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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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tagged paragraphs
types of, 420
tan method
of class Math, 519
term definitions
abrupt completion, 264, 304
access, 77
accessible, 99
control, 99
qualified, 99
action, 401
by main memory
lock, 401, 402
read, 401, 402
unlock, 401, 402
write, 401, 402
by thread
assign, 401, 402
load, 401, 402
store, 401, 402
unlock, 401, 402
use, 401, 402
write, 401, 402
activation frame, 336
active use, 223
alphabet, 7
ambiguous member, 188
applicable, 325
method, 193
array, 193
components, 44, 193
element type, 193
type, 193
element, 193
empty, 193
initializer, 196
length of, 193
type, 193
assign, as thread action, 402
term definitions
assignable to, 61
assignment, 61, 369
compatible with, 61
associated label, 275
atomic, 401
compatibility, 240
numeric promotion, 74
block, 265
of class, 138
of constructor, 178
of interface, 185
of method, 164
break binary compatibility with, 240
break target, 283
caller, 204
can complete normally, 295
cast operator, 67, 335, 350
catch clause, 201, 290
caught, 201, 288
checked exceptions, 203
class(es), 127, 128
abstract, 131
body, 138
declaration, 128
error, 203
exception, 203
final, 133
finalization, 235
initialization, 223
methods, 160
modifiers, 130
of object, 47
runtime exception, 203
same, 42
unloading, 235
variables, 145
clone, 460
comments, 15
documentation 15, (chapter), 419
end-of-line, 15
traditional, 15
binary, 240
compilation unit, 118
declaration, 332
type, 43
abruptly, 264, 304
normally, 264, 295, 304
term definitions
component, 193
of array, 44, 193
type of array, 193
compile-time, 381
field, 186, 223
primitive, 251
constructor(s), 176
default, 180
parameter, 45, 177
contain, 263
immediately, 263
context of conversion, 52
continue target, 285
contract, 241
access, 99
conversion(s), 51
assignment, 61
casting, 67
contexts, 52
identity, 54
method invocation, 66
narrowing, 55
widening, 54
narrowing, 59
widening, 58
string, 355
declaration(s), 78
array variable, 194
class, 128
variable, 44
compile-time, 332
constant, 186
constructor, 176
field, 143, 186
import, 120
instance variable, 44
interface, 184
local variable, 45
statement, 265
method, 155, 189
package, 118
constructor, 45
exception, 45,
method, 45
single-type import, 121
type, 124
term definitions
type-import-on-demand, 121
declarator, 266
constructor, 180
value, 46
definite assignment, 383
definitely assigned
after, 385
when false, 385
when true, 385
before, 385
denormalized, 33, 34
extension, 183
subclass, 133
superclass, 133
superinterface, 135, 185
directly implement, 183
documentation comment (chapter), 419
dynamic method lookup, 335
dynamically enclosed, 204
element, 193
type, 193
array, 193
statement, 271
enclosed, dynamically, 204
error classes, 203
sequence, character and string, 26
Unicode, 12
evaluated, 301
expression, result of, 301
order, 305
caller of, 204
caught, 201
checked, 203
classes, 202
checked, 203, 210
runtime, 203, 208
standard, 208
unchecked, 203
handler, 290
parameter, 45
polling for, 206
precise, 205
thrown, 201
unchecked, 203
term definitions
executed, 301
exit of virtual machine, 235
expression, 301
constant, 381
statement, 272
extension, direct, 183
field, 143, 186
constant, 223
declaration, 143
final, 146, 187
non-static, 145
static, 145, 186
transient, 147
volatile, 147
finalizable, 232
class, 235
object, 231
finalized, 232
finalizer, 231
finalizer-reachable, 232
formal parameter, 156, 177
frame activation, 336
goal symbol, 7
gradual underflow, 34
context-free, 7
lexical, 7
syntactic, 8
handler of exception, 290
handles, 204
hide, 144, 165
identifier, 17
immediately contain, 263
implement, 87, 135, 165
directly, 183
implemented, 152
import declaration
on demand, 122
single type, 121
inexact, 35
infinities, 33
inherited, 85, 152
inherits, 165
initialization of class or interface, 223
array, 196
static, 175
variable, 149
input elements, 14
term definitions
of class, 38
methods, 160
variables, 145
abstract, 184
body, 185
initialization, 223
same, 42
iteration statements, 285
Java, vii
digits, 17
letters, 17
keyword, 18
label, 271
associated, 275
language, 7
left of
to the, 15
left-hand side, 7
length of array, 193
line terminator, 13
linking, 220
linkage editing, 222
literal, 19
boolean, 23
character, 24
floating-point, 22
integer, 19
null, 27
string, 25
load action by thread, 402
loading, 218
local variable, 45
declaration statement, 265
locks, 401
lock action
by main memory subsystem, 402
by thread, 402
unlock action
by main memory subsystem, 402
by thread, 402
dynamic method, 335
loss of precision, 54
main memory, 401
master copy, 401
