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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
NOTE: The material in this chapter is based on JDBCtm API Tutorial and Reference, Second Edition: Universal Data Access for the Javatm 2 Platform, published by Addison Wesley as part of the Java series, ISBN 0-201-43328-1.
Because data types in SQL and data types in the Java programming language are not identical, there needs to be some mechanism for transferring data between an application using Java types and a database using SQL types. (Note that the phrase "Java types," as used in this book, stands for "types in the Java programming language.")
In order to transfer data between a database and an application written in the Java programming language, the JDBC API provides three sets of methods:
class for retrieving SQL SELECT
results as Java types
class for sending Java types as SQL statement parameters
class for retrieving SQL OUT
parameters as Java types
This section brings together information about data types affecting various classes and interfaces and puts all the tables showing the mappings between SQL types and Java types in one place for easy reference. It also describes each of the generic SQL data types, including the SQL3 types.
Unfortunately there are significant variations between the SQL types supported by different database products. Even when different databases support SQL types with the same semantics, they may give those types different names. For example, most of the major databases support an SQL data type for large binary values, but Oracle calls this type LONG RAW
, Sybase calls it IMAGE
, Informix calls it BYTE
Fortunately, JDBC programmers will normally not need to concern themselves with the actual SQL type names used by a target database. Most of the time JDBC programmers will be programming against existing database tables, and they need not concern themselves with the exact SQL type names that were used to create these tables.
JDBC defines a set of generic SQL type identifiers in the class java.sql.Types
. These types have been designed to represent the most commonly used SQL types. In programming with the JDBC API, programmers will normally be able to use these JDBC types to reference generic SQL types, without having to be concerned about the exact SQL type name used by the target database. These JDBC types are fully described in the next section.
The one major place where programmers may need to use SQL type names is in the SQL CREATE TABLE
statement when they are creating a new database table. In this case programmers must take care to use SQL type names that are supported by their target databases. The table "JDBC Types Mapped to Database-specific SQL Types" on page 111 provides some suggestions for suitable SQL type names to be used for JDBC types for some of the major databases. We recommend that you consult your database documentation if you need exact definitions of the behavior of the various SQL types on a particular database.
If you want to be able to write portable JDBC programs that can create tables on a variety of different databases, you have two main choices. First, you can restrict yourself to using only very widely accepted SQL type names such as INTEGER
, which are likely to work for all databases. Or second, you can use the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo
method to discover which SQL types are actually supported by a given database and select a database-specific SQL type name that matches a given JDBC type.
JDBC defines a standard mapping from the JDBC database types to Java types. For example, a JDBC INTEGER
is normally mapped to a Java int
. This supports a simple interface for reading and writing JDBC values as simple Java types.
The Java types do not need to be exactly isomorphic to the JDBC types; they just need to be able to represent them with enough type information to correctly store and retrieve parameters and recover results from SQL statements. For example, a Java String
object does not precisely match any of the JDBC CHAR
types, but it gives enough type information to represent CHAR
This section describes the JDBC data types supported by both the JDBC 1.0 and 2.0 API. It also explains how they are related to standard SQL types and to types in the Java programming language. New JDBC data types introduced in the JDBC 2.0 core API are described in section 8.4 on page 94.
The JDBC types CHAR
are closely related. CHAR
represents a small, fixed-length character string, VARCHAR
represents a small, variable-length character string, and LONGVARCHAR
represents a large, variable-length character string.
type corresponding to JDBC CHAR
is defined in SQL-92 and is supported by all the major databases. It takes a parameter that specifies the string length. Thus CHAR(12)
defines a 12-character string. All the major databases support CHAR
lengths up to at least 254 characters.
type corresponding to JDBC VARCHAR
is defined in SQL-92 and is supported by all the major databases. It takes a parameter that specifies the maximum length of the string. Thus VARCHAR(12)
defines a string whose length may be up to 12 characters. All the major databases support VARCHAR
lengths up to 254 characters. When a string value is assigned to a VARCHAR
variable, the database remembers the length of the assigned string and on a SELECT
, it will return the exact original string.
Unfortunately there is no consistent SQL mapping for the JDBC LONGVARCHAR
type. All the major databases support some kind of very large variable-length string supporting up to at least a gigabyte of data, but the SQL type names vary. See the table "JDBC Types Mapped to Database-specific SQL Types" on page 111 for some examples.
