElementFilter.
DeclarationFilter() - Constructor for class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. Constructs an identity filter: one that selects all declarations.
Declarations - Interface in com.sun.mirror.util
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is Elements.
DeclarationVisitor - Interface in com.sun.mirror.util
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is ElementVisitor.
DeclarationVisitors - Class in com.sun.mirror.util
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. There is no direct replacement for the functionality of this class in the standardized API due to that API's different visitor structure.
DeclaredType - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in DeclaredType.


EnumConstantDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in VariableElement.
EnumDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in TypeElement.
EnumType - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in DeclaredType.
equals(Object) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.Declaration
Deprecated. Tests whether an object represents the same declaration as this.
equals(Object) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.TypeMirror
Deprecated. Tests whether two types represent the same type.
errorRaised() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.RoundState
Deprecated. Returns true if an error was raised in this round of processing; returns false otherwise.
ExecutableDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is ExecutableElement.


FieldDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in VariableElement.
file() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.SourcePosition
Deprecated. Returns the source file containing this position.
Filer - Interface in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is Filer.
Filer.Location - Enum in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this enum is StandardLocation.
filter(Collection<D>) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. Returns the declarations matched by this filter.
filter(Collection<? extends Declaration>, Class<D>) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. Returns the declarations matched by this filter, with the result being restricted to declarations of a given kind.
FILTER_PACKAGE - Static variable in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. A filter that selects only package-private (default) declarations.
FILTER_PRIVATE - Static variable in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. A filter that selects only private declarations.
FILTER_PROTECTED - Static variable in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. A filter that selects only protected declarations.
FILTER_PUBLIC - Static variable in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. A filter that selects only public declarations.
FILTER_PUBLIC_OR_PROTECTED - Static variable in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. A filter that selects only public or protected declarations.
finalRound() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.RoundState
Deprecated. Returns true if this was the last round of annotation processing; returns false if there will be a subsequent round.


