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Java Debug Interface

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Location
com.sun.jdi This is the core package of the Java Debug Interface (JDI), it defines mirrors for values, types, and the target VirtualMachine itself - as well bootstrapping facilities. 
com.sun.jdi.event This package defines JDI events and event processing. 
com.sun.jdi.request This package is used to request that a JDI event be sent under specified conditions. 

Uses of Location in com.sun.jdi

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return Location
 Location StackFrame.location()
          Returns the Location of the current instruction in the frame.
 Location Locatable.location()
          Returns the Location of this mirror, if there is executable code associated with it.
 Location Method.location()
          Returns the Location of this method, if there is executable code associated with it.
 Location Method.locationOfCodeIndex(long codeIndex)
          Returns a Location for the given code index.

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return types with arguments of type Location
 List<Location> Method.allLineLocations()
          Returns a list containing a Location object for each executable source line in this method.
 List<Location> ReferenceType.allLineLocations()
          Returns a list containing a Location object for each executable source line in this reference type.
 List<Location> Method.allLineLocations(String stratum, String sourceName)
          Returns a list containing a Location object for each executable source line in this method.
 List<Location> ReferenceType.allLineLocations(String stratum, String sourceName)
          Returns a list containing a Location object for each executable source line in this reference type.
 List<Location> Method.locationsOfLine(int lineNumber)
          Returns a List containing all Location objects that map to the given line number.
 List<Location> ReferenceType.locationsOfLine(int lineNumber)
          Returns a List containing all Location objects that map to the given line number.
 List<Location> Method.locationsOfLine(String stratum, String sourceName, int lineNumber)
          Returns a List containing all Location objects that map to the given line number and source name.
 List<Location> ReferenceType.locationsOfLine(String stratum, String sourceName, int lineNumber)
          Returns a List containing all Location objects that map to the given line number.

Uses of Location in com.sun.jdi.event

Methods in com.sun.jdi.event that return Location
 Location ExceptionEvent.catchLocation()
          Gets the location where the exception will be caught.

Uses of Location in com.sun.jdi.request

Methods in com.sun.jdi.request that return Location
 Location BreakpointRequest.location()
          Returns the location of the requested breakpoint.

Methods in com.sun.jdi.request with parameters of type Location
 BreakpointRequest EventRequestManager.createBreakpointRequest(Location location)
          Creates a new disabled BreakpointRequest.

Java Debug Interface