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JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

Profile: desktop, common

JavaFX 1.2.1 API | Overview | Java FX


Provides the set of classes for the time-based animation framework.

Provides the set of classes for the time-based animation framework.

This framework defines a mapping of time to values for the target variable. This variable transitions between the declared values at certain points in time, by using the declared interpolation function to calculate the in-between value.


Provides the set of classes for ease of use transition based animations.

Provides the set of classes for ease of use transition based animations.

It offers a simple framework for incorporating animations onto an internal Timeline. It also provides high level constructs to compose the effects of multiple animations.


Provides the set of classes for javafx.async.

Provides the set of classes for javafx.async.

This package provides the ability to run application code on threads other than the JavaFX event dispatch thread. The ability to control the execution and track the progress of the application code is also provided.


This package contains all the data structures for parsing an Atom document.

This package contains all the data structures for parsing an Atom document.


This package contains all the data structures for parsing an RSS document.

This package contains all the data structures for parsing an RSS document.


Provides the set of graphical user interface component classes that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms.

Provides the set of graphical user interface component classes that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms.

This is a second paragraph test.


Provides functionality to load JavaFX content files (FXD and FXZ format) that are generated by JavaFX Production Suite.

Provides functionality to load JavaFX content files (FXD and FXZ format) that are generated by JavaFX Production Suite. JavaFX content format contains text descriptions of the graphical content of the JavaFX application. Descriptions are loaded by this package into the application during runtime. JavaFX content format exists in two forms, FXD and FXZ. FXD is a textual format using the same object literal syntax as JavaFX Script, so it is possible to copy and paste the descriptions from the FXD file directly into JavaFX Script code (with some exceptions noted at the end of this document). Here is an example of a simple FXD file representing a smiley face graphic:

Group { id: "face"
  content: [
    Circle { id:"background" centerX:40 centerY:40 radius:39
             fill:Color.YELLOW stroke:Color.BLACK strokeWidth:3.0},
    Circle { centerX:25 centerY:30 radius:5 fill: Color.BLACK},
    Circle { centerX:55 centerY:30 radius:5 fill: Color.BLACK},
    Line{ startX:32 startY:23 endX:16 endY:15 stroke:Color.BLACK strokeWidth:4.0},
    Line{ startX:45 startY:23 endX:61 endY:15 stroke:Color.BLACK strokeWidth:4.0},
    QuadCurve { id: "mouth" stroke:Color.BLACK  strokeWidth:3.0 fill: Color.TRANSPARENT
                startX:20 startY:60 endX:60 endY:60 controlX:40 controlY:80
The content is loaded using the javafx.fxd.FXDLoader class. It can be inserted into the scene graph using this snippet of code:
var group:Group .... // a graphics group defined elsewhere 
var smileyNode = FXDLoader.load("{__DIR__}smiley.fxd"}; // loads the content
insert smileyNode into group.content; // inserts the smiley into the group
FXD format currently supports all classes from the graphical Javafx packages. Details are provided at the end of this document. Here are the properties of FXD format, in contrast to JavaFX Script code:
  • FXD/FXZ files contain only descriptions of data; no code is generated
  • FXD/FXZ descriptions support only object literal syntax
  • FXD/FXD descriptions also support constructor functions (for example, see Font.font)
  • FXD files can contain only definitions; no code is supported
  • FXD descriptions identify graphic objects using the id attribute
It is possible to reference external assets from FXD content. The FXD description follows the same approach as JavaFX Script, using the {__DIR__} magic variable. The following example demonstrates how to reference embedded font and image files in the FXD description. All of the files are stored in an FXZ file called mygfx.fxz:
Group {
  content: [
    ImageView { x: 10 y: 10
               image: Image{ url: "{__DIR__}myimage.png"}
    Text { fill: Color.WHITE x: 20 y: 20 textOrigin: TextOrigin.TOP
           font: Font.fontFromURL("{__DIR__}myfont.ttf", 25.00)
           content: "Welcome !!!"
In the above example, the group contains two nodes - ImageView with Image, which loads its content from the myimage.png file. The other node is a Text node and it uses a custom font with size 25. The font is loaded from the myfont.ttf file. Both, the image and the font files are located in the same directory as the mygfx.fxd file itself. FXZ is simply a compressed version of the FXD content using zip compression and file format. The FXZ file can also contain embedded assets, such as images or fonts. The structure of the FXZ file from the example above is as follows: >
 +- content.fxd
 +- myimage.png
 +- myfont.ttf
 +- ...
The content.fxd file is the main content of the FXZ archive, containing the description of the graphic objects. The other files, myimage.png and myfont.ttf are the embedded image and font assets. FXZ files can be loaded in exactly the same way as FXD files, using the javafx.fxd.FXDLoader class. FXD Format Syntax Details FXD format follows the same object literal syntax as JavaFX Script. Besides object literals, constructor functions (such as Font.font) are supported. This makes FXD format highly compatible with JavaFX Script, and it is possible to copy the FXD content directly to the JavaFX script code (with the exception of the Font.fontFromURL construct, which does not have a JavaFX Script equivalent). The differences between FXD format and JavaFX Script code are the following:
  • FXD can contain only descriptions of data; no code is allowed
  • FXD supports only object literal syntax
  • FXD supports constructor functions for certain classes (for example, see Font.font)
  • FXD identifies graphic objects using the id attribute
In JavaFX Version 1.0, FXD format supports all classes from these javafx packages:
  • javafx.scene
  • javafx.scene.effect
  • javafx.scene.effect.light
  • javafx.scene.image
  • javafx.scene.paint
  • javafx.scene.shape
  • javafx.scene.text
  • javafx.scene.transform
except these classes, variables and functions:
  • Node.cursor - attribute not recognized
  • Image.backgroundLoading - attribute not recognized
  • Image.width - attribute not recognized
  • Image.height - attribute not recognized
  • Image.smooth - attribute not recognized
  • Image.placeholder - attribute not recognized
  • Image.preserveRatio - attribute not recognized
  • DelegateShape - class not supported at all

