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Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 7 DRAFT ea-b118 |
Package | Description |
javax.rmi.CORBA | Contains portability APIs for RMI-IIOP. |
org.omg.CORBA | Provides the mapping of the OMG CORBA APIs to the JavaTM programming language, including the class ORB, which is implemented so that a programmer can use it as a fully-functional Object Request Broker (ORB). |
org.omg.CORBA_2_3 | The CORBA_2_3 package defines additions to existing CORBA interfaces in the Java[tm] Standard Edition 6. These changes occurred in recent revisions to the CORBA API defined by the OMG. The new methods were added to interfaces derived from the corresponding interfaces in the CORBA package. This provides backward compatibility and avoids breaking the JCK tests. |
org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable | Provides methods for the input and output of value types, and contains
other updates to the org/omg/CORBA/portable package. |
org.omg.CORBA.portable | Provides a portability layer, that is, a set of ORB APIs that makes it possible for code generated by one vendor to run on another vendor's ORB. |
org.omg.CosNaming | Provides a naming service for Java IDL. |
org.omg.DynamicAny | Provides classes and interfaces that enable traversal of the data value
associated with an any at
runtime, and extraction of the primitive constituents of the data value. |
org.omg.IOP | This package contains the IOP module specified in the OMG document
The Common
Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification,
org.omg.PortableInterceptor | Provides a mechanism to register ORB hooks through which ORB services can intercept the normal flow of execution of the ORB. |
org.omg.PortableServer | Provides classes and interfaces for making the server side of your applications portable across multivendor ORBs. |
org.omg.PortableServer.portable | Provides classes and interfaces for making the server side of your applications portable across multivendor ORBs. |
org.omg.SendingContext | Provides support for the marshalling of value types. |
org.omg.stub.java.rmi | Contains RMI-IIOP Stubs for the Remote types that occur in the java.rmi package. |
Uses of Object in javax.rmi.CORBA |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Base class from which all RMI-IIOP stubs must inherit. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
Returns an object reference for the target object represented by this tie. |
Uses of Object in org.omg.CORBA |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Interfaces derived from the Current interface enable ORB and CORBA services to provide access to information (context) associated with the thread of execution in which they are running. |
interface |
Provides mechanisms for establishing and navigating relationships to superior and subordinate domains, as well as for creating and accessing policies. |
interface |
Deprecated. Use the new DynAny instead |
interface |
Deprecated. Use the new DynArray instead |
interface |
Deprecated. Use the new DynEnum instead |
interface |
Deprecated. Use the new DynFixed instead |
interface |
Deprecated. Use the new DynSequence instead |
interface |
Deprecated. Use the new DynStruct instead |
interface |
Deprecated. Use the new DynUnion instead |
interface |
Deprecated. Use the new DynValue instead |
interface |
An abstract interface inherited by all Interface Repository (IR) objects that represent OMG IDL types. |
interface |
An IRObject IDL interface represents the most generic interface from which all other Interface Repository interfaces are derived, even the Repository itself. |
interface |
Interfaces derived from the Policy interface allow an ORB or CORBA service access to certain choices that affect its operation. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
The Stub for IDLType. |
class |
The Stub for Policy. |
class |
Deprecated. org.omg.CORBA.DynamicImplementation |
class |
Used as a base class for implementation of a local IDL interface in the Java language mapping. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Object |
The Object value held by this ObjectHolder
object. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
Throws an org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT exception with
the message "This is a locally constrained object."
This method is the default implementation of the
org.omg.CORBA.Object method. |
Object |
Returns a duplicate of this CORBA object reference. |
Object |
Throws an org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT exception with
the message "This is a locally constrained object."
