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expr(n)                                     Tcl Built-In Commands                                    expr(n)


       expr - Evaluate an expression

       expr arg ?arg arg ...?

       Concatenates  args  (adding separator spaces between them), evaluates the result as a Tcl expression,
       and returns the value.  The operators permitted in Tcl expressions include a subset of the  operators
       permitted in C expressions.  For those operators common to both Tcl and C, Tcl applies the same mean-ing meaning
       ing and precedence as the corresponding C operators.  Expressions almost always yield numeric results
       (integer or floating-point values).  For example, the expression
              expr 8.2 + 6
       evaluates to 14.2.  Tcl expressions differ from C expressions in the way that operands are specified.
       Also, Tcl expressions support non-numeric operands and string comparisons, as well as some additional
       operators not found in C.

       A  Tcl expression consists of a combination of operands, operators, and parentheses.  White space may
       be used between the operands and operators  and  parentheses;  it  is  ignored  by  the  expression's
       instructions.   Where  possible,  operands  are interpreted as integer values.  Integer values may be |
       specified in decimal (the normal case), in binary (if the first two characters  of  the  operand  are |
       0b),  in  octal  (if the first two characters of the operand are 0o), or in hexadecimal (if the first |
       two characters of the operand are 0x).  For compatibility with older Tcl releases, an  octal  integer |
       value  is also indicated simply when the first character of the operand is 0, whether or not the sec- |
       ond character is also o.  If an operand does not have one of the integer formats given above, then it |
       is  treated  as a floating-point number if that is possible.  Floating-point numbers may be specified |
       in any of several common formats making use of the decimal digits, the decimal point .,  the  charac- |
       ters  e or E indicating scientific notation, and the sign characters + or -.  For example, all of the |
       following are valid floating-point numbers:  2.1, 3., 6e4, 7.91e+16.   Also  recognized  as  floating |
       point  values  are  the strings Inf and NaN making use of any case for each character.  If no numeric
       interpretation is possible (note that all literal operands that are not numeric or  boolean  must  be
       quoted  with  either  braces  or with double quotes), then an operand is left as a string (and only a
       limited set of operators may be applied to it).

       Operands may be specified in any of the following ways:

       [1]    As a numeric value, either integer or floating-point.

       [2]    As a boolean value, using any form understood by string is boolean.

       [3]    As a Tcl variable, using standard $ notation.  The variable's value will be used as the  oper-and. operand.

       [4]    As  a  string  enclosed in double-quotes.  The expression parser will perform backslash, vari-able, variable,
              able, and command substitutions on the information between the quotes, and use  the  resulting
              value as the operand

       [5]    As  a  string  enclosed  in  braces.  The characters between the open brace and matching close
              brace will be used as the operand without any substitutions.

       [6]    As a Tcl command enclosed in brackets.  The command will be executed and its  result  will  be
              used as the operand.

       [7]    As  a  mathematical function whose arguments have any of the above forms for operands, such as
              sin($x).  See MATH FUNCTIONS below for a discussion of how mathematical functions are handled.

       Where  the  above substitutions occur (e.g. inside quoted strings), they are performed by the expres-sion's expression's
       sion's instructions.  However, the command parser may already have performed one round  of  substitu-tion substitution
       tion  before  the expression processor was called.  As discussed below, it is usually best to enclose
       expressions in braces to prevent the command parser from performing substitutions on the contents.

       For some examples of simple expressions, suppose the variable a has the value 3 and  the  variable  b
       has the value 6.  Then the command on the left side of each of the lines below will produce the value
       on the right side of the line:
              expr 3.1 + $a           6.1
              expr 2 + "$a.$b"        5.6
              expr 4*[llength "6 2"]  8
              expr {{word one} < "word $a"}_

       The valid operators (most of which are also available as commands in the tcl::mathop  namespace;  see
       the mathop(n) manual page for details) are listed below, grouped in decreasing order of precedence:

       -  +  ~  !          Unary  minus, unary plus, bit-wise NOT, logical NOT.  None of these operators may
                           be applied to string operands, and bit-wise NOT may be applied only to  integers.

