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Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 7

DRAFT ea-b118

Uses of Class

Packages that use CharBuffer
Package Description
java.io Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system. 
java.lang Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. 
java.nio Defines buffers, which are containers for data, and provides an overview of the other NIO packages. 
java.nio.charset Defines charsets, decoders, and encoders, for translating between bytes and Unicode characters. 

Uses of CharBuffer in java.io

Methods in java.io with parameters of type CharBuffer
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 int Reader.read(CharBuffer target)
          Attempts to read characters into the specified character buffer.

Uses of CharBuffer in java.lang

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type CharBuffer
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 int Readable.read(CharBuffer cb)
          Attempts to read characters into the specified character buffer.

Uses of CharBuffer in java.nio

Methods in java.nio that return CharBuffer
Modifier and Type Method and Description
static CharBuffer CharBuffer.allocate(int capacity)
          Allocates a new char buffer.
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.append(char c)
          Appends the specified char to this buffer  (optional operation).
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.append(CharSequence csq)
          Appends the specified character sequence to this buffer  (optional operation).
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end)
          Appends a subsequence of the specified character sequence to this buffer  (optional operation).
abstract  CharBuffer ByteBuffer.asCharBuffer()
          Creates a view of this byte buffer as a char buffer.
abstract  CharBuffer CharBuffer.asReadOnlyBuffer()
          Creates a new, read-only char buffer that shares this buffer's content.
abstract  CharBuffer CharBuffer.compact()
          Compacts this buffer  (optional operation).
abstract  CharBuffer CharBuffer.duplicate()
          Creates a new char buffer that shares this buffer's content.
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.get(char[] dst)
          Relative bulk get method.
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.get(char[] dst, int offset, int length)
          Relative bulk get method.
abstract  CharBuffer CharBuffer.put(char c)
          Relative put method  (optional operation).
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.put(char[] src)
          Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.put(char[] src, int offset, int length)
          Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.put(CharBuffer src)
          Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).
abstract  CharBuffer CharBuffer.put(int index, char c)
          Absolute put method  (optional operation).
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.put(String src)
          Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.put(String src, int start, int end)
          Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).
abstract  CharBuffer CharBuffer.slice()
          Creates a new char buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
abstract  CharBuffer CharBuffer.subSequence(int start, int end)
          Creates a new character buffer that represents the specified subsequence of this buffer, relative to the current position.
static CharBuffer CharBuffer.wrap(char[] array)
          Wraps a char array into a buffer.
static CharBuffer CharBuffer.wrap(char[] array, int offset, int length)
          Wraps a char array into a buffer.
static CharBuffer CharBuffer.wrap(CharSequence csq)
          Wraps a character sequence into a buffer.
static CharBuffer CharBuffer.wrap(CharSequence csq, int start, int end)
          Wraps a character sequence into a buffer.

Methods in java.nio with parameters of type CharBuffer
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 int CharBuffer.compareTo(CharBuffer that)
          Compares this buffer to another.
 CharBuffer CharBuffer.put(CharBuffer src)
          Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).
 int CharBuffer.read(CharBuffer target)
          Attempts to read characters into the specified character buffer.

Uses of CharBuffer in java.nio.charset

Methods in java.nio.charset that return CharBuffer
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 CharBuffer CharsetDecoder.decode(ByteBuffer in)
          Convenience method that decodes the remaining content of a single input byte buffer into a newly-allocated character buffer.
 CharBuffer Charset.decode(ByteBuffer bb)
          Convenience method that decodes bytes in this charset into Unicode characters.

Methods in java.nio.charset with parameters of type CharBuffer
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 CoderResult CharsetDecoder.decode(ByteBuffer in, CharBuffer out, boolean endOfInput)
          Decodes as many bytes as possible from the given input buffer, writing the results to the given output buffer.
protected abstract  CoderResult CharsetDecoder.decodeLoop(ByteBuffer in, CharBuffer out)
          Decodes one or more bytes into one or more characters.
 ByteBuffer CharsetEncoder.encode(CharBuffer in)
          Convenience method that encodes the remaining content of a single input character buffer into a newly-allocated byte buffer.
 ByteBuffer Charset.encode(CharBuffer cb)
          Convenience method that encodes Unicode characters into bytes in this charset.
 CoderResult CharsetEncoder.encode(CharBuffer in, ByteBuffer out, boolean endOfInput)
          Encodes as many characters as possible from the given input buffer, writing the results to the given output buffer.
protected abstract  CoderResult CharsetEncoder.encodeLoop(CharBuffer in, ByteBuffer out)
          Encodes one or more characters into one or more bytes.
 CoderResult CharsetDecoder.flush(CharBuffer out)
          Flushes this decoder.
protected  CoderResult CharsetDecoder.implFlush(CharBuffer out)
          Flushes this decoder.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 7

DRAFT ea-b118

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DRAFT ea-b118

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