Java programmers do not need to distinguish among the three types of JDBC strings, CHAR
. Each can be expressed as a Java String
, and it is possible to read and write an SQL statement correctly without knowing the exact data type that was expected.
could have been mapped to either String
or char[]
, but String
is more appropriate for normal use. Also, the String
class makes conversions between String
and char[]
easy: There is a method for converting a String
object to a char[]
and also a constructor for turning a char[]
into a String
One issue that had to be addressed is how to handle fixed-length SQL strings of type CHAR(n)
. The answer is that JDBC drivers (or the DBMS) perform appropriate padding with spaces. Thus, when a CHAR(n)
field is retrieved from the database, the driver will convert it to a Java String
object of length n
, which may include some padding spaces at the end. Conversely, when a String
object is sent to a CHAR(n)
field, the driver and/or the database will add any necessary padding spaces to the end of the string to bring it up to length n
The method ResultSet.getString
, which allocates and returns a new String
object, is recommended for retrieving data from CHAR
fields. This is suitable for retrieving normal data, but can be unwieldy if the JDBC type LONGVARCHAR
is being used to store multi-megabyte strings. To handle this case, two methods in the ResultSet
interface allow programmers to retrieve a LONGVARCHAR
value as a Java input stream from which they can subsequently read data in whatever size chunks they prefer. These methods are getAsciiStream
and getCharacterStream
, which deliver the data stored in a LONGVARCHAR
column as a stream of ASCII or Unicode characters. Note that the method getUnicodeStream
has been deprecated.
data type, which is described later in this chapter, provides an alternate means of representing large amounts of character data.
are closely related. BINARY
represents a small, fixed-length binary value, VARBINARY
represents a small, variable-length binary value, and LONGVARBINARY
represents a large, variable-length binary value.
Unfortunately, the use of these various BINARY
types has not been standardized and support varies considerably among the major databases.
type corresponding to JDBC BINARY
is a nonstandard SQL extension and is only implemented on some databases. It takes a parameter that specifies the number of binary bytes. Thus BINARY(12)
defines a 12-byte binary type. Typically, BINARY
values are limited to 254 bytes.
type corresponding to JDBC VARBINARY
is a nonstandard SQL extension and is only implemented on some databases. It takes a parameter that specifies the maximum number of binary bytes. Thus VARBINARY(12)
defines a binary type whose length may be up to 12 bytes. Typically, VARBINARY
values are limited to 254 bytes. When a binary value is assigned to a VARBINARY
variable, the database remembers the length of the assigned value and on a SELECT
, it will return the exact original value.
Regrettably, there is no consistent SQL type name corresponding to the JDBC LONGVARBINARY
type. All the major databases support some kind of very large variable length binary type supporting up to at least a gigabyte of data, but the SQL type names vary. See the table "JDBC Types Mapped to Database-specific SQL Types" on page 111 for some examples.
can all be expressed identically as byte
arrays in the Java programming language. Since it is possible to read and write SQL statements correctly without knowing the exact BINARY
data type that was expected, there is no need for programmers writing code in the Java programming language to distinguish among them.
The method recommended for retrieving BINARY
values is ResultSet.getBytes
. If a column of type JDBC LONGVARBINARY
stores a byte array that is many megabytes long, however, the method getBinaryStream
is recommended. Similar to the situation with LONGVARCHAR
, this method allows a programmer to retrieve a LONGVARBINARY
value as a Java input stream that can be read later in smaller chunks.
data type, which is described later in this chapter, provides an alternate means of representing large amounts of binary data.
The JDBC type BIT
represents a single bit value that can be zero or one.
SQL-92 defines an SQL BIT
type. However, unlike the JDBC BIT
type, this SQL-92 BIT
type can be used as a parameterized type to define a fixed-length binary string. Fortunately, SQL-92 also permits the use of the simple non-parameterized BIT
type to represent a single binary digit, and this usage corresponds to the JDBC BIT
type. Unfortunately, the SQL-92 BIT
type is only required in "full" SQL-92 and is currently supported by only a subset of the major databases. Portable code may therefore prefer to use the JDBC SMALLINT
type, which is widely supported.
The recommended Java mapping for the JDBC BIT
type is as a Java boolean
represents an 8-bit integer value between 0
and 255
that may be signed or unsigned.
The corresponding SQL type, TINYINT
, is currently supported by only a subset of the major databases. Portable code may therefore prefer to use the JDBC SMALLINT
type, which is widely supported.