       **                  Exponentiation.  Valid for any numeric operands.                                  |

       *  /  %             Multiply,  divide,  remainder.   None of these operators may be applied to string
                           operands, and remainder may be applied only  to  integers.   The  remainder  will
                           always  have  the same sign as the divisor and an absolute value smaller than the

       +  -                Add and subtract.  Valid for any numeric operands.

       <<  >>              Left and right shift.  Valid for integer operands only.   A  right  shift  always
                           propagates the sign bit.

       <  >  <=  >=        Boolean less, greater, less than or equal, and greater than or equal.  Each oper-ator operator
                           ator produces 1 if the condition is true, 0 otherwise.  These  operators  may  be
                           applied  to  strings as well as numeric operands, in which case string comparison
                           is used.

       ==  !=              Boolean equal and not equal.  Each operator produces a  zero/one  result.   Valid
                           for all operand types.

       eq  ne              Boolean  string  equal  and  string not equal.  Each operator produces a zero/one
                           result.  The operand types are interpreted only as strings.

       in  ni              List containment and negated list containment.  Each operator produces a zero/one |
                           result and treats its first argument as a string and its second argument as a Tcl |
                           list.  The in operator indicates whether the first argument is a  member  of  the |
                           second argument list; the ni operator inverts the sense of the result.

       &                   Bit-wise AND.  Valid for integer operands only.

       ^                   Bit-wise exclusive OR.  Valid for integer operands only.

       |                   Bit-wise OR.  Valid for integer operands only.

       &&                  Logical  AND.   Produces  a  1 result if both operands are non-zero, 0 otherwise.
                           Valid for boolean and numeric (integers or floating-point) operands only.

       ||                  Logical OR.  Produces a 0 result if both operands are zero, 1  otherwise.   Valid
                           for boolean and numeric (integers or floating-point) operands only.

       x?y:z               If-then-else,  as in C.  If x evaluates to non-zero, then the result is the value
                           of y.  Otherwise the result is the value of z.  The x operand must have a boolean
                           or numeric value.

       See the C manual for more details on the results produced by each operator.  The exponentiation oper- |
       ator promotes types like the multiply and divide operators, and produces a result that is the same as |
       the output of the pow function (after any type conversions.)  All of the binary operators group left-to-right leftto-right
       to-right within the same precedence level.  For example, the command
              expr {4*2 < 7}
       returns 0.

       The &&, ||, and ?: operators have "lazy evaluation", just as in C, which means that operands are  not
       evaluated if they are not needed to determine the outcome.  For example, in the command
              expr {$v ? [a] : [b]}
       only  one of "[a]" or "[b]" will actually be evaluated, depending on the value of $v.  Note, however,
       that this is only true if the entire expression is enclosed in braces;  otherwise the Tcl parser will
       evaluate both "[a]" and "[b]" before invoking the expr command.

       When  the expression parser encounters a mathematical function such as sin($x), it replaces it with a |
       call to an ordinary Tcl function in the tcl::mathfunc namespace.  The  processing  of  an  expression |
       such as:                                                                                              |
              expr {sin($x+$y)}                                                                              |
       is the same in every way as the processing of:                                                        |
              expr {[tcl::mathfunc::sin [expr {$x+$y}]]}                                                     |
       which in turn is the same as the processing of:                                                       |
              tcl::mathfunc::sin [expr {$x+$y}]                                                              |

       The  executor  will  search  for  tcl::mathfunc::sin using the usual rules for resolving functions in |
       namespaces. Either ::tcl::mathfunc::sin or [namespace current]::tcl::mathfunc::sin will  satisfy  the |
       request, and others may as well (depending on the current namespace path setting).                    |

       See the mathfunc(n) manual page for the math functions that are available by default.

       All  internal  computations  involving integers are done calling on the LibTomMath multiple precision |
       integer library as required so that all integer calculations are performed exactly.  Note that in Tcl |
       releases  prior  to  8.5,  integer  calculations  were  performed with one of the C types long int or |
       Tcl_WideInt, causing implicit range truncation in those  calculations  where  values  overflowed  the |
       range of those types.  Any code that relied on these implicit truncations will need to explicitly add |
       int() or wide() function calls to expressions at the points where such truncation is required to take |

       All  internal computations involving floating-point are done with the C type double.  When converting
       a string to floating-point, exponent overflow is detected and results in the double value of  Inf  or
       -Inf  as  appropriate.  Floating-point overflow and underflow are detected to the degree supported by
       the hardware, which is generally pretty reliable.