Version 1.2 adds support for these classes:

  • javafx.fxd.FXDnode
The version attribute is specified by the //@version tag at the beginning of the FXD file. For example:
//@version 1.2

New in version 1.2

  • A new javafx.fxd.FXDNode class, which allows plugging content directly into a scene graph defined by object literals
  • Support for asynchronous (background) loading
  • Support for FXZ files containing multiple FXD content files (an export option for Adobe Illustrator CS4 graphics that contain multiple artboards
  • Support for remote content (for example, FXD files generated by the server side)


Provides the set of 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry.

Provides the set of 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry.


This package provides JavaFX Script Runtime APIs

This package provides JavaFX Script Runtime APIs


This class is automatically imported to all JavaFX Scripts


The FX class contains number of static entry points for a couple of different API sets provided by JavaFX Script.
  • Application Model

    JavaFX Script APIs are categorized into following profiles.

    • Common Profile

      This API is common across all platforms

    • Desktop Profile

      This API is available only in the desktop environment (browser & standalone)

    • Mobile Profile

      This API is available only in the mobile environment.

    If an application needs to be portable across all screens, it has to limit itself to common profile APIs. The JavaFX Script Runtime has the ability to run JavaFX Scripts that use the common or desktop API sets in any supported Browser.

  • Argument or Parameter Handling

    JavaFX Scripts can get Arguments or Parameters in 2 different forms

    • Named

      Named Parameters come in the form of a Name, Value pair typically from HTML, JAD or JNLP files. They can also be passed as a commandline argument in the form of "name=value".

      Use the getArgument() api for Named parameters

    • Unnamed

      Unnamed Arguments are always passed on the commandline.

      Use the FX.getArguments() api for Named parameters

    These cannot be combined, if they are it will behave as space seperated arguments.

  • SystemProperty information


Provides reflective access to JavaFX values and types.

Provides reflective access to JavaFX values and types. This packages defines a Java API (rather than a JavaFX API), so it can be used from both Java and JavaFX code. A future JavaFX API may be layered on top of this.


The objects in this package are directly or indirectly created from a FXContext. In the default case there is a single FXContext instance that uses Java reflection. You get one of these by doing:
 FXLocal.Context ctx = FXLocal.getContext();
Alternatively, you can do:
 FXContext ctx = FXContext.getInstance();
The latter is more abstract (as it supports proxying for remote VMs) but the more specific FXLocal.Context supports some extra operations that only make sense for same-VM reflection.


The various reflection operations do not directly use Java values. Instead, an javafx.reflect.FXObjectValue is a handle or proxy for an Object. This extra layer of indirection isn't needed in many cases, but it is useful for remote invocation, remote control, or in general access to data in a different VM.

Object creation

To do the equivalent of the JavaFX code:
 var x = ...;
 var z = Foo { a: 10; b: bind x.y };
you can do:
 FXContext rcontext = ...;
 FXClassType cls = rcontext.findClass(...);
 FXObjectValue x = ...;
 FXObjectValue z = cls.allocation();
 z.initVar("a", ???);
 z.bindVar("b", ???);
 z = obj.initialize();

Sequence operations

Use javafx.reflect.FXSequenceBuilder to create a new sequence.

To get the number of items in a sequence, use ValueRef.getItemCount. To index into a sequence, use ValueRef.getItem.

Design notes and issues

Some design principles, influenced by the "Mirrored reflection" APIs (Bracha and Ungar: Mirrors: Design Principles for Meta-level Facilities of Object-Oritented Programming Languages, OOPSLA 2004), and JDI :
  • No explicit constructors in user code.
  • Keep everything abstract, and allow indirection. For example, we might be working on objects in the current VM, or a remote VM. We might not have objects at all - a subset of the same API might be used for (say) reading from .class files.
  • Hence the core classes are interfaces or abstract.
  • On the other hand, we should avoid useless levels of indirection or "service lookup".


