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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Библиотека разработчика Mac Разработчик


Эта страница руководства для  версии 10.9 Mac OS X

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odutil(1)                 BSD General Commands Manual                odutil(1)

     odutil -- allows caller to examine or change state of opendirectoryd(8)

     odutil show [cache | sessions | nodes | modules | requests | nodenames | statistics | all]
     odutil show configuration nodename [module modulename] [option option]
     odutil reset [cache | statistics]
     odutil set log [default | alert | critical | error | warning | notice | info | debug]
     odutil set configuration nodename [module modulename] option option value1 ...
     odutil set statistics [on | off]

     Use odutil to look at internal state information for opendirectoryd, enable or disable logging, or
     change statistics settings.

     Available commands:

     show            Show various internal information. Subcommands:
                     cache       Outputs contents of the cache.  Note, this output is not included in show
                                 all command.
                     sessions    List all open sessions
                     nodes       List all open nodes
                     modules     List all loaded modules
                     requests    List all active requests
                     statistics  Outputs statistics information.  Some statistics are always enabled (mem-bership). (membership).
                                 bership). Additional statistics can be enabled see 'set statistics on'.
                     nodenames   List all available node names
                     all         List all of the above information (excludes cache)

     show configuration nodename
                     Show configuration of a specific node, Subcommands:
                     module modulename
                                 Specific module is requested, otherwise global options
                     option option
                                 Output a value of a specific option.

     reset           Reset various internal information. Subcommands:
                     cache       Resets all caches including membership and kernel (does not affect DNS
                     statistics  Resets any accumulated statistics.

     set log         Changes logging level. Levels are lowest to highest. This state is persistent across
                     reboots and must be changed to a new level or 'default'.
                     alert       Enables logging of messages of alert level or lower
                     critical    Enables logging of messages of critical level
                     error | default
                                 Enables logging of messages of error level or lower (default value)
                     warning     Enables logging of messages of warning level
                     notice      Enables logging of messages of notice level or lower
                     info        Enables logging of messages of info level or lower
                     debug       Enables logging of messages of debug level or lower

     set configuration nodename
                     Sets either global or per-module options accordingly.
                     module modulename
                                 If module is omitted, then global option is assumed.
                     option option value1 ...
                                 Set a specific option to one or more values as appropriate.

     set statistics  Enables or disables extended statistics. Statistics include per-process-name call sta-tistics statistics
                     tistics and per-API call and latencies.  This setting is persistent across reboots and
                     should not normally be run as it is memory intensive.
                     on          Enables statistics tracking
                     off         Disables statistics tracking


BSD                              Jan 18, 2012                              BSD

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