maximally specific, 327
members, 85
ambiguous, 188
dynamic lookup, 335
term definitions
main, 401
working, 401
method(s), 155
abstract, 158, 189
accessible, 325
applicable, 325
body, 164
class, 160
final, 160
hidden, 165
instance, 160
interface, 189
dynamic, 335
maximally specific, 237
more specific, 327
most specific, 325, 327
native, 161
non-static, 160
overloaded, 167
overridden, 165
parameter, 45
signature, 157
static, 160
synchronized, 161
the most specific, 327
class, 130
constructor, 177
field, 144
interface, 184
method, 157
monitors, 399
more specific, 327
most specific, 325, 327
name(s), 79
ambiguous, 89
contextually ambiguous, 89
expression, 91
method, 91
package, 90
qualified, 79
simple, 79
type, 90
unique package, 125
NaN (Not-a-Number), 33
primitive conversion, 55
reference conversion, 59
term definitions
field, 145
method, 160
nonterminal, 7
normal completion, 264, 295, 304
notification, 399, 416
numeric promotion, 72
object(s), 38
class of, 47
target, 335
operators, 28
additive, 355
assignment, 369
bitwise, 365
cast, 350
equality, 362
logical, 365
multiplicative, 351
relational, 360
shift, 359
unary, 346
order of evaluation, 305
ordered, 33
overload, 165, 190
overloading 167
override, 189
overriding, 189
package(s), 114
unique name, 125
tagged, 420
parameter, 156
constructor, 45, 177
exception handler, 45, 290
formal, 156, 177
method, 45, 156
passive use, 223
pointer, 38
polling for exceptions, 206
precise exception, 205
loss of, 54
preparation, 221
prescient store, 408
priority, threads, 415
primitive constant, 251
primitive conversion
narrowing, 55
widening, 54
productions, 7
term definitions
numeric, 72
binary, 74
unary, 73
sweat only but for, 51
access, 99
name, 79
reachable, 232, 263, 295
read action
by main memory, 402
by thread, 402
reason, 202, 264, 304
recursive, 8
reference, 38
narrowing, 59
widening, 58
target, 333
types, 37
resolution, 221
late, 220
lazy, 220
result, 301
right of
to the, 15
right-hand side, 7
to nearest, 35
toward zero, 35
runtime exception classes, 203
class, 42
interface, 42
type, 42
scope, 81
separator, 25
signature, 157
simple name, 79
maximally, 327
more, 327
most, 325, 327
the most, 327
statements, 263
empty, 271
expression, 272
iteration, 285
labeled, 271
local variable declaration, 264
unreachable, 295
term definitions
field, 145
initializers, 175
method, 160
resolution, 220
action by thread, 402
prescient, 408
strongly typed, 29
subclass, 134
direct, 133
subinterface, 185
superclass, 134
direct, 133
superinterfaces, 135, 185
direct, 135, 185
goal, 7
nonterminal, 7
optional, 8
terminal, 7
synchronizing, 399
break, 283
continue, 285
object, 335
reference, 333
terminal symbol, 7
the most specific, 325, 327
thread, 399
thrown, 201, 202
throws clause, 163
token, 7, 14,
type(s), 30
boolean, 31
compile-time, 43
floating-point, 31, 33
on demand, 121
single, 121
integral, 31
null, 30
numeric, 31
primitive, 30
reference, 37
same, 42
strongly, 29
unary numeric promotion, 73
unchecked exception, 203
classes, 203
term definitions
gradual, 34
unfinalized, 232
Unicode escapes, 12
unique package name, 125
unloading of classes, 235
unlock, 399
by main memory, 402
by thread, 402
unordered, 33
unreachable, 232, 295
action by thread, 402
active, 223
passive, 223
default, 46
of expression, 302
variable(s), 401, 43
class, 44, 145
instance, 44, 145
local, 45
verification, 220
virtual machine exit, 235
wait set, 416
white space, 15
primitive conversion, 54
reference conversion, 58
copy, 401
memory, 401
write action
by main memory, 402
by thread, 402
terminal symbol
term definition, 7
carriage return and linefeed characters as, 25
carriage return character as, 25
linefeed character as, 25
term definition, 13
Test program, how to run, 5
this keyword
accessing hidden fields with, 269
evaluation of, 313
during instance creation, 228
not permitted
in class variable initialization, 150
this keyword
not permitted
in explicit constructor calls, 179
in interface field declarations, 187
permitted in instance variable initialization, 150
Thomas à Kempis, 528
Thompson, William (Lord Kelvin), 301
See also synchronization
(chapter), 399
constraints on relationships among actions of, 403
creation, 415
IllegalThreadStateException class, 611
initialization implications of multiple, 225
interaction order, consequences of, 400
locks acquisition and release, by synchronized statement, 289
operations, term definitions, 401
out-of-order writes example, 409
standard exceptions
IllegalMonitorStateException, 209
IllegalThreadStateException, 209
InterruptedException, 210
InterruptedIOException, 210
swapping example, 409
synchronized modifier, methods, declaration, 161
termination and virtual machine exit, 235