getActualTypeArguments() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.DeclaredType
Deprecated. Returns (in order) the actual type arguments of this type.
getAnnotation(Class<A>) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.Declaration
Deprecated. Returns the annotation of this declaration having the specified type.
getAnnotationMirrors() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.Declaration
Deprecated. Returns the annotations that are directly present on this declaration.
getAnnotationType() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationMirror
Deprecated. Returns the annotation type of this annotation.
getAnnotationTypes() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.PackageDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the declarations of the top-level annotation types in this package.
getArrayType(TypeMirror) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Types
Deprecated. Returns an array type with the specified component type.
getBounds() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeParameterDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the bounds of this type parameter.
getClasses() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.PackageDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the declarations of the top-level classes in this package.
getComponentType() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.ArrayType
Deprecated. Returns the component type of this array type.
getCompositeAnnotationProcessor(AnnotationProcessor...) - Static method in class com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessors
Deprecated. Constructs a new composite annotation processor.
getCompositeAnnotationProcessor(Collection<AnnotationProcessor>) - Static method in class com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessors
Deprecated. Constructs a new composite annotation processor.
getConstantExpression() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.FieldDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the text of a constant expression representing the value of this field if this field is a compile-time constant.
getConstantValue() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.FieldDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the value of this field if this field is a compile-time constant.
getConstructors() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.ClassDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the constructors of this class.
getContainingType() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.DeclaredType
Deprecated. Returns the type that contains this type as a member.
getDeclaration() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.AnnotationType
Deprecated. Returns the declaration of this type.
getDeclaration() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.ClassType
Deprecated. Returns the declaration of this type.
getDeclaration() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.DeclaredType
Deprecated. Returns the declaration of this type.
getDeclaration() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.EnumType
Deprecated. Returns the declaration of this type.
getDeclaration() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.InterfaceType
Deprecated. Returns the declaration of this type.
getDeclaration() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.TypeVariable
Deprecated. Returns the type parameter that declared this type variable.
getDeclarationsAnnotatedWith(AnnotationTypeDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Returns the declarations annotated with the given annotation type.
getDeclarationScanner(DeclarationVisitor, DeclarationVisitor) - Static method in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitors
Deprecated. Return a DeclarationVisitor that will scan the declaration structure, visiting declarations contained in another declaration.
getDeclarationUtils() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Returns an implementation of some utility methods for operating on declarations.
getDeclaredType(TypeDeclaration, TypeMirror...) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Types
Deprecated. Returns the type corresponding to a type declaration and actual type arguments.
getDeclaredType(DeclaredType, TypeDeclaration, TypeMirror...) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Types
Deprecated. Returns the type corresponding to a type declaration and actual arguments, given a containing type of which it is a member.
getDeclaringType() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the type declaration within which this member or constructor is declared.
getDeclaringType() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.EnumConstantDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the type declaration within which this member or constructor is declared.
getDeclaringType() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.MemberDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the type declaration within which this member or constructor is declared.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the default value of this element.
getDocComment() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.Declaration
Deprecated. Returns the text of the documentation ("javadoc") comment of this declaration.
getElementValues() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationMirror
Deprecated. Returns this annotation's elements and their values.
getEnumConstants() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.EnumDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the enum constants defined for this enum.
getEnums() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.PackageDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the declarations of the top-level enum types in this package.
getErasure(TypeMirror) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Types
Deprecated. Returns the erasure of a type.
getFields() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the fields that are directly declared by this class or interface.
getFiler() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Returns the filer used to create new source, class, or auxiliary files.
getFilter(Collection<Modifier>) - Static method in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. Returns a filter that selects declarations containing all of a collection of modifiers.
getFilter(Class<? extends Declaration>) - Static method in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. Returns a filter that selects declarations of a particular kind.
getFormalTypeParameters() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.ExecutableDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the formal type parameters of this method or constructor.
getFormalTypeParameters() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the formal type parameters of this class or interface.
getInterfaces() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.PackageDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the declarations of the top-level interfaces in this package.
getKind() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.PrimitiveType
Deprecated. Returns the kind of primitive type that this object represents.
getLowerBounds() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.WildcardType
Deprecated. Returns the lower bounds of this wildcard.
getMessager() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Returns the messager used to report errors, warnings, and other notices.
getMethods() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationTypeDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the annotation type elements of this annotation type.
getMethods() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.ClassDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the methods that are directly declared by this class or interface.
getMethods() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the methods that are directly declared by this class or interface.
getModifiers() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.Declaration
Deprecated. Returns the modifiers of this declaration, excluding annotations.
getNestedTypes() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the declarations of the nested classes and interfaces that are directly declared by this class or interface.
getOptions() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Returns the options passed to the annotation processing tool.
getOwner() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeParameterDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the type, method, or constructor declaration within which this type parameter is declared.
getPackage(String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Returns the declaration of a package given its fully qualified name.
getPackage() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the package within which this type is declared.
getParameters() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.ExecutableDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the formal parameters of this method or constructor.
getPosition() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationMirror
Deprecated. Returns the source position of the beginning of this annotation.
getPosition() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationValue
Deprecated. Returns the source position of the beginning of this annotation value.
getPosition() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.Declaration
Deprecated. Returns the source position of the beginning of this declaration.
getPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Kind) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Types
Deprecated. Returns a primitive type.
getProcessorFor(Set<AnnotationTypeDeclaration>, AnnotationProcessorEnvironment) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorFactory
Deprecated. Returns an annotation processor for a set of annotation types.
getQualifiedName() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.PackageDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the fully qualified name of this package.
getQualifiedName() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the fully qualified name of this class or interface declaration.
getQualifiedName() - Method in exception com.sun.mirror.type.MirroredTypeException
Deprecated. Returns the fully qualified name of the type being accessed.
getQualifiedNames() - Method in exception com.sun.mirror.type.MirroredTypesException
Deprecated. Returns the fully qualified names of the types being accessed.
getReturnType() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.MethodDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the formal return type of this method.
getRoundState() - Method in class com.sun.mirror.apt.RoundCompleteEvent
Deprecated. Return round state.
getSimpleName() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.Declaration
Deprecated. Returns the simple (unqualified) name of this declaration.
getSource() - Method in class com.sun.mirror.apt.RoundCompleteEvent
Deprecated. Return source.
getSourceOrderDeclarationScanner(DeclarationVisitor, DeclarationVisitor) - Static method in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitors
Deprecated. Return a DeclarationVisitor that will scan the declaration structure, visiting declarations contained in another declaration in source code order.
getSpecifiedTypeDeclarations() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Returns the declarations of the types specified when the annotation processing tool was invoked.
getSuperclass() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.ClassDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the class type directly extended by this class.
getSuperclass() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.ClassType
Deprecated. Returns the class type that is a direct supertype of this one.
getSuperinterfaces() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the interface types directly implemented by this class or extended by this interface.
getSuperinterfaces() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.DeclaredType
Deprecated. Returns the interface types that are direct supertypes of this type.
getThrownTypes() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.ExecutableDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the exceptions and other throwables listed in this method or constructor's throws clause.
getType() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.FieldDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the type of this field.
getType() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.ParameterDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns the type of this parameter.
getTypeDeclaration(String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Returns the declaration of a type given its fully qualified name.
getTypeDeclarations() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. A convenience method that returns the declarations of the types included in this invocation of the annotation processing tool.
getTypeMirror() - Method in exception com.sun.mirror.type.MirroredTypeException
Deprecated. Returns the type mirror corresponding to the type being accessed.
getTypeMirrors() - Method in exception com.sun.mirror.type.MirroredTypesException
Deprecated. Returns the type mirrors corresponding to the types being accessed.
getTypeUtils() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Returns an implementation of some utility methods for operating on types.
getTypeVariable(TypeParameterDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Types
Deprecated. Returns the type variable declared by a type parameter.
getUpperBounds() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.WildcardType
Deprecated. Returns the upper bounds of this wildcard.
getValue() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationValue
Deprecated. Returns the value.
getVoidType() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Types
Deprecated. Returns the pseudo-type representing the type of void.
getWildcardType(Collection<ReferenceType>, Collection<ReferenceType>) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Types
Deprecated. Returns a new wildcard.


