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Uses of Class

Uses of JPEGQTable in com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

Fields in com.sun.image.codec.jpeg declared as JPEGQTable
static JPEGQTable JPEGQTable.StdLuminance
          This is the sample luminance quantization table given in the JPEG spec section K.1, expressed in zigzag order.
static JPEGQTable JPEGQTable.StdChrominance
          This is the sample luminance quantization table given in the JPEG spec section K.1, expressed in zigzag order.

Methods in com.sun.image.codec.jpeg that return JPEGQTable
 JPEGQTable JPEGDecodeParam.getQTable(int tableNum)
          Returns the coefficient quantization tables or NULL if not defined.
 JPEGQTable JPEGDecodeParam.getQTableForComponent(int component)
          Returns the Quantization table for the requested component.
 JPEGQTable JPEGQTable.getScaledInstance(float scaleFactor, boolean forceBaseline)
          Returns a new Quantization table where the values are multiplied by scaleFactor and then clamped to the range 1..32767 (or to 1..255 if forceBaseline is 'true').

Methods in com.sun.image.codec.jpeg with parameters of type JPEGQTable
 void JPEGEncodeParam.setQTable(int tableNum, JPEGQTable qTable)
          Sets the coefficient quantization tables at index passed.

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