This method is the default implementation of the
org.omg.CORBA.Object method. |
Object |
Obtains an InterfaceDef for the object implementation
referenced by this object reference. |
Object |
Throws an org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT exception with
the message "This is a locally constrained object." This method
does not apply to local objects and is therefore not implemented. |
Object |
LocalObject._set_policy_override(Policy[] policies,
SetOverrideType set_add)
Throws an org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT exception with
the message "This is a locally constrained object." This method
does not apply to local objects and is therefore not implemented. |
Object |
Object._set_policy_override(Policy[] policies,
SetOverrideType set_add)
Returns a new Object with the given policies
either replacing any existing policies in this
Object or with the given policies added
to the existing ones, depending on the value of the
given SetOverrideType object. |
abstract Object |
Extracts the org.omg.CORBA.Object in this
Any object's value field. |
static Object |
ObjectHelper.extract(Any a)
Object |
Deprecated. Retrieves the org.omg.CORBA.Other contained
in this DynAny object. |
Object |
Reads an IDL CORBA::Object from the input stream. |
static Object |
ObjectHelper.read(InputStream istream)
abstract Object |
ORB.resolve_initial_references(String object_name)
Resolves a specific object reference from the set of available initial service names. |
abstract Object |
ORB.string_to_object(String str)
Converts a string produced by the method object_to_string
back to a CORBA object reference. |
abstract Object |
Retrieves the the target object reference. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
LocalObject._is_equivalent(Object that)
Determines whether the two object references are equivalent, so far as the ORB can easily determine. |
boolean |
Object._is_equivalent(Object other)
Determines whether the two object references are equivalent, so far as the ORB can easily determine. |
void |
ORB.connect(Object obj)
Connects the given servant object (a Java object that is an instance of the server implementation class) to the ORB. |
NVList |
ORB.create_operation_list(Object oper)
Creates an NVList initialized with argument
descriptions for the operation described in the given
OperationDef object. |
void |
ORB.disconnect(Object obj)
Disconnects the given servant object from the ORB. |
abstract void |
Any.insert_Object(Object o)
Inserts the given org.omg.CORBA.Object object
into this Any object's value field. |
abstract void |
Any.insert_Object(Object o,
TypeCode t)
Inserts the given org.omg.CORBA.Object object
into this Any object's value field. |
void |
DynAny.insert_reference(Object value)
Deprecated. Inserts the given org.omg.CORBA.Object as the value for this
DynAny object. |
static void |
ObjectHelper.insert(Any a,
Object that)
static Policy |
PolicyHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static IDLType |
IDLTypeHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static Current |
CurrentHelper.narrow(Object obj)
abstract String |
ORB.object_to_string(Object obj)
Converts the given CORBA object reference to a string. |
void |
DataOutputStream.write_Object(Object value)
Writes the IDL CORBA::Object value to the output stream. |
static void |
ObjectHelper.write(OutputStream ostream,
Object value)
Constructor and Description |
ObjectHolder(Object initial)
Constructs a new ObjectHolder object with its
value field initialized to the given
Object . |
Uses of Object in org.omg.CORBA_2_3 |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
ORB.get_value_def(String repid)
Uses of Object in org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
Delegate.get_codebase(Object self)
Returns the codebase for object reference provided. |
Uses of Object in org.omg.CORBA.portable |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
The common base class for all stub classes; provides default implementations of the org.omg.CORBA.Object methods. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
Returns a duplicate of this ObjectImpl object. |
Object |
Retrieves the interface definition for this ObjectImpl
object. |
Object |
ObjectImpl._set_policy_override(Policy[] policies,
SetOverrideType set_add)
Sets this ObjectImpl object's override type for
the given policies to the given instance of
SetOverrideType . |
abstract Object |
Delegate.duplicate(Object obj)
Returns a duplicate of the object reference provided. |
abstract Object |
Delegate.get_interface_def(Object self)
Return an InterfaceDef for the object reference provided. |
abstract Object |
Reads a CORBA object from this input stream. |
Object |
InputStream.read_Object(Class clz)
Unmarshals an object and returns a CORBA Object, which is an instance of the class passed as its argument. |
Object |
Delegate.set_policy_override(Object self,
Policy[] policies,
SetOverrideType set_add)
Associates the policies passed in with a newly created object reference that it returns. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ObjectImpl._is_equivalent(Object that)
Checks whether the the given ObjectImpl object is
equivalent to this ObjectImpl object. |
abstract Request |
Delegate.create_request(Object obj,
Context ctx,
String operation,
NVList arg_list,
NamedValue result)
Creates a Request instance for use in the Dynamic Invocation Interface. |
abstract Request |
Delegate.create_request(Object obj,
Context ctx,
String operation,
NVList arg_list,
NamedValue result,
ExceptionList exclist,
ContextList ctxlist)
Creates a Request instance for use in the Dynamic Invocation Interface. |
abstract Object |
Delegate.duplicate(Object obj)
Returns a duplicate of the object reference provided. |
boolean |
Delegate.equals(Object self,
Object obj)
Provides the implementation to override the equals(java.lang.Object obj) method of the delegating CORBA object. |
DomainManager[] |
Delegate.get_domain_managers(Object self)
Retrieves the DomainManagers of this object. |
abstract Object |
