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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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natutil(8)                BSD System Manager's Manual               natutil(8)

     natutil -- Query and configure supported Network Address Translation (NAT) devices

     natutil [-vx] [-a auth] [-n name] {-1 | -d | -m | -s | -i | -L}

     natutil [-vx] [-a auth] [-n name] {-t | -u} {-T | -U} -p ports

     natutil uses the ACP protocol to detect, configure, and extract status information from Internet gate-way gateway
     way devices (IGDs) (such as AirPort Base Stations) on the local network. Since most IGDs provide Net-work Network
     work Address Translation (NAT) service, they are often interchangably referred to as "NAT devices" or
     simply "NATs".

     The first synopsis line (with the exception of -L) returns various information from NAT devices.

     The second invocation modifies settings on the device. After modifying settings, AirPort Base Stations
     must be rebooted for the changes to take effect. ( servermgrd(8) also reboots the AirPort Base Station
     when it modifies port mappings.)

     The following options / commands are available:

     -1       Only return data if the IGD found is also our current gateway.  [AirPort only] Will only
              return if this base station can be autoconfigured

     -a auth  [AirPort only] The authentication string to use when communicating with a device protected
              with a password other than the default "public". Used mostly for scripted operation. Use -i to
              get the authentication string interactively.

     -i       Get the authentication string interactively. This preferred over -a for security reasons.

     -d       Reports the IGDs (Internet Gateway Devices) that were found during the discovery.

     -m       Retrieves the port mapping table from the NAT.

     -n name  The prefix of the targeted NAT device's name (useful in a LAN with multiple NAT devices).

     -p ports
              A comma-separated list of the ports to tap or untap. Must be used with -t or -u.

     -s       Retrieves the WAN & LAN status and configuration from the IGD.

     -t       Configures the NAT to forward the given ports to this machine. Requires -p and either -T or

     -u       Removes the given ports from the NAT's port forwarding rules. Requires -p and either -T or -U.

     -v       Verbose output. Provides progress and status information on standard output.

     -x       XML output. This option provides the most information.

     -L       [AirPort only] Convert existing DHCP lease into a static reservation so the host will receive
              the same IP address after each reboot.

     -T       Ports will be tapped / untapped for the TCP protocol. Must be used with -t or -u.

     -U       Ports will be tapped / untapped for the UDP protocol. Must be used with -t or -u.

     ifconfig(8), ipconfig(8)

Mac OS X Server 10.5             July 23, 2007            Mac OS X Server 10.5

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