  • Error handling isn't very consistent - sometimes we return null, and sometimes we throw an exception.
  • We don't support bound functions properly.


Provides the set of base classes for the JavaFX Scene Graph API.

Provides the set of base classes for the JavaFX Scene Graph API.

This package includes the Scene class, which defines the scene to be rendered. It also includes the base Node class, a Group class that contains a sequence of child nodes for rendering, and a CustomNode class for defining Node subclasses that create internal nodes as content.

Nodes are connected in a scene graph, which is a tree-like data structure where each item in the tree has zero or one parent. Each node is either a "leaf" node with no child nodes or a "branch" with zero or more child nodes.


Provides the set of graphical user interface control classes that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms.

Provides the set of graphical user interface control classes that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms.


Provides the set of classes for attaching graphical filter effects to JavaFX Scene Graph Nodes.

Provides the set of classes for attaching graphical filter effects to JavaFX Scene Graph Nodes.

An effect is a graphical algorithm that produces an image, typically as a modification of a source image. An effect can be associated with a scene graph Node by setting the Node.effect attribute. Some effects change the color properties of the source pixels (such as ColorAdjust), others combine multiple images together (such as Blend), while still others warp or move the pixels of the source image around (such as DisplacementMap or PerspectiveTransform). All effects have at least one input defined and the input can be set to another effect to chain the effects together and combine their results, or it can be left unspecified in which case the effect will operate on a graphical rendering of the node it is attached to.


Provides the set of classes for light source implementations needed for the Lighting effect.

Provides the set of classes for light source implementations needed for the Lighting effect.


Provides the set of classes for loading and displaying images.

Provides the set of classes for loading and displaying images.

  • The javafx.scene.image.Image class is used to load images (synchronously or asynchronously). Image can be resized as it is loaded and the resizing can be performed with specified filtering quality and with an option of preserving image's original aspect ratio.
  • The javafx.scene.image.ImageView is a Node used for displaying images loaded with Image class. It allows displaying a dynamically scaled and/or cropped view of the source image. The scaling can be performed with specified filtering quality and with an option of preserving image's original aspect ratio.


Provides the set of classes for mouse and keyboard input event handling.

Provides the set of classes for mouse and keyboard input event handling.


Provides the set of control classes for a layout framework that holds or organizes the nodes within it.

Provides the set of control classes for a layout framework that holds or organizes the nodes within it.


Provides the set of classes for integrating audio and video into JavaFX Applications.

Provides the set of classes for integrating audio and video into JavaFX Applications. Currently, the primarily used for this package is media playback. There are 3 essential classes in the Media Package: Media, MediaPlayer, and MediaView.

This is an example of a simple media player application:

    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.media.Media;
    import javafx.scene.media.MediaPlayer;
    import javafx.scene.media.MediaView;

    Stage {
        scene: Scene {
            content: MediaView {
                mediaPlayer: MediaPlayer {
                    media: Media{ source:"file:///media/sample.fxm"}

The Stage contains a Scene, which contains a MediaView object. The MediaView object has a MediaPlayer, which is playing the Media object.


Provides the set of classes for colors and gradients used to fill shapes and backgrounds when rendering the scene graph.

Provides the set of classes for colors and gradients used to fill shapes and backgrounds when rendering the scene graph.


Provides the set of 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry.

Provides the set of 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry.


Provides the set of classes for fonts and renderable Text Node.

Provides the set of classes for fonts and renderable Text Node.


Provides the set of convenient classes to perform rotating, scaling, shearing, and translation transformations for Affine objects.

Provides the set of convenient classes to perform rotating, scaling, shearing, and translation transformations for Affine objects.


Provides the top-level container classes for JavaFX scripts.

Provides the top-level container classes for JavaFX scripts.

This package encapsulates the JavaFX graphical script surroundings for the Stage - Scene metaphor, with different capabilites available to the Stage depending on the underlying semantics of the runtime container.

The JavaFX TM Stage interface provides interfaces and classes for the environment and presentation of JavaFX script instantiations. The stage presentation specifics for each JavaFX runtime platform will allow a script to be presented on different platforms with consistent functionality across each runtime.

The main areas of functionality of javafx.stage package include

  1. Stage: Stages are the graphical container for JavaFX script instantiations. Stages are the attributed drawing surface for the JavaFX script.

  2. StageExtension: Each Stage may have one or more StageExtension instances set to provide additional functionality for the script. A StageExtension will only be utilized if the script is running within the profile specific to that StageExtension

  3. AppletStageExtension: When a JavaFX script is running within a browser, the AppletStageExtension is enabled to manage the drag transition from a browser to the desktop. Dragging a Stage out of a browser is supported in the Java TM plugin versions 6u10 and later.

  4. StageStyle: The StageStyle specifies the decoration and visibility semantics of the Stage.