Delegate.get_interface_def(Object self)
Return an InterfaceDef for the object reference provided. |
Policy |
Delegate.get_policy(Object self,
int policy_type)
Returns the Policy object of the specified type
which applies to this object. |
abstract int |
Delegate.hash(Object obj,
int max)
Returns an ORB-internal identifier (hashcode) for this object reference. |
int |
Delegate.hashCode(Object self)
Provides the implementation to override the hashCode() method of the delegating CORBA object. |
InputStream |
Delegate.invoke(Object self,
OutputStream output)
invoke is called by a stub to invoke an operation. |
abstract boolean |
Delegate.is_a(Object obj,
String repository_id)
Checks if the object reference is an instance of the given interface. |
abstract boolean |
Delegate.is_equivalent(Object obj,
Object other)
Determines if the two object references are equivalent. |
boolean |
Delegate.is_local(Object self)
Returns true if this object is implemented by a local servant. |
abstract boolean |
Delegate.non_existent(Object obj)
Determines whether the server object for the object reference has been destroyed. |
Delegate.orb(Object obj)
Provides a reference to the orb associated with its parameter. |
abstract void |
Delegate.release(Object obj)
Releases resources associated with the object reference provided. |
void |
Delegate.releaseReply(Object self,
InputStream input)
releaseReply may optionally be called by a stub to release a reply stream back to the ORB when the unmarshaling has completed. |
abstract Request |
Delegate.request(Object obj,
String operation)
Creates a Request instance for use in the Dynamic Invocation Interface. |
OutputStream |
Delegate.request(Object self,
String operation,
boolean responseExpected)
request is called by a stub to obtain an OutputStream for marshaling arguments. |
void |
Delegate.servant_postinvoke(Object self,
ServantObject servant)
servant_postinvoke() is invoked by the local stub after the operation has been invoked on the local servant. |
ServantObject |
Delegate.servant_preinvoke(Object self,
String operation,
Class expectedType)
Returns a Java reference to the servant which should be used for this request. |
Object |
Delegate.set_policy_override(Object self,
Policy[] policies,
SetOverrideType set_add)
Associates the policies passed in with a newly created object reference that it returns. |
String |
Delegate.toString(Object self)
Provides the implementation to override the toString() method of the delegating CORBA object. |
abstract void |
OutputStream.write_Object(Object value)
Writes a CORBA Object on this output stream. |
Uses of Object in org.omg.CosNaming |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
The BindingIterator interface allows a client to iterate through the bindings using the next_one or next_n operations. |
interface |
A naming context is an object that contains a set of name bindings in which each name is unique. |
interface |
NamingContextExt is the extension of NamingContext
contains a set of name bindings in which each name is unique and is
part of Interoperable Naming Service. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
class |
The BindingIterator interface allows a client to iterate through the bindings using the next_one or next_n operations. |
class |
NamingContextExt is the extension of NamingContext
contains a set of name bindings in which each name is unique and is
part of Interoperable Naming Service. |
class |
class |
A naming context is an object that contains a set of name bindings in which each name is unique. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
_NamingContextExtStub.resolve_str(String sn)
This operation resolves the Stringified name into the object reference. |
Object |
NamingContextExtOperations.resolve_str(String sn)
This operation resolves the Stringified name into the object reference. |
Object |
_NamingContextExtStub.resolve(NameComponent[] n)
The resolve operation is the process of retrieving an object bound to a name in a given context. |
Object |
_NamingContextStub.resolve(NameComponent[] n)
The resolve operation is the process of retrieving an object bound to a name in a given context. |
Object |
NamingContextOperations.resolve(NameComponent[] n)
The resolve operation is the process of retrieving an object bound to a name in a given context. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
_NamingContextExtStub.bind(NameComponent[] n,
Object obj)
Creates a binding of a name and an object in the naming context. |
void |
_NamingContextStub.bind(NameComponent[] n,
Object obj)
Creates a binding of a name and an object in the naming context. |
void |
NamingContextOperations.bind(NameComponent[] n,
Object obj)
Creates a binding of a name and an object in the naming context. |
static NamingContextExt |
NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static NamingContext |
NamingContextHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static BindingIterator |
BindingIteratorHelper.narrow(Object obj)
void |
_NamingContextExtStub.rebind(NameComponent[] n,
Object obj)
Creates a binding of a name and an object in the naming context even if the name is already bound in the context. |
void |
_NamingContextStub.rebind(NameComponent[] n,
Object obj)
Creates a binding of a name and an object in the naming context even if the name is already bound in the context. |
void |
NamingContextOperations.rebind(NameComponent[] n,
Object obj)
Creates a binding of a name and an object in the naming context even if the name is already bound in the context. |
static NamingContextExt |
NamingContextExtHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static NamingContext |
NamingContextHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static BindingIterator |
BindingIteratorHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
Uses of Object in org.omg.DynamicAny |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
DynAny objects can be created by invoking operations on the DynAnyFactory object. |
interface |
DynValueBox objects support the manipulation of IDL boxed value types. |