Thread class, 587
ThreadDeath class, 611
ThreadGroup class, 602
threads method, of class ThreadGroup, 608
threadsCount method, of class ThreadGroup, 607
volatile fields use with, 147
See also control flow; exceptions
throw statement
as reason for abrupt completion, 264
definite assignment, 397
specification, 287
Throwable class, 611
Throwable method, of class ThreadGroup, 612
throws clause
checked exception classes named in, 203
constructors, 178
binary compatibility considerations, 256
throws clause
incorrect overriding because of, example, 174
methods, 163
binary compatibility considerations, 256
toBinaryString method
of class Integer, 491
of class Long, 499
toByteArray method
of class ByteArrayOutputStream, 728
toCharArray method
of class String, 537
toGMTString method
of class Date, 629
toHexString method
of class Integer, 491
of class Long, 498
See also grammars
term definition, 7, 14
Tokens, The, 28
toLocaleString method
of class Date, 629
toLowerCase method
of class Character, 482
of class String, 544
toOctalString method
of class Integer, 491
of class Long, 498
toString method
of class BitSet, 619
of class Boolean, 470
of class ByteArrayOutputStream, 729
of class Character, 473
of class Class, 466
of class Date, 625
of class Double, 511, 513
of class File, 754
of class Float, 504, 506
of class Hashtable, 636
of class Integer, 489, 490
of class Long, 496, 497
of class Object, 458
of class StreamTokenizer, 719
of class String, 534
of class StringBuffer, 550
of class Thread, 594
of class ThreadGroup, 604, 612
of class Vector, 656
totalMemory method
of class Runtime, 565
toTitleCase method
of class Character, 485
toUpperCase method
of class Character, 484
of class String, 545
traceInstructions method
of class Runtime, 566
traceMethodCalls method
of class Runtime, 566
transient modifier
See also declarations; modifiers
fields, 147
binary compatibility considerations, 253
not permitted in interface field declarations, 187
lexical, steps involved in, 12
trim method
of class String, 545
trimToSize method
of class Vector, 658
TRUE field
of class Boolean, 469
try statements
See also control flow; exceptions; statements
definite assignment, 398
exception handling role of, 204
specification, 290
try-catch statement, specification, 291
try-catch-finally statement, specification, 293
TT_EOF field
of class StreamTokenizer, 714
TT_EOL field
of class StreamTokenizer, 714
of class StreamTokenizer, 714
TT_WORD field
of class StreamTokenizer, 714
ttype field
of class StreamTokenizer, 714
See also arrays; classes; interfaces; primitive, types
argument values, method invocation conversion context, 66
members of, 88
syntax and specification, 194
binary compatibility considerations, 241
Boolean literal specification, 23
term definition and specification, 36
(chapter), 29
character literal specification, 24
term definition and specification, 30
members of, 86
names, scope of, 130
naming conventions, 108
data values relation to, 30
declaration of, as members of packages, 124
double, floating-point literal specification, 22
element of, arrays, 194
errors, run-time testing, 303
assignment conversion, 61
how determined, 47
of expressions, 302
float, floating-point literal specification, 22
floating-point, term definition and specification, 33
as declared entity, 78
scope of, 81
importing, compilation units, 120
initialization of, 223
int, integer literal specification, 20
integral, 31
implications for variables and expressions, 48
members of, 87
naming conventions, 108
scope of name of, 184
LALR(1) grammar, 440
local variables, declaration of, 266
long, integer literal specification, 20
context in which a name is classified as, 90
qualified, meaning of, 94
simple, meaning of, 93
null, term definition and specification, 30
as package members, 114
parameter, method invocation conversion context, 66
as array element types, 194
do not share state, 31
fully qualified name, 105
term definition and specification, 30
variables, specification, 44
as array element types, 194
criteria for determining when two are the same, 42
as declared entity, 78
scope of, 81
specifying with
class declaration, 128
interactive declaration, 184
term definition and specification, 37
variables, specification, 44
run-time, as incorrect terminology, 47
safety of, importance of verifier to maintaining, 244
String, see String class
system, security of, ClassLoader internal symbolic reference table role in maintaining, 218
term definition and specification, 30
usage, 42
in declarations and expressions, 43
of variable
assignment conversion of expressions, 61
how determined, 47
while objects have classes, 47
where used, 42

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