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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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OSACOMPILE(1)             BSD General Commands Manual            OSACOMPILE(1)

     osacompile -- compile AppleScripts and other OSA language scripts

     osacompile [-l language] [-e command] [-o name] [-d] [-r type:id] [-t type] [-c creator] [-x] [-s] [-u]
                [-a arch] [file ...]

     osacompile compiles the given files, or standard input if none are listed, into a single output script.
     Files may be plain text or other compiled scripts.  The options are as follows:

     -l language
           Override the language for any plain text files.  Normally, plain text files are compiled as

     -e command
           Enter one line of a script.  Script commands given via -e are prepended to the normal source, if
           any.  Multiple -e options may be given to build up a multi-line script.  Because most scripts use
           characters that are special to many shell programs (e.g., AppleScript uses single and double
           quote marks, ``('', ``)'', and ``*''), the command will have to be correctly quoted and escaped
           to get it past the shell intact.

     -o name
           Place the output in the file name.  If -o is not specified, the resulting script is placed in the
           file ``a.scpt''.  The value of -o partly determines the output file format; see below.

     -x    Save the resulting script as execute-only.

     The following options are only relevant when creating a new bundled applet or droplet:

     -s    Stay-open applet.

     -u    Use startup screen.

     -a arch
           Create the applet or droplet for the specified target architecture arch.  The allowable values
           are ``ppc'', ``i386'', and ``x86_64''.  The default is to create a universal binary.

     The following options control the packaging of the output file.  You should only need them for compati-bility compatibility
     bility with classic Mac OS or for custom file formats.

     -d    Place the resulting script in the data fork of the output file.  This is the default.

     -r type:id
           Place the resulting script in the resource fork of the output file, in the specified resource.

     -t type
           Set the output file type to type, where type is a four-character code.  If this option is not
           specified, the creator code will not be set.

     -c creator
           Set the output file creator to creator, where creator is a four-character code.  If this option
           is not specified, the creator code will not be set.

     If no options are specified, osacompile produces a Mac OS X format script file: data fork only, with no
     type or creator code.

     If the -o option is specified and the file does not already exist, osacompile uses the filename exten-sion extension
     sion to determine what type of file to create.  If the filename ends with ``.app'', it creates a bun-dled bundled
     dled applet or droplet.  If the filename ends with ``.scptd'', it creates a bundled compiled script.
     Otherwise, it creates a flat file with the script data placed according to the values of the -d and -r

     To produce a script compatible with classic Mac OS:

           osacompile -r scpt:128 -t osas -c ToyS example.applescript

     osascript(1), osalang(1)

Mac OS X                       November 12, 2008                      Mac OS X

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