interface |
DynValueCommon provides operations supported by both the DynValue and DynValueBox interfaces. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DynAny objects can be created by invoking operations on the DynAnyFactory object. |
class |
Any values can be dynamically interpreted (traversed) and constructed through DynAny objects. |
class |
DynArray objects support the manipulation of IDL arrays. |
class |
DynEnum objects support the manipulation of IDL enumerated values. |
class |
DynFixed objects support the manipulation of IDL fixed values. |
class |
DynSequence objects support the manipulation of IDL sequences. |
class |
DynStruct objects support the manipulation of IDL struct and exception values. |
class |
DynUnion objects support the manipulation of IDL unions. |
class |
DynValue objects support the manipulation of IDL non-boxed value types. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
Extracts the reference to a CORBA Object from this DynAny. |
Object |
Extracts the reference to a CORBA Object from this DynAny. |
Object |
Extracts the reference to a CORBA Object from this DynAny. |
Object |
Extracts the reference to a CORBA Object from this DynAny. |
Object |
Extracts the reference to a CORBA Object from this DynAny. |
Object |
Extracts the reference to a CORBA Object from this DynAny. |
Object |
Extracts the reference to a CORBA Object from this DynAny. |
Object |
Extracts the reference to a CORBA Object from this DynAny. |
Object |
Extracts the reference to a CORBA Object from this DynAny. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
_DynValueStub.insert_reference(Object value)
Inserts a reference to a CORBA object into the DynAny. |
void |
_DynUnionStub.insert_reference(Object value)
Inserts a reference to a CORBA object into the DynAny. |
void |
_DynStructStub.insert_reference(Object value)
Inserts a reference to a CORBA object into the DynAny. |
void |
_DynSequenceStub.insert_reference(Object value)
Inserts a reference to a CORBA object into the DynAny. |
void |
_DynFixedStub.insert_reference(Object value)
Inserts a reference to a CORBA object into the DynAny. |
void |
_DynEnumStub.insert_reference(Object value)
Inserts a reference to a CORBA object into the DynAny. |
void |
_DynArrayStub.insert_reference(Object value)
Inserts a reference to a CORBA object into the DynAny. |
void |
_DynAnyStub.insert_reference(Object value)
Inserts a reference to a CORBA object into the DynAny. |
void |
DynAnyOperations.insert_reference(Object value)
Inserts a reference to a CORBA object into the DynAny. |
static DynSequence |
DynSequenceHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static DynFixed |
DynFixedHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static DynEnum |
DynEnumHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static DynArray |
DynArrayHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static DynValue |
DynValueHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static DynAny |
DynAnyHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static DynUnion |
DynUnionHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static DynAnyFactory |
DynAnyFactoryHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static DynStruct |
DynStructHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static DynSequence |
DynSequenceHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static DynFixed |
DynFixedHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static DynEnum |
DynEnumHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static DynArray |
DynArrayHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static DynValue |
DynValueHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static DynAny |
DynAnyHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static DynUnion |
DynUnionHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static DynAnyFactory |
DynAnyFactoryHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static DynStruct |
DynStructHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
Uses of Object in org.omg.IOP |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
The formats of IOR components and service context data used by ORB services are often defined as CDR encapsulations encoding instances of IDL defined data types. |
interface |
Codecs are obtained from the CodecFactory . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CodecFactory |
CodecFactoryHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static CodecFactory |
CodecFactoryHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
Uses of Object in org.omg.PortableInterceptor |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Request Information, accessible to client-side request interceptors. |
interface |
Client-side request interceptor. |
interface |
All Portable Interceptors implement Interceptor. |
interface |
Provides the server-side ORB service with access to the applicable policies during IOR construction and the ability to add components. |
interface |
Interceptor used to establish tagged components in the profiles within an IOR. |
interface |
org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0.java . |
interface |
Facilitates interceptor registration and ORB initialization. |
interface |
Passed to each ORBInitializer , allowing it to
to register interceptors and perform other duties while the ORB is
initializing. |
interface |
Enables policy types to be constructed using CORBA.ORB.create_policy . |
interface |
Request Information, accessible to Interceptors. |
interface |
Request Information, accessible to server-side request interceptors. |
interface |
Server-side request interceptor. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Object |
The new object to forward the request to. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
Returns the actual object on which the operation will be invoked. |
Object |
Contains the object to which the request will be forwarded, if the reply_status attribute is LOCATION_FORWARD . |
Object |
ObjectReferenceFactory.make_object(String repositoryId,