The recommended Java mapping for the JDBC TINYINT
type is as either a Java byte
or a Java short
. The 8-bit Java byte
type represents a signed value from -128
to 127
, so it may not always be appropriate for larger TINYINT
values, whereas the 16-bit Java short
will always be able to hold all TINYINT
represents a 16-bit signed integer value between -32768 and 32767.
The corresponding SQL type, SMALLINT
, is defined in SQL-92 and is supported by all the major databases. The SQL-92 standard leaves the precision of SMALLINT
up to the implementation, but in practice, all the major databases support at least 16 bits.
The recommended Java mapping for the JDBC SMALLINT
type is as a Java short
represents a 32-bit signed integer value ranging between -2147483648 and 2147483647.
The corresponding SQL type, INTEGER,
is defined in SQL-92 and is widely supported by all the major databases. The SQL-92 standard leaves the precision of INTEGER
up to the implementation, but in practice all the major databases support at least 32 bits.
The recommended Java mapping for the INTEGER
type is as a Java int
represents a 64-bit signed integer value between -9223372036854775808
and 9223372036854775807
The corresponding SQL type BIGINT
is a nonstandard extension to SQL. In practice the SQL BIGINT
type is not yet currently implemented by any of the major databases, and we recommend that its use be avoided in code that is intended to be portable.
The recommended Java mapping for the BIGINT
type is as a Java long
The JDBC type REAL
represents a "single precision" floating point number that supports seven digits of mantissa.
The corresponding SQL type REAL
is defined in SQL-92 and is widely, though not universally, supported by the major databases. The SQL-92 standard leaves the precision of REAL
up to the implementation, but in practice all the major databases supporting REAL
support a mantissa precision of at least seven digits.
The recommended Java mapping for the REAL
type is as a Java float
represents a "double precision" floating point number that supports 15 digits of mantissa.
The corresponding SQL type is DOUBLE
which is defined in SQL-92 and is widely supported by the major databases. The SQL-92 standard leaves the precision of DOUBLE
up to the implementation, but in practice all the major databases supporting DOUBLE
support a mantissa precision of at least 15 digits.
The recommended Java mapping for the DOUBLE
type is as a Java double
is basically equivalent to the JDBC type DOUBLE
. We provided both FLOAT
in a possibly misguided attempt at consistency with previous database APIs. FLOAT
represents a "double precision" floating point number that supports 15 digits of mantissa.
The corresponding SQL type FLOAT
is defined in SQL-92.
The SQL-92 standard leaves the precision of FLOAT
up to the implementation, but in practice all the major databases supporting FLOAT
support a mantissa precision of at least 15 digits.
The recommended Java mapping for the FLOAT
type is as a Java double
. However, because of the potential confusion between the double precision SQL FLOAT
and the single precision Java float
, we recommend that JDBC programmers should normally use the JDBC DOUBLE
type in preference to FLOAT
are very similar. They both represent fixed-precision decimal values.
The corresponding SQL types DECIMAL
are defined in SQL-92 and are very widely implemented. These SQL types take precision and scale parameters. The precision is the total number of decimal digits supported, and the scale is the number of decimal digits after the decimal point. For most DBMSs, the scale is less than or equal to the precision. So for example, the value "12.345" has a precision of 5 and a scale of 3, and the value ".11" has a precision of 2 and a scale of 2. JDBC requires that all DECIMAL
types support both a precision and a scale of at least 15.
The sole distinction between DECIMAL
is that the SQL-92 specification requires that NUMERIC
types be represented with exactly the specified precision, whereas for DECIMAL
types, it allows an implementation to add additional precision beyond that specified when the type was created. Thus a column created with type NUMERIC(12,4)
will always be represented with exactly 12 digits, whereas a column created with type DECIMAL(12,4)
might be represented by some larger number of digits.
The recommended Java mapping for the DECIMAL
types is java.math.BigDecimal
. The java.math.BigDecimal
type provides math operations to allow BigDecimal
types to be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided with other BigDecimal
types, with integer types, and with floating point types.
The method recommended for retrieving DECIMAL
values is ResultSet.getBigDecimal
. JDBC also allows access to these SQL types as simple Strings
or arrays of char
. Thus, Java programmers can use getString
to receive a DECIMAL
result. However, this makes the common case where DECIMAL
are used for currency values rather awkward, since it means that application writers have to perform math on strings. It is also possible to retrieve these SQL types as any of the Java numeric types.