hides(MemberDeclaration, MemberDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Declarations
Deprecated. Tests whether one type, method, or field declaration hides another.


InterfaceDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in TypeElement.
InterfaceType - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in DeclaredType.
isAssignable(TypeMirror, TypeMirror) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Types
Deprecated. Tests whether one type is assignable to another.
isSubtype(TypeMirror, TypeMirror) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Types
Deprecated. Tests whether one type is a subtype of the another.
isVarArgs() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.ExecutableDeclaration
Deprecated. Returns true if this method or constructor accepts a variable number of arguments.


line() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.SourcePosition
Deprecated. Returns the line number of this position.


matches(Declaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. Tests whether this filter matches a given declaration.
MemberDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is Element.
Messager - Interface in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is Messager.
MethodDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in ExecutableElement.
MirroredTypeException - Exception in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this exception is MirroredTypeException.
MirroredTypeException(TypeMirror) - Constructor for exception com.sun.mirror.type.MirroredTypeException
Deprecated. Constructs a new MirroredTypeException for the specified type.
MirroredTypesException - Exception in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this exception is MirroredTypesException.
MirroredTypesException(Collection<TypeMirror>) - Constructor for exception com.sun.mirror.type.MirroredTypesException
Deprecated. Constructs a new MirroredTypesException for the specified types.
Modifier - Enum in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this enum is Modifier.


NO_OP - Static variable in class com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessors
Deprecated. An annotation processor that does nothing and has no state.
NO_OP - Static variable in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitors
Deprecated. A visitor that has no side effects and keeps no state.
not() - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. Returns a filter that selects those declarations not selected by this filter.


or(DeclarationFilter) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter
Deprecated. Returns a filter that selects those declarations selected by either this filter or another.
overrides(MethodDeclaration, MethodDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.Declarations
Deprecated. Tests whether one method overrides another.


PackageDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is PackageElement.
ParameterDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in VariableElement.
PrimitiveType - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is PrimitiveType.
PrimitiveType.Kind - Enum in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this enum is TypeKind.
printError(String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.Messager
Deprecated. Prints an error message.
printError(SourcePosition, String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.Messager
Deprecated. Prints an error message.
printNotice(String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.Messager
Deprecated. Prints a notice.
printNotice(SourcePosition, String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.Messager
Deprecated. Prints a notice.
printWarning(String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.Messager
Deprecated. Prints a warning message.
printWarning(SourcePosition, String) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.Messager
Deprecated. Prints a warning message.
process() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessor
Deprecated. Process all program elements supported by this annotation processor.


ReferenceType - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is ReferenceType.
removeListener(AnnotationProcessorListener) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment
Deprecated. Remove a listener.
roundComplete(RoundCompleteEvent) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.RoundCompleteListener
Deprecated. Invoked after all processors for a round have run to completion.
RoundCompleteEvent - Class in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. This class has no direct analog in the standardized API because the different round model renders it unnecessary.
RoundCompleteEvent(AnnotationProcessorEnvironment, RoundState) - Constructor for class com.sun.mirror.apt.RoundCompleteEvent
Deprecated. The current AnnotationProcessorEnvironment is regarded as the source of events.
RoundCompleteListener - Interface in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. This interface has no direct analog in the standardized API because the different round model renders it unnecessary.
RoundState - Interface in com.sun.mirror.apt
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is RoundEnvironment.