byte[] object_id)
make_object creates a CORBA object reference according to the data in this template, with the given repository ID and object ID. |
Object |
ORBInitInfoOperations.resolve_initial_references(String id)
Identical to ORB.resolve_initial_references . |
Object |
Returns the object which the client called to perform the operation. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static IORInterceptor_3_0 |
IORInterceptor_3_0Helper.narrow(Object obj)
static Current |
CurrentHelper.narrow(Object obj)
void |
ORBInitInfoOperations.register_initial_reference(String id,
Object obj)
Identical to ORB.register_initial_reference . |
static IORInterceptor_3_0 |
IORInterceptor_3_0Helper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static Current |
CurrentHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
Constructor and Description |
ForwardRequest(Object _forward)
ForwardRequest(String $reason,
Object _forward)
Uses of Object in org.omg.PortableServer |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
An adapter activator supplies a POA with the ability to create child POAs on demand, as a side-effect of receiving a request that names the child POA (or one of its children), or when find_POA is called with an activate parameter value of TRUE. |
interface |
IdAssignmentPolicy specifies whether Object Ids in the created POA are generated by the application or by the ORB. |
interface |
The IdUniquenessPolicy specifies whether the servants activated in the created POA must have unique object i identities. |
interface |
This policy specifies whether implicit activation of servants is supported in the created POA. |
interface |
The LifespanPolicy specifies the lifespan of the objects implemented in the created POA. |
interface |
A POA object manages the implementation of a collection of objects. |
interface |
Each POA object has an associated POAManager object. |
interface |
This policy specifies how requests are processed by the created POA. |
interface |
When the POA has the RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantActivators. |
interface |
When the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantLocators. |
interface |
A servant manager supplies a POA with the ability to activate objects on demand when the POA receives a request targeted at an inactive object. |
interface |
This policy specifies whether the created POA retains active servants in an Active Object Map. |
interface |
The ThreadPolicy specifies the threading model used with the created POA. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
When the POA has the RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantActivators. |
class |
When the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantLocators. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Object |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
Returns an InterfaceDef object as a
CORBA::Object that defines the runtime type of the
CORBA::Object implemented by the Servant . |
Object |
Allows the servant to obtain the object reference for the target CORBA object it is incarnating for that request. |
Object |
Servant._this_object(ORB orb)
Allows the servant to obtain the object reference for the target CORBA Object it is incarnating for that request. |
Object |
POAOperations.create_reference_with_id(byte[] oid,
String intf)
This operation creates an object reference that encapsulates the specified Object Id and interface repository Id values. |
Object |
POAOperations.create_reference(String intf)
This operation creates an object reference that encapsulates a POA-generated Object Id value and the specified interface repository id. |
Object |
POAOperations.id_to_reference(byte[] oid)
If an object with the specified Object Id value is currently active, a reference encapsulating the information used to activate the object is returned. |
Object |
POAOperations.servant_to_reference(Servant p_servant)
This operation requires the RETAIN policy and either the UNIQUE_ID or IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policies if invoked outside the context of an operation dispatched by this POA. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ServantLocator |
ServantLocatorHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static ServantActivator |
ServantActivatorHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static POA |
POAHelper.narrow(Object obj)
static Current |
CurrentHelper.narrow(Object obj)
byte[] |
POAOperations.reference_to_id(Object reference)
This operation returns the Object Id value encapsulated by the specified reference. |
Servant |
POAOperations.reference_to_servant(Object reference)
If the POA has the RETAIN policy and the specified object is present in the Active Object Map, this operation returns the servant associated with that object in the Active Object Map. |
static ServantLocator |
ServantLocatorHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
static ServantActivator |
ServantActivatorHelper.unchecked_narrow(Object obj)
Constructor and Description |
ForwardRequest(Object _forward_reference)
ForwardRequest(String $reason,
Object _forward_reference)
Uses of Object in org.omg.PortableServer.portable |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
Delegate.get_interface_def(Servant self)
This operation returns an object in the Interface Repository which provides type information that may be useful to a program. |
Object |
Delegate.this_object(Servant Self)
This allows the servant to obtain the object reference for the target CORBA Object it is incarnating for that request. |
Uses of Object in org.omg.SendingContext |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Defines the base class that represents the Sending Context of a request. |
Uses of Object in org.omg.stub.java.rmi |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class provides the Stub for the Remote Type. |
Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 7 DRAFT ea-b118 |
Copyright © 1993, 2010, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.