There are three JDBC types relating to time:
type represents a date consisting of day, month, and year. The corresponding SQL DATE
type is defined in SQL-92, but it is implemented by only a subset of the major databases. Some databases offer alternative SQL types that support similar semantics.
type represents a time consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds. The corresponding SQL TIME
type is defined in SQL-92, but it is implemented by only a subset of the major databases. As with DATE
, some databases offer alternative SQL types that support similar semantics.
type represents DATE
plus TIME
plus a nanosecond field. The corresponding SQL TIMESTAMP
type is defined in SQL-92, but it is implemented by only a very small number of databases.
Because the standard Java class java.util.Date
does not match any of these three JDBC date/time types exactly (it includes both DATE
and TIME
information but has no nanoseconds), JDBC defines three subclasses of java.util.Date
to correspond to the SQL types. They are:
information. The hour, minute, second, and millisecond fields of the java.util.Date
base class should be set to zero. If the number of milliseconds supplied to the java.sql.Date
constructor is negative, the driver will compute the date as the number of milliseconds before January 1, 1970. Otherwise, the date is computed as the specified number of milliseconds after January 1, 1970.
information. The year, month, and day fields of the java.util.Date
base class are set to 1970, January, and 1. This is the "zero" date in the Java epoch.
information. This class extends java.util.Date
by adding a nanoseconds
All three of the JDBC time-related classes are subclasses of java.util.Date
, and as such, they can be used where a java.util.Date
is expected. For example, internationalization methods take a java.util.Date
object as an argument, so they can be passed instances of any of the JDBC time-related classes.
A JDBC Timestamp
object has its parent's date and time components and also a separate nanoseconds component. If a java.sql.Timestamp
object is used where a java.util.Date
object is expected, the nanoseconds component is lost. However, since a java.util.Date
object is stored with a precision of one millisecond, it is possible to maintain this degree of precision when converting a java.sql.Timestamp
object to a java.util.Date
object. This is done by converting the nanoseconds in the nanoseconds component to whole milliseconds (by dividing the number of nanoseconds by 1,000,000) and then adding the result to the java.util.Date
object. Up to 999,999 nanoseconds may be lost in this conversion, but the resulting java.util.Date
object will be accurate to within one millisecond.
The following code fragment is an example of converting a java.sql.Timestamp
object to a java.util.Date
object that is accurate to within one millisecond.
Timestamp t = new Timestamp(98724573287540L); java.util.Date d; d = new java.util.Date(t.getTime() + (t.getNanos() / 1000000));
New methods in the JDBC 2.0 core API make it possible for the driver to take a specified time zone into account when calculating a date, time, or timestamp. The time zone information is included in a java.util.Calendar
object that is passed to new versions of the methods for getting and setting Date
, Time
, and Timestamp
values. When no time zone is specified, the driver uses the time zone of the virtual machine running the application when it calculates a date, time, or timestamp.
The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) have defined new data types that are commonly referred to as SQL3 types. Of these new SQL3 data types, BLOB
, and REF
are predefined types, whereas the SQL structured type and the DISTINCT
type are user-defined types (UDTs). These new types, with the exception of DISTINCT
, are mapped to interfaces that are new in the JDBC 2.0 core API. This section describes each data type briefly; more complete information on each type can be found in the reference chapter for the corresponding interface. There is a chapter on the DISTINCT
data type, but because DISTINCT
types are mapped to a built-in type, there is no separate interface for it.
The new data types in the JDBC 2.0 core API represent a significant expansion in the types of data that can be used in a relational database. In general, they are more like objects; in fact, two of the new data types are UDTs that can optionally be custom mapped to classes in the Java programming language. A third UDT (JAVA_OBJECT
) is itself an instance of a class defined in the Java programming language. Despite their advanced nature, all of the new data types in the JDBC 2.0 core API can be used as conveniently as the data types in the JDBC 1.0 API. For example, they can be used as column values in database tables, and they can be retrieved and stored using the appropriate getXXX
and setXXX
The JDBC type BLOB
represents an SQL3 BLOB
(Binary Large Object).
value is mapped to an instance of the Blob
interface in the Java programming language. If a driver follows the standard implementation, a Blob
object logically points to the BLOB value on the server rather than containing its binary data, greatly improving efficiency. The Blob
interface provides methods for materializing the BLOB
data on the client when that is desired.
