Class ColorUIResource
All Implemented Interfaces: Paint , Transparency , Serializable , UIResource
public class ColorUIResource extends Color implements UIResource
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Color
black , BLACK , blue , BLUE , cyan , CYAN , DARK_GRAY , darkGray , gray , GRAY , green , GREEN , LIGHT_GRAY , lightGray , magenta , MAGENTA , orange , ORANGE , pink , PINK , red , RED , white , WHITE , yellow , YELLOW
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Color
brighter , createContext , darker , decode , equals , getAlpha , getBlue , getColor , getColor , getColor , getColorComponents , getColorComponents , getColorSpace , getComponents , getComponents , getGreen , getHSBColor , getRed , getRGB , getRGBColorComponents , getRGBComponents , getTransparency , hashCode , HSBtoRGB , RGBtoHSB , toString
public ColorUIResource (int r,
int g,
int b)
public ColorUIResource (int rgb)
public ColorUIResource (float r,
float g,
float b)
public ColorUIResource (Color c)
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