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Java Debug Interface

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ObjectReference
com.sun.jdi This is the core package of the Java Debug Interface (JDI), it defines mirrors for values, types, and the target VirtualMachine itself - as well bootstrapping facilities. 
com.sun.jdi.event This package defines JDI events and event processing. 
com.sun.jdi.request This package is used to request that a JDI event be sent under specified conditions. 

Uses of ObjectReference in com.sun.jdi

Subinterfaces of ObjectReference in com.sun.jdi
 interface ArrayReference
          Provides access to an array object and its components in the target VM.
 interface ClassLoaderReference
          A class loader object from the target VM.
 interface ClassObjectReference
          An instance of java.lang.Class from the target VM.
 interface StringReference
          A string object from the target VM.
 interface ThreadGroupReference
          A thread group object from the target VM.
 interface ThreadReference
          A thread object from the target VM.

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference ThreadReference.currentContendedMonitor()
          Returns an ObjectReference for the monitor, if any, for which this thread is currently waiting.
 ObjectReference InvocationException.exception()
 ObjectReference MonitorInfo.monitor()
          Returns the ObjectReference object for the monitor.
 ObjectReference ClassType.newInstance(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List<? extends Value> arguments, int options)
          Constructs a new instance of this type, using the given constructor Method in the target VM.
 ObjectReference StackFrame.thisObject()
          Returns the value of 'this' for the current frame.

Methods in com.sun.jdi that return types with arguments of type ObjectReference
 List<ObjectReference> ReferenceType.instances(long maxInstances)
          Returns instances of this ReferenceType.
 List<ObjectReference> ThreadReference.ownedMonitors()
          Returns a List containing an ObjectReference for each monitor owned by the thread.
 List<ObjectReference> ObjectReference.referringObjects(long maxReferrers)
          Returns objects that directly reference this object.

Methods in com.sun.jdi with parameters of type ObjectReference
 void ThreadReference.stop(ObjectReference throwable)
          Stops this thread with an asynchronous exception.

Constructors in com.sun.jdi with parameters of type ObjectReference
InvocationException(ObjectReference exception)

Uses of ObjectReference in com.sun.jdi.event

Methods in com.sun.jdi.event that return ObjectReference
 ObjectReference ExceptionEvent.exception()
          Gets the thrown exception object.
 ObjectReference MonitorWaitedEvent.monitor()
          Returns the monitor object this thread waited on.
 ObjectReference MonitorWaitEvent.monitor()
          Returns the monitor object that the thread about to wait.
 ObjectReference MonitorContendedEnteredEvent.monitor()
          Returns the monitor that was entered.
 ObjectReference MonitorContendedEnterEvent.monitor()
          Returns the method that was entered.
 ObjectReference WatchpointEvent.object()
          Returns the object whose field is about to be accessed/modified.

Uses of ObjectReference in com.sun.jdi.request

Methods in com.sun.jdi.request with parameters of type ObjectReference
 void WatchpointRequest.addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance ("this") is the object specified.
 void BreakpointRequest.addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance is the object specified.
 void StepRequest.addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance ("this") is the object specified.
 void MonitorWaitedRequest.addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance ("this") is the object specified.
 void MonitorWaitRequest.addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance ("this") is the object specified.
 void MonitorContendedEnteredRequest.addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance ("this") is the object specified.
 void MonitorContendedEnterRequest.addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance ("this") is the object specified.
 void MethodExitRequest.addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance ("this") is the object specified.
 void MethodEntryRequest.addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance ("this") is the object specified.
 void ExceptionRequest.addInstanceFilter(ObjectReference instance)
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those in which the currently executing instance ("this") is the object specified.

Java Debug Interface