The JDBC type CLOB
represents the SQL3 type CLOB
(Character Large Object).
value is mapped to an instance of the Clob
interface in the Java programming language. If a driver follows the standard implementation, a Clob
object logically points to the CLOB
value on the server rather than containing its character data, greatly improving efficiency. Two of the methods on the Clob
interface materialize the data of a CLOB
object on the client.
represents the SQL3 type ARRAY
value is mapped to an instance of the Array
interface in the Java programming language. If a driver follows the standard implementation, an Array
object logically points to an ARRAY
value on the server rather than containing the elements of the ARRAY
object, which can greatly increase efficiency. The Array
interface contains methods for materializing the elements of the ARRAY
object on the client in the form of either an array or a ResultSet
represents the SQL3 type DISTINCT
The standard mapping for a DISTINCT
type is to the Java type to which the base type of a DISTINCT
object would be mapped. For example, a DISTINCT
type based on a CHAR
would be mapped to a String
object, and a DISTINCT
type based on an SQL INTEGER
would be mapped to an int
type may optionally have a custom mapping to a class in the Java programming language. A custom mapping consists of a class that implements the interface SQLData
and an entry in a java.util.Map
represents the SQL3 structured type. An SQL structured type, which is defined by a user with a CREATE TYPE
statement, consists of one or more attributes. These attributes may be any SQL data type, built-in or user-defined.
The standard mapping for the SQL type STRUCT
is to a Struct
object in the Java programming language. A Struct
object contains a value for each attribute of the STRUCT
value it represents.
value may optionally be custom mapped to a class in the Java programming language, and each attribute in the STRUCT
may be mapped to a field in the class. A custom mapping consists of a class that implements the interface SQLData
and an entry in a java.util.Map
The JDBC type REF
represents an SQL3 type REF<structured type>
references (logically points to) an instance of an SQL structured type, which the REF
persistently and uniquely identifies. In the Java programming language, the interface Ref
represents an SQL REF
If an application wants to point to an instance of an SQL structured type in the database rather than having its attribute values materialized on the client, it can use the type REF<structured type>
, a reference to that SQL structured type.
value is a unique identifier created specifically for a particular instance of an SQL structured type. It is persistently stored with the instance it references in a special table on the server. An application can select the REF
value from its special table and use it in place of the structured type instance it identifies.
, added in the JDBC 2.0 core API, makes it easier to use objects in the Java programming language as values in a database. JAVA_OBJECT
is simply a type code for an instance of a class defined in the Java programming language that is stored as a database object. The type JAVA_OBJECT
is used by a database whose type system has been extended so that it can store Java objects directly. The JAVA_OBJECT
value may be stored as a serialized Java object, or it may be stored in some vendor-specific format.
is one of the possible values for the column DATA_TYPE
in the ResultSet
objects returned by various DatabaseMetaData
methods, including getTypeInfo
, getColumns
, and getUDTs
. The method getUDTs
, part of the new JDBC 2.0 core API, will return information about the Java objects contained in a particular schema when it is given the appropriate parameters. Having this information available facilitates using a Java class as a database type.
For DBMSs that support them, values of type JAVA_OBJECT
are stored in a database table using the method PreparedStatement.setObject
. They are retrieved with the methods ResultSet.getObject
or CallableStatement.getObject
and updated with the ResultSet.updateObject
For example, assuming that instances of the class Engineer
are stored in the column ENGINEERS
in the table PERSONNEL
, the following code fragment, in which stmt is a Statement
object, prints out the names of all of the engineers.
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ENGINEERS FROM PERSONNEL"); while (rs.next()) { Engineer eng = (Engineer)rs.getObject("ENGINEERS"); System.out.println(eng.lastName + ", " + eng.firstName); }
After the query returns the ResultSet
object rs, which contains all of the instances of Engineer
, the code retrieves each instance in turn with the method getObject
. The value returned by getObject
is an Object
type, so it must be narrowed to the more specific type Engineer
before being assigned to the variable eng.
In any situation where a program written in the Java programming language retrieves data from a database, there has to be some form of mapping and data conversion. In most cases, programmers using the JDBC API will be programming with knowledge of their target database's schema. In other words, they know, for example, what tables the database contains and the data type for each column in those tables. They can therefore use the strongly typed access methods in the interfaces ResultSet
, PreparedStatement
, and CallableStatement
. This section presents three different scenarios, describing the data mapping and conversion required in each case.
