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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.3.1 |
Packages that use Font | |
java.awt | Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images. |
java.awt.font | Provides classes and interface relating to fonts. |
javax.accessibility | Defines a contract between user-interface components and an assistive technology that provides access to those components. |
javax.swing | Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. |
javax.swing.border | Provides classes and interface for drawing specialized borders around a Swing component. |
javax.swing.plaf | Provides one interface and many abstract classes that Swing uses to provide its pluggable look-and-feel capabilities. |
javax.swing.plaf.basic | Provides user interface objects built according to the Basic look-and-feel. |
javax.swing.table | Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTable. |
javax.swing.text | Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. |
javax.swing.text.html | Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes
for creating HTML text editors. |
javax.swing.tree | Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTree. |
Uses of Font in java.awt |
Fields in java.awt declared as Font | |
protected Font |
The actual Font from which the font metrics are
created. |
Methods in java.awt that return Font | |
Font |
Gets the font of this component. |
Font |
Get the Font of this object. |
abstract Font[] |
Returns an array containing a one-point size instance of all fonts available in this GraphicsEnvironment . |
Font |
Gets the font used for this menu component. |
Font |
Get the Font of this object. |
Font |
Font |
Gets the Font described by this
FontMetrics object. |
abstract Font |
Gets the current font. |
static Font |
Font.getFont(Map attributes)
Returns a Font appropriate to this attribute set. |
static Font |
Font.createFont(int fontFormat,
InputStream fontStream)
Returns a new Font with the specified font type
and input data. |
static Font |
Font.getFont(String nm)
Returns a Font object from the system properties list. |
static Font |
Font.decode(String str)
Returns the Font that the
str argument describes. |
static Font |
Font.getFont(String nm,
Font font)
Gets the specified Font from the system properties
list. |
Font |
Font.deriveFont(int style,
float size)
Creates a new Font object by replicating this
Font object and applying a new style and size. |
Font |
Font.deriveFont(int style,
AffineTransform trans)
Creates a new Font object by replicating this
Font object and applying a new style and transform. |
Font |
Font.deriveFont(float size)
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current
Font object and applying a new size to it. |
Font |
Font.deriveFont(AffineTransform trans)
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current
Font object and applying a new transform to it. |
Font |
Font.deriveFont(int style)
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current
Font object and applying a new style to it. |
Font |
Font.deriveFont(Map attributes)
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current
Font object and applying a new set of font attributes
to it. |
Font |
Get the Font of this object. |
Methods in java.awt with parameters of type Font | |
void |
Component.setFont(Font f)
Sets the font of this component. |
FontMetrics |
Component.getFontMetrics(Font font)
Gets the font metrics for the specified font. |
void |
Container.setFont(Font f)
Sets the font of this container. |
void |
Component.AccessibleAWTComponent.setFont(Font f)
Set the Font of this object. |
FontMetrics |
Component.AccessibleAWTComponent.getFontMetrics(Font f)
Get the FontMetrics of this object. |
void |
MenuComponent.setFont(Font f)
Sets the font to be used for this menu component to the specified font. |
void |
MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent.setFont(Font f)
Set the Font of this object. |
FontMetrics |
MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent.getFontMetrics(Font f)
Get the FontMetrics of this object. |
abstract void |
Graphics.setFont(Font font)
Sets this graphics context's font to the specified font. |
abstract FontMetrics |
Graphics.getFontMetrics(Font f)
Gets the font metrics for the specified font. |
static Font |
Font.getFont(String nm,
Font font)
Gets the specified Font from the system properties
list. |
abstract FontMetrics |
Toolkit.getFontMetrics(Font font)
Deprecated. This returns integer metrics for the default screen. |
void |
List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild.setFont(Font f)
Set the Font of this object. |
FontMetrics |
List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild.getFontMetrics(Font f)
Get the FontMetrics of this object. |
Constructors in java.awt with parameters of type Font | |
FontMetrics(Font font)
Creates a new FontMetrics object for finding out
height and width information about the specified Font
and specific character glyphs in that Font . |
Uses of Font in java.awt.font |
Methods in java.awt.font that return Font | |
abstract Font |
Returns the Font associated with this
GlyphVector . |
Font |
MultipleMaster.deriveMMFont(float[] axes)
Creates a new instance of a multiple master font based on the design axis values contained in the specified array. |
Font |
MultipleMaster.deriveMMFont(float[] glyphWidths,
float avgStemWidth,
float typicalCapHeight,
float typicalXHeight,
float italicAngle)
Creates a new instance of a multiple master font based on detailed metric information. |
Constructors in java.awt.font with parameters of type Font | |
TextLayout(String string,
Font font,
FontRenderContext frc)
Constructs a TextLayout from a String
and a Font . |
Uses of Font in javax.accessibility |
Methods in javax.accessibility that return Font | |
Font |
Gets the Font of this object. |