       Conversion among internal representations for integer, floating-point, and string  operands  is  done
       automatically  as  needed.   For arithmetic computations, integers are used until some floating-point
       number is introduced, after which floating-point is used.  For example,
              expr {5 / 4}
       returns 1, while
              expr {5 / 4.0}
              expr {5 / ( [string length "abcd"] + 0.0 )}
       both return 1.25.  Floating-point values are always returned with a "."  or an "e" so that they  will
       not look like integer values.  For example,
              expr {20.0/5.0}
       returns 4.0, not 4.

       String  values may be used as operands of the comparison operators, although the expression evaluator
       tries to do comparisons as integer or floating-point when it can, except in the case of the eq and ne
       operators.   If  one of the operands of a comparison is a string and the other has a numeric value, a
       canonical string representation of the numeric operand value is generated to compare with the  string
       operand.   Canonical  string representation for integer values is a decimal string format.  Canonical
       string representation for floating-point values is that produced by the %g format specifier of  Tcl's
       format command.  For example, the commands
              expr {"0x03" > "2"}
              expr {"0y" < "0x12"}
       both  return  1.  The first comparison is done using integer comparison, and the second is done using
       string comparison after the second operand is converted to the string 18.  Because of Tcl's  tendency
       to  treat  values as numbers whenever possible, it is not generally a good idea to use operators like
       == when you really want string comparison and the values of the operands could be arbitrary;   it  is
       better in these cases to use the eq or ne operators, or the string command instead.

       Enclose  expressions in braces for the best speed and the smallest storage requirements.  This allows
       the Tcl bytecode compiler to generate the best code.

       As mentioned above, expressions are substituted twice: once by the Tcl parser and once  by  the  expr
       command.  For example, the commands
              set a 3
              set b {$a + 2}
              expr $b*4
       return  11, not a multiple of 4.  This is because the Tcl parser will first substitute $a + 2 for the
       variable b, then the expr command will evaluate the expression $a + 2*4.

       Most expressions do not require a second round of substitutions.  Either they are enclosed in  braces
       or,  if not, their variable and command substitutions yield numbers or strings that do not themselves
       require substitutions.  However, because a few unbraced expressions need two rounds of substitutions,
       the bytecode compiler must emit additional instructions to handle this situation.  The most expensive
       code is required for unbraced expressions that contain command substitutions.  These expressions must
       be  implemented  by generating new code each time the expression is executed.  When the expression is |
       unbraced to allow the substitution of a function or operator, consider using the commands  documented |
       in the mathfunc(n) or mathop(n) manual pages directly instead.

       Define a procedure that computes an "interesting" mathematical function:
              proc tcl::mathfunc::calc {x y} {
                  expr { ($x**2 - $y**2) / exp($x**2 + $y**2) }

       Convert polar coordinates into cartesian coordinates:
              # convert from ($radius,$angle)
              set x [expr { $radius * cos($angle) }]
              set y [expr { $radius * sin($angle) }]

       Convert cartesian coordinates into polar coordinates:
              # convert from ($x,$y)
              set radius [expr { hypot($y, $x) }]
              set angle  [expr { atan2($y, $x) }]

       Print a message describing the relationship of two string values to each other:
              puts "a and b are [expr {$a eq $b ? {equal} : {different}}]"

       Set  a  variable  to  whether  an  environment variable is both defined at all and also set to a true
       boolean value:
              set isTrue [expr {
                  [info exists ::env(SOME_ENV_VAR)] &&
                  [string is true -strict $::env(SOME_ENV_VAR)]

       Generate a random integer in the range 0..99 inclusive:
              set randNum [expr { int(100 * rand()) }]

       array(n), for(n), if(n), mathfunc(n), mathop(n), namespace(n), proc(n), string(n), Tcl(n), while(n)

       arithmetic, boolean, compare, expression, fuzzy comparison

       Copyright (c) 1993 The Regents of the University of California.
       Copyright (c) 1994-2000 Sun Microsystems Incorporated.
       Copyright (c) 2005 by Kevin B. Kenny <kennykb@acm.org>. All rights reserved.

Tcl                                                  8.5                                             expr(n)

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