In the most common case, a user executes a simple SQL statement and gets back a ResultSet
object with the results. Each value returned by the database and stored in a ResultSet
column will have a JDBC data type. A call to a ResultSet.getXXX
method will retrieve that value as a Java data type. For example, if a ResultSet
column contains a JDBC FLOAT
value, the method getDouble
will retrieve that value as a Java double
. Table 8.6 on page 110 shows which getXXX
methods may be used to retrieve which JDBC types. (A user who does not know the type of a ResultSet
column can get that information by calling the method ResultSet.getMetaData
and then calling the method ResultSetMetaData.getColumnType
In another possible scenario, the user sends an SQL query that takes input parameters. In this case, the user calls the PreparedStatement.setXXX
methods to assign a value to each input parameter. For example, PreparedStatement.setLong(1, 2345678)
will assign the value 2345678
to the first parameter as a Java long
. The driver will convert 2345678
in order to send it to the database. Which JDBC type the driver sends to the database is determined by the standard mapping from Java types to JDBC types, shown in Table 8.2 on page 106.
In yet another scenario, a user wants to call a stored procedure, assign values to its INOUT
parameters, retrieve values from a ResultSet
object, and retrieve values from the parameters. This case is rather uncommon and more complicated than most, but it gives a good illustration of mapping and data conversion.
In this scenario, the first thing to do is to assign values to the INOUT
parameters using PreparedStatement.setXXX
methods. In addition, because the parameters will also be used for output, the programmer must register each parameter with the JDBC type of the value that the database will return to it. This is done with the method CallableStatement.registerOutParameter
, which takes one of the JDBC types defined in the class Types
. A programmer retrieves the values stored in the output parameters with CallableStatement.getXXX
type used for CallableStatement
must map to the JDBC type registered for that parameter. For example, if the database is expected to return an output value whose type is JDBC REAL
, the parameter should have been registered as java.sql.Types.REAL
. Then to retrieve the JDBC REAL
value, the method CallableStatement.getFloat
should be called (the mapping from JDBC types to Java types is shown in Table 8.1 on page 105). The method getFloat
will return the value stored in the output parameter after converting it from a JDBC REAL
to a Java float
. To accommodate various databases and make an application more portable, it is recommended that values be retrieved from ResultSet
objects before values are retrieved from output parameters.
The following code demonstrates calling a stored procedure named getTestData
, which has two parameters that are both INOUT
parameters and which also returns a normal JDBC ResultSet
. First the Connection
object con creates the CallableStatement
object cstmt. Then the method setByte
sets the first parameter to 25
as a Java byte
. The driver will convert 25
and send it to the database. The method setBigDecimal
sets the second parameter with an input value of 83.75
. The driver will convert this Java BigDecimal
object to a JDBC NUMERIC
value. Next the two parameters are registered as OUT
parameters, the first parameter as a JDBC TINYINT
and the second parameter as a JDBC NUMERIC
with two digits after the decimal point. After cstmt is executed, the values are retrieved from the ResultSet
object using ResultSet.getXXX
methods. The method getString
gets the value in the first column as a Java String
object, getInt
gets the value in the second column as a Java int
, and the second getInt
retrieves the value in the third column as a Java int
Then CallableStatement.getXXX
methods retrieve the values stored in the output parameters. The method getByte
retrieves the JDBC TINYINT
as a Java byte
, and getBigDecimal
retrieves the JDBC NUMERIC
as a Java BigDecimal
object with two digits after the decimal point. Note that when a parameter is both an input and an output parameter, the setXXX
method uses the same Java type as the getXXX
method (as in setByte
and getByte
). The registerOutParameter
method registers it to the JDBC type that is mapped from the Java type (a Java byte
maps to a JDBC TINYINT
, as shown in Table 8.2 on page 106).
CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall( "{call getTestData(?, ?)}"); cstmt.setByte(1, 25); cstmt.setBigDecimal(2, 83.75); // register the first parameter as a JDBC TINYINT and the second // as a JDBC NUMERIC with two digits after the decimal point cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.TINYINT); cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC, 2); ResultSet rs = cstmt.executeQuery(); // retrieve and print values in result set while (rs.next()) { String name = rs.getString(1); int score = rs.getInt(2); int percentile = rs.getInt(3); System.out.print("name = " + name + ", score = " + score); System.out.println(", percentile = " + percentile); } // retrieve values in output parameters byte x = cstmt.getByte(1); java.math.BigDecimal n = cstmt.getBigDecimal(2);
To generalize, the XXX
in CallableStatement.getXXX
and CallableStatement.setXXX
methods is a Java type. For setXXX
methods, the driver converts the Java type to a JDBC type before sending it to the database (using the standard mappings shown in Table 8.2 on page 106). For getXXX
methods, the driver converts the JDBC type returned by the database to a Java type (using the standard mappings shown in Table 8.1 on page 105) before returning it to the getXXX
The method registerOutParameter
always takes a JDBC type as an argument, and the method setObject
may take a JDBC type as an argument.
