Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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curl_multi_timeout(3)                          libcurl Manual                          curl_multi_timeout(3)

       curl_multi_timeout - how long to wait for action before proceeding

       #include <curl/curl.h>

       CURLMcode curl_multi_timeout(CURLM *multi_handle, long *timeout);

       An  application using the libcurl multi interface should call curl_multi_timeout(3) to figure out how
       long it should wait for socket actions - at most - before proceeding.

       Proceeding means either doing the socket-style timeout action: call  the  curl_multi_socket_action(3)
       function with the sockfd argument set to CURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, or call curl_multi_perform(3) if you're
       using the simpler and older multi interface approach.

       The timeout value returned in the long timeout points to, is in number of milliseconds at  this  very
       moment. If 0, it means you should proceed immediately without waiting for anything. If it returns -1,
       there's no timeout at all set.

       An application that uses the multi_socket API SHOULD NOT use this function, but  SHOULD  instead  use
       curl_multi_setopt(3) and its CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION option for proper and desired behavior.

       Note:  if libcurl returns a -1 timeout here, it just means that libcurl currently has no stored time-out timeout
       out value. You  must  not  wait  too  long  (more  than  a  few  seconds  perhaps)  before  you  call
       curl_multi_perform() again.

       The standard CURLMcode for multi interface error codes.

       Call curl_multi_timeout(3), then wait for action on the sockets. You figure out which sockets to wait
       for by calling curl_multi_fdset(3) or by a previous call to curl_multi_socket(3).

       This function was added in libcurl 7.15.4.

       curl_multi_fdset(3), curl_multi_info_read(3), curl_multi_socket(3), curl_multi_setopt(3)

libcurl 7.16.0                                   2 Jan 2006                            curl_multi_timeout(3)

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