SimpleDeclarationVisitor - Class in com.sun.mirror.util
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this class is SimpleElementVisitor6.
SimpleDeclarationVisitor() - Constructor for class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Creates a new SimpleDeclarationVisitor.
SimpleTypeVisitor - Class in com.sun.mirror.util
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this class is SimpleTypeVisitor6.
SimpleTypeVisitor() - Constructor for class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Creates a new SimpleTypeVisitor.
sourceFilesCreated() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.RoundState
Deprecated. Returns true if new source files were created in this round of processing; returns false otherwise.
SourcePosition - Interface in com.sun.mirror.util
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. There is no direct replacement for the functionality of this interface since the standardized Messager API implicitly takes a source position argument via any element, annotation mirror, or annotation value passed along with the message.
supportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorFactory
Deprecated. Returns the names of the annotation types supported by this factory.
supportedOptions() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorFactory
Deprecated. Returns the options recognized by this factory or by any of the processors it may create.


toString() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationValue
Deprecated. Returns a string representation of this value.
toString() - Method in enum com.sun.mirror.declaration.Modifier
Deprecated. Returns this modifier's name in lowercase.
toString() - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.type.TypeMirror
Deprecated. Returns a string representation of this type.
TypeDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in TypeElement.
TypeMirror - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is TypeMirror.
TypeParameterDeclaration - Interface in com.sun.mirror.declaration
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is TypeParameterElement.
Types - Interface in com.sun.mirror.util
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is Types.
TypeVariable - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is TypeVariable.
TypeVisitor - Interface in com.sun.mirror.util
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is TypeVisitor.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sun.mirror.apt.Filer.Location
Deprecated. Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sun.mirror.declaration.Modifier
Deprecated. Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sun.mirror.type.PrimitiveType.Kind
Deprecated. Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.sun.mirror.apt.Filer.Location
Deprecated. Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.sun.mirror.declaration.Modifier
Deprecated. Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.sun.mirror.type.PrimitiveType.Kind
Deprecated. Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
visitAnnotationType(AnnotationType) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an annotation type.
visitAnnotationType(AnnotationType) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an annotation type.
visitAnnotationTypeDeclaration(AnnotationTypeDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an annotation type declaration.
visitAnnotationTypeDeclaration(AnnotationTypeDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an annotation type declaration.
visitAnnotationTypeElementDeclaration(AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an annotation type element declaration.
visitAnnotationTypeElementDeclaration(AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an annotation type element declaration.
visitArrayType(ArrayType) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an array type.
visitArrayType(ArrayType) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an array type.
visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a class declaration.
visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a class declaration.
visitClassType(ClassType) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a class type.
visitClassType(ClassType) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a class type.
visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a constructor declaration.
visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a constructor declaration.
visitDeclaration(Declaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a declaration.
visitDeclaration(Declaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a declaration.
visitDeclaredType(DeclaredType) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a declared type.
visitDeclaredType(DeclaredType) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a declared type.
visitEnumConstantDeclaration(EnumConstantDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an enum constant declaration.
visitEnumConstantDeclaration(EnumConstantDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an enum constant declaration.
visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an enum declaration.
visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an enum declaration.
visitEnumType(EnumType) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an enum type.
visitEnumType(EnumType) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an enum type.
visitExecutableDeclaration(ExecutableDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a method or constructor declaration.
visitExecutableDeclaration(ExecutableDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a method or constructor declaration.
visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a field declaration.
visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a field declaration.
visitInterfaceDeclaration(InterfaceDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an interface declaration.
visitInterfaceDeclaration(InterfaceDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an interface declaration.
visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an interface type.
visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits an interface type.
visitMemberDeclaration(MemberDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a member or constructor declaration.
visitMemberDeclaration(MemberDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a member or constructor declaration.
visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a method declaration.
visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a method declaration.
visitPackageDeclaration(PackageDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a package declaration.
visitPackageDeclaration(PackageDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a package declaration.
visitParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a parameter declaration.
visitParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a parameter declaration.
visitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a primitive type.
visitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a primitive type.
visitReferenceType(ReferenceType) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a reference type.
visitReferenceType(ReferenceType) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a reference type.
visitTypeDeclaration(TypeDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a type declaration.
visitTypeDeclaration(TypeDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a type declaration.
visitTypeMirror(TypeMirror) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a type mirror.
visitTypeMirror(TypeMirror) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a type mirror.
visitTypeParameterDeclaration(TypeParameterDeclaration) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a type parameter declaration.
visitTypeParameterDeclaration(TypeParameterDeclaration) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a type parameter declaration.
visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a type variable.
visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a type variable.
visitVoidType(VoidType) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a void type.
visitVoidType(VoidType) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a void type.
visitWildcardType(WildcardType) - Method in class com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleTypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a wildcard.
visitWildcardType(WildcardType) - Method in interface com.sun.mirror.util.TypeVisitor
Deprecated. Visits a wildcard.
VoidType - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is included in NoType.


WildcardType - Interface in com.sun.mirror.type
Deprecated. All components of this API have been superseded by the standardized annotation processing API. The replacement for the functionality of this interface is WildcardType.

Mirror API
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