Note that if a JDBC type is supplied in its optional third argument, the method setObject
will cause an explicit conversion of the parameter value from a Java type to the JDBC type specified. If no target JDBC type is supplied to setObject
, the parameter value will be converted to the JDBC type that is the standard mapping from the Java Object
type (as shown in Table 8.4 on page 108). The driver will perform the explicit or implicit conversion before sending the parameter to the database.
The SQL3 user-defined types (UDTs), structured types and DISTINCT
types, can be custom mapped to classes in the Java programming language. If a custom mapping has been set up, the driver will use that mapping instead of the standard mapping when it converts a UDT from a JDBC type to a Java type or vice versa.
UDTs are retrieved from the database with the methods ResultSet.getObject
and CallableStatement.getObject;
UDTs are sent back to the database with the method PreparedStatement.setObject
. When an application calls a getObject
method to retrieve a UDT, the driver will check to see if the type map associated with the connection has an entry for the UDT. If it does, the driver will use that type map to custom map the UDT; if there is no matching entry, the driver will use the standard mapping.
Almost all custom mapping is done using the connection's type map. It is possible, however, to have the driver use a different type map. The methods for which a custom mapping is possible have two versions, one that takes a type map and one that does not. The usual situation is not to supply a type map, in which case the driver uses the connection's type map by default. When a type map is supplied to a method, it supersedes the connection's type map, and the driver will use it instead of the type map associated with the connection to map a UDT. If the type map supplied has no entry for the UDT, the driver will use the standard mapping.
The setObject
method does not take a type map as a parameter, so it operates a little differently. If setObject
is passed an instance of a class that implements the SQLData
interface, that is, an object that was custom mapped when it was retrieved, the driver will already have set up the mechanism for mapping it. The driver will convert the class instance, mapping the UDT back to its SQL type before sending it to the database. If the parameter to be set by the method setObject
has not been custom mapped, the driver will use the standard mapping to convert it before sending it to the database.
The fact that only the methods getObject
and setObject
can be used to retrieve or store SQL structured types ensures that a custom mapping will be used if there is one. Four methods in the Array
interface may be passed a type map so that if the ARRAY
elements are UDTs, they can be custom mapped when the elements are materialized on the client. The Struct
method getAttributes
also has a version that takes a type map, which is used to custom map an SQL structured type's attributes before bringing them over to the client.
In most cases, the user wants to access results or parameters whose data types are known at compile time. However, some applications, such as generic browsers or query tools, are compiled with no knowledge of the database schema they will access. For this reason, JDBC provides support for fully dynamically typed data access in addition to static data type access.
Three methods facilitate accessing values whose data types are not known at compile time:
If, for example, an application wants to be able to accept a variety of types as results in a ResultSet
object, it can use the method ResultSet.getObject
The methods ResultSet.getObject
and CallableStatement.getObject
retrieve a value as a Java Object
. Since Object
is the base class for all Java objects, an instance of any Java class can be retrieved as an instance of Object
. However, the following Java types are built-in "primitive" types and are therefore not instances of the class Object
: boolean
, char
, byte
, short
, int
, long
, float
, and double
. As a result, these types cannot be retrieved by getObject
methods. However, each of these primitive types has a corresponding class that serves as a wrapper. Instances of these classes are objects, which means that they can be retrieved with the methods ResultSet.getObject
and CallableStatement.getObject
. Table 8.3 on page 107 shows the mapping from a JDBC type to a Java Object
type. This table differs from the standard mapping from JDBC type to Java type in that each primitive Java type is replaced by its wrapper class, except that JDBC TINYINT
are mapped to the Java class Integer
Additions to the JDBC 2.0 core API make it easier to store Java objects in a database. The PreparedStatement.setObject
method in the JDBC 1.0 API has always provided some support for persistent storage of objects defined in the Java programming language. With the new data type JAVA_OBJECT
, in conjunction with the new method DatabaseMetaData.getUDTs
, it is now easier to keep track of the Java objects stored in a database.
This section contains the following tables relating to JDBC and Java data types:
Table 8.1-JDBC Types Mapped to Java Types
This table shows the conceptual correspondence between JDBC types and Java types. A programmer should write code with this mapping in mind. For example, if a value in the database is aSMALLINT
, ashort
should be the data type used in a JDBC application.
All CallableStatement.getXXX methods except forgetObject
use this mapping. ThegetObject
methods for both theCallableStatement
interfaces use the mapping in "JDBC Types Mapped to Java Object Types" on page 107.
