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спецификации, руководства, описания, API Editing Tables

Connector/Net contains a table editor, which enables the visual creation and modification of tables.

The Table Designer can be accessed through a mouse action on table-type node of Server Explorer. To create a new table, right-click the Tables node (under the connection node) and choose the Create Table command from the context menu.

To modify an existing table, double-click the node of the table to modify, or right-click this node and choose the Design item from the context menu. Either of the commands opens the Table Designer.

The table editor is implemented in the manner of the well-known Query Browser Table Editor, but with minor differences.

Figure 22.5. Editing New Table

Editing New Table

Table Designer consists of the following parts:

Each of these areas is discussed in more detail in subsequent sections.

To save changes you have made in the Table Designer, use either Save or Save All button of the Visual Studio main toolbar, or press Control+S. If you have not already named the table, you will be prompted to do so.

Figure 22.6. Choose Table Name

Choose Table Name

Once the table is created, you can view it in the Server Explorer.

Figure 22.7. Newly Created Table

Newly Created Table

The Table Designer main menu lets you set a primary key column, edit relationships such as foreign keys, and create indexes.

Figure 22.8. Table Designer Main Menu

Table Designer Main Menu Column Editor

You can use the Column Editor to set or change the name, data type, default value, and other properties of a table column. To set the focus to a needed cell of a grid, use the mouse click. Also you can move through the grid using Tab and Shift+Tab keys.

To set or change the name, data type, default value and comment of a column, activate the appropriate cell and type the desired value.

To set or unset flag-type column properties (NOT NULL, auto incremented, flags), check or uncheck the corresponding check boxes. Note that the set of column flags depends on its data type.

To reorder columns, index columns or foreign key columns in the Column Editor, select the whole column to reorder by clicking the selector column on the left of the column grid. Then move the column by using Control+Up (to move the column up) or Control+Down (to move the column down) keys.

To delete a column, select it by clicking the selector column on the left of the column grid, then press the Delete button on a keyboard. Editing Indexes

Indexes management is performed using the Indexes/Keys dialog.

To add an index, select Table Designer, Indexes/Keys... from the main menu, and click Add to add a new index. You can then set the index name, index kind, index type, and a set of index columns.

Figure 22.9. Indexes Dialog

Indexes Dialog

To remove an index, select it in the list box on the left, and click the Delete button.

To change index settings, select the needed index in the list box on the left. The detailed information about the index is displayed in the panel on the right hand side. Change the desired values. Editing Foreign Keys

You manage foreign keys for InnoDB tables using the Foreign Key Relationships dialog.

To add a foreign key, select Table Designer, Relationships... from the main menu. This displays the Foreign Key Relationship dialog. Click Add. You can then set the foreign key name, referenced table name, foreign key columns, and actions upon update and delete.

To remove a foreign key, select it in the list box on the left, and click the Delete button.

To change foreign key settings, select the required foreign key in the list box on the left. The detailed information about the foreign key is displayed in the right hand panel. Change the desired values.

Figure 22.10. Foreign Key Relationships Dialog

Foreign Key Relationships Dialog Column Properties

The Column Properties tab can be used to set column options. In addition to the general column properties presented in the Column Editor, in the Column Properties tab you can set additional properties such as Character Set, Collation and Precision. Table Properties

To bring up Table Properties select the table and right-click to activate the context menu. Select Properties. The Table Properties dockable window will be displayed.

Figure 22.11. Table Properties Menu Item

Table Properties Menu Item

The following table properties can be set:

  • Auto Increment.

  • Average Row Length.

  • Character Set.

  • Collation.

  • Comment.

  • Data Directory.

  • Index Directory.

  • Maximum Rows.

  • Minimum Rows.

  • Name.

  • Row Format.

  • Schema.

  • Storage Engine. Note that in MySQL 5.5 and higher, the default storage engine for new tables is InnoDB. See Section, "InnoDB as the Default MySQL Storage Engine" for more information about the choice of storage engine, and considerations if you convert existing tables to InnoDB.

The property Schema is read-only.

Figure 22.12. Table Properties

Table Properties