Methods in javax.accessibility with parameters of type Font | |
void |
AccessibleComponent.setFont(Font f)
Sets the Font of this object. |
FontMetrics |
AccessibleComponent.getFontMetrics(Font f)
Gets the FontMetrics of this object. |
Uses of Font in javax.swing |
Methods in javax.swing that return Font | |
Font |
Font |
UIDefaults.getFont(Object key)
If the value of key is a Font return it,
otherwise return null . |
Font |
Font |
Gets the Font of this object. |
static Font |
UIManager.getFont(Object key)
Returns a drawing font from the defaults table. |
Font |
Returns the Font used for text drawing operations. |
Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type Font | |
void |
JComponent.setFont(Font font)
Sets the font for this component. |
void |
JTextField.setFont(Font f)
Sets the current font. |
static TitledBorder |
BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont)
Adds a title to an existing border, specifying the text of the title along with its positioning and font, using the default text color determined by the current look and feel. |
static TitledBorder |
BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont,
Color titleColor)
Adds a title to an existing border, specifying the text of the title along with its positioning, font, and color. |
void |
JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild.setFont(Font f)
FontMetrics |
JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild.getFontMetrics(Font f)
void |
JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode.setFont(Font f)
FontMetrics |
JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode.getFontMetrics(Font f)
void |
JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell.setFont(Font f)
Sets the Font of this object. |
FontMetrics |
JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell.getFontMetrics(Font f)
Gets the FontMetrics of this object. |
void |
JTextArea.setFont(Font f)
Sets the current font. |
void |
DebugGraphics.setFont(Font aFont)
Sets the Font used for text drawing operations. |
FontMetrics |
DebugGraphics.getFontMetrics(Font f)
Overrides Graphics.getFontMetrics . |
Uses of Font in javax.swing.border |
Fields in javax.swing.border declared as Font | |
protected Font |
Methods in javax.swing.border that return Font | |
Font |
Returns the title-font of the titled border. |
protected Font |
TitledBorder.getFont(Component c)
Methods in javax.swing.border with parameters of type Font | |
void |
TitledBorder.setTitleFont(Font titleFont)
Sets the title-font of the titled border. |
Constructors in javax.swing.border with parameters of type Font | |
TitledBorder(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont)
Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border, title, title-justification, title-position, and title-font. |
TitledBorder(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont,
Color titleColor)
Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border, title, title-justification, title-position, title-font, and title-color. |
Uses of Font in javax.swing.plaf |
Subclasses of Font in javax.swing.plaf | |
class |
A subclass of java.awt.Font that implements UIResource. |
Constructors in javax.swing.plaf with parameters of type Font | |
FontUIResource(Font font)
BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont)
BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource(Border border,
String title,
int titleJustification,
int titlePosition,
Font titleFont,
Color titleColor)
Uses of Font in javax.swing.plaf.basic |
Fields in javax.swing.plaf.basic declared as Font | |
protected Font |
Methods in javax.swing.plaf.basic with parameters of type Font | |
protected void |
BasicTabbedPaneUI.paintText(Graphics g,
int tabPlacement,
Font font,
FontMetrics metrics,
int tabIndex,
String title,
Rectangle textRect,
boolean isSelected)
Uses of Font in javax.swing.table |
Methods in javax.swing.table that return Font | |
Font |
Methods in javax.swing.table with parameters of type Font | |
void |
JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry.setFont(Font f)
FontMetrics |
JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry.getFontMetrics(Font f)
Uses of Font in javax.swing.text |
Methods in javax.swing.text that return Font | |
Font |
StyleContext.getFont(AttributeSet attr)
Gets the font from an attribute set. |
Font |
StyleContext.getFont(String family,
int style,
int size)
Gets a new font. |
Font |
Fetch the font that the glyphs should be based upon. |
Font |
Fetch the font that the glyphs should be based upon. |
Font |
StyledDocument.getFont(AttributeSet attr)
Takes a set of attributes and turn it into a font specification. |
Font |
DefaultStyledDocument.getFont(AttributeSet attr)
Gets the font from an attribute set. |
Methods in javax.swing.text with parameters of type Font | |
FontMetrics |
StyleContext.getFontMetrics(Font f)
Returns font metrics for a font. |
Uses of Font in javax.swing.text.html |
Methods in javax.swing.text.html that return Font | |
Font |
StyleSheet.getFont(AttributeSet a)
Fetches the font to use for the given set of attributes. |
Uses of Font in javax.swing.tree |
Fields in javax.swing.tree declared as Font | |
protected Font |
Font to paint with, null indicates font of renderer is to be used. |
Methods in javax.swing.tree that return Font | |
Font |
Gets the font used for editing. |
Font |
Methods in javax.swing.tree with parameters of type Font | |
void |
DefaultTreeCellRenderer.setFont(Font font)
Subclassed to map FontUIResource s to null. |
void |
DefaultTreeCellEditor.setFont(Font font)
Sets the font to edit with. |
JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.3.1 |
Java, Java 2D, and JDBC are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the US and other countries.
Copyright 1993-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road
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