Table 8.2-Java Types Mapped to JDBC Types
This table shows the mapping a driver should use for the ResultSet.updateXXX methods and for IN parameters. PreparedStatement.setXXX methods and RowSet.setXXX methods use this table for mapping an IN parameter, which is a Java type, to the JDBC type that will be sent to the database. Note that the setObject
methods for these two interfaces use the mapping shown in "Java Object Types Mapped to JDBC Types" on page 108.
Table 8.3-JDBC Types Mapped to Java Object Types
ResultSet.getObject and CallableStatement.getObject use the mapping shown in this table for standard mappings.
Table 8.4-Java Object Types Mapped to JDBC Types
PreparedStatement.setObject and RowSet.setObject use the mapping shown in this table when no parameter specifying a target JDBC type is provided.
Table 8.5-Conversions by setObject from Java Object Types to JDBC Types
This table shows which JDBC types may be specified as the target JDBC type to the methods PreparedStatement.setObject and RowSet.setObject.
Table 8.6-Type Conversions Supported by ResultSet.getXXX Methods
This table shows which JDBC types may be returned by ResultSet.getXXX methods. A bold X indicates the method recommended for retrieving a JDBC type. A plain x indicates for which JDBC types it is possible to use a getXXX
This table also shows the conversions used by the SQLInput.readXXX methods, except that they use only the recommended conversions.
Table 8.7-JDBC Types Mapped to Database-specific SQL Types
This table shows the names used by individual databases for their data types that most closely correspond to the JDBC types.
This table has two purposes. First, it illustrates the general correspondence between types in the Java programming language and the SQL types. Second, it shows the mapping used by CallableStatement.getXXX
methods and SQLInput.readXXX
methods. (Note that the mapping used by the CallableStatement.getObject
method is shown in Table 8.3.)
This table shows the conversions used for IN parameters before they are sent to the DBMS, used by the PreparedStatement.setXXX
and RowSet.setXXX
These same conversions are also used by ResultSet.updateXXX
methods and SQLOutput.writeXXX
methods. (Note that the PreparedStatement.setObject
and RowSet.setObject
methods use the mapping in Table 8.4.)
The mapping for String
will normally be VARCHAR
but will turn into LONGVARCHAR
if the given value exceeds the driver's limit on VARCHAR
values. The same is true for byte[]
, which may be mapped to either VARBINARY
values, depending on the driver's limit on VARBINARY
values. In most cases, the choice between CHAR
is not significant. In any case, drivers will just make the right choice. The same is true for the choice between BINARY
This table shows the mapping from JDBC types to Java object types that is used by the ResultSet.getObject
and CallableStatement.getObject
These are the mappings used by the PreparedStatement.setObject
method when no parameter specifying a target JDBC type is given. (The JDBC types that may be specified to the PreparedStatement.setObject
method are shown in Table 8.5.)
Note that the mapping for String
will normally be VARCHAR
but will turn into LONGVARCHAR
if the given value exceeds the driver's limit on VARCHAR
values. The case is similar for byte[]
, which will be VARBINARY
, depending on the driver's limit for VARBINARY
An "x" means that the given Java object type may be converted to the given
JDBC type. This table show the possible values for the parameter specifying a
target JDBC type that is passed to the method PreparedStatement.setObject
or RowSet.setObject
. Note that some conversions may fail at
run time if the value presented is invalid.
methods support only the recommended conversions.
An "x" means that the method can retrieve the JDBC type. An "X"
means that the method is recommended for retrieving the JDBC type.
There is considerable variation among the different SQL types supported by the different databases. Table 8.7 shows the database-specific SQL types that best match the JDBC type for various major databases. The presence of a database-specific type name indicates that the given type can be used to achieve the semantics of the corresponding JDBC type, though the database-specific type may also provide additional semantics.
Notes and Lamentations:
that can be used to contain either a DATE
or a TIME
are currently synonyms in
, DB2 also supports "CLOB(n)" with a limit
of 2 gigabytes.
, DB2 also supports "BLOB(n)" with a limit
of 2 gigabytes.
literals in SQL statements varies widely among databases. We
recommend using PreparedStatement.setBytes
to set values in a
portable way.
literals in SQL statements varies widely among databases. We recommend using the
JDBC SQL escape syntax for dates and times (see "SQL Escape Syntax in Statements" on page 36) to set Date
, Time
, and Timestamp
values in a portable way.