Class MetalInternalFrameTitlePane
All Implemented Interfaces: ImageObserver , MenuContainer , Serializable
public class MetalInternalFrameTitlePane extends BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
Class that manages a JLF title bar
Since: 1.3
See Also: Serialized Form
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
CLOSE_CMD , closeAction , closeButton , closeIcon , frame , iconButton , iconIcon , ICONIFY_CMD , iconifyAction , maxButton , maxIcon , MAXIMIZE_CMD , maximizeAction , menuBar , minIcon , MOVE_CMD , moveAction , notSelectedTextColor , notSelectedTitleColor , propertyChangeListener , RESTORE_CMD , restoreAction , selectedTextColor , selectedTitleColor , SIZE_CMD , sizeAction , windowMenu
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
addNotify , createActions , createSystemMenu , createSystemMenuBar , enableActions , installListeners , installTitlePane , postClosingEvent , removeNotify , setButtonIcons , showSystemMenu , uninstallDefaults , uninstallListeners
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent
addAncestorListener , addPropertyChangeListener , addPropertyChangeListener , addVetoableChangeListener , computeVisibleRect , contains , createToolTip , disable , enable , firePropertyChange , firePropertyChange , firePropertyChange , firePropertyChange , firePropertyChange , firePropertyChange , firePropertyChange , firePropertyChange , firePropertyChange , fireVetoableChange , getAccessibleContext , getActionForKeyStroke , getActionMap , getAlignmentX , getAlignmentY , getAutoscrolls , getBorder , getBounds , getClientProperty , getComponentGraphics , getConditionForKeyStroke , getDebugGraphicsOptions , getGraphics , getHeight , getInputMap , getInputMap , getInputVerifier , getInsets , getInsets , getListeners , getLocation , getMaximumSize , getMinimumSize , getNextFocusableComponent , getPreferredSize , getRegisteredKeyStrokes , getRootPane , getSize , getToolTipLocation , getToolTipText , getToolTipText , getTopLevelAncestor , getUIClassID , getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget , getVisibleRect , getWidth , getX , getY , grabFocus , hasFocus , hide , isDoubleBuffered , isFocusCycleRoot , isFocusTraversable , isLightweightComponent , isManagingFocus , isMaximumSizeSet , isMinimumSizeSet , isOpaque , isOptimizedDrawingEnabled , isPaintingTile , isPreferredSizeSet , isRequestFocusEnabled , isValidateRoot , paint , paintBorder , paintChildren , paintImmediately , paintImmediately , paramString , print , printAll , printBorder , printChildren , printComponent , processComponentKeyEvent , processFocusEvent , processKeyBinding , processKeyEvent , processMouseMotionEvent , putClientProperty , registerKeyboardAction , registerKeyboardAction , removeAncestorListener , removePropertyChangeListener , removePropertyChangeListener , removeVetoableChangeListener , repaint , repaint , requestDefaultFocus , requestFocus , resetKeyboardActions , reshape , revalidate , scrollRectToVisible , setActionMap , setAlignmentX , setAlignmentY , setAutoscrolls , setBackground , setBorder , setDebugGraphicsOptions , setDoubleBuffered , setEnabled , setFont , setForeground , setInputMap , setInputVerifier , setMaximumSize , setMinimumSize , setNextFocusableComponent , setOpaque , setPreferredSize , setRequestFocusEnabled , setToolTipText , setUI , setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget , setVisible , unregisterKeyboardAction , update , updateUI
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container
add , add , add , add , add , addContainerListener , addImpl , countComponents , deliverEvent , doLayout , findComponentAt , findComponentAt , getComponent , getComponentAt , getComponentAt , getComponentCount , getComponents , getLayout , insets , invalidate , isAncestorOf , layout , list , list , locate , minimumSize , paintComponents , preferredSize , printComponents , processContainerEvent , processEvent , remove , remove , removeAll , removeContainerListener , setLayout , validate , validateTree
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component
action , add , addComponentListener , addFocusListener , addHierarchyBoundsListener , addHierarchyListener , addInputMethodListener , addKeyListener , addMouseListener , addMouseMotionListener , bounds , checkImage , checkImage , coalesceEvents , contains , createImage , createImage , disableEvents , dispatchEvent , enable , enableEvents , enableInputMethods , getBackground , getBounds , getColorModel , getComponentOrientation , getCursor , getDropTarget , getFont , getFontMetrics , getForeground , getGraphicsConfiguration , getInputContext , getInputMethodRequests , getLocale , getLocation , getLocationOnScreen , getName , getParent , getPeer , getSize , getToolkit , getTreeLock , gotFocus , handleEvent , imageUpdate , inside , isDisplayable , isEnabled , isLightweight , isShowing , isValid , isVisible , keyDown , keyUp , list , list , list , location , lostFocus , mouseDown , mouseDrag , mouseEnter , mouseExit , mouseMove , mouseUp , move , nextFocus , paintAll , postEvent , prepareImage , prepareImage , processComponentEvent , processHierarchyBoundsEvent , processHierarchyEvent , processInputMethodEvent , processMouseEvent , remove , removeComponentListener , removeFocusListener , removeHierarchyBoundsListener , removeHierarchyListener , removeInputMethodListener , removeKeyListener , removeMouseListener , removeMouseMotionListener , repaint , repaint , repaint , resize , resize , setBounds , setBounds , setComponentOrientation , setCursor , setDropTarget , setLocale , setLocation , setLocation , setName , setSize , setSize , show , show , size , toString , transferFocus
protected boolean isPalette
protected Icon paletteCloseIcon
protected int paletteTitleHeight
public MetalInternalFrameTitlePane (JInternalFrame f)
protected void installDefaults ()
Overrides: installDefaults
in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
protected void createButtons ()
Overrides: createButtons
in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
protected void assembleSystemMenu ()
Override the parent's method to do nothing. Metal frames do not
have system menus.
Overrides: assembleSystemMenu
in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
protected void addSystemMenuItems (JMenu systemMenu)
Override the parent's method to do nothing. Metal frames do not
have system menus.
Overrides: addSystemMenuItems
in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
protected void addSubComponents ()
Override the parent's method avoid creating a menu bar. Metal frames
do not have system menus.
Overrides: addSubComponents
in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
protected PropertyChangeListener createPropertyChangeListener ()
Overrides: createPropertyChangeListener
in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
protected LayoutManager createLayout ()
Overrides: createLayout
in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
public void paintPalette (Graphics g)
public void paintComponent (Graphics g)
Description copied from class: JComponent
If the UI delegate is non-null, calls its paint
method. We pass the delegate a copy of the Graphics
object to protect the rest of the paint code from
irrevocable changes (for example, Graphics.translate()).
Overrides: paintComponent
in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
Following copied from class: javax.swing.JComponent
See Also: JComponent.paint(java.awt.Graphics)
public void setPalette (boolean b)
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