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спецификации, руководства, описания, API Installing MySQL Cluster from RPM

This section covers the steps necessary to install the correct executables for each type of MySQL Cluster node using RPM packages supplied by Oracle.

RPMs are available for both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux platforms. The filenames for these RPMs use the following pattern:

MySQL-Cluster-component-producttype-ndbversion.distribution.architecture.rpmcomponent:= {server | client [| other]}producttype:= {gpl | advanced}ndbversion:= major.minor.releasedistribution:= {sles10 | rhel5 | el6}architecture:= {i386 | x86_64}

The component can be server or client. (Other values are possible, but since only the server and client components are required for a working MySQL Cluster installation, we do not discuss them here.) The producttype for Community RPMs downloaded from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/cluster/ is always gpl; advanced is used to indicate commercial releases. ndbversion represents the three-part NDB storage engine version number in 7.3.x format. The distribution can be one of sles11 (SUSE Enterprise Linux 11), rhel5 (Oracle Linux 5, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5), or el6 (Oracle Linux 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6) The architecture is i386 for 32-bit RPMs and x86_64 for 64-bit versions.

For a MySQL Cluster, one and possibly two RPMs are required:

The MySQL Cluster version number in the RPM file names (shown here as 7.3.3) can vary according to the version which you are actually using. It is very important that all of the Cluster RPMs to be installed have the same version number. The architecture designation should be appropriate to the machine on which the RPM is to be installed; in particular, you should keep in mind that 64-bit RPMs cannot be used with 32-bit operating system.

Data nodes. On a computer that is to host a cluster data node it is necessary to install only the server RPM. To do so, copy this RPM to the data node host, and run the following command as the system root user, replacing the name shown for the RPM as necessary to match that of the RPM downloaded from the MySQL web site:

shell> rpm -Uhv

Although this installs all MySQL Cluster binaries, only the program ndbd or ndbmtd (both in /usr/sbin) is actually needed to run a MySQL Cluster data node.

SQL nodes. On each machine to be used for hosting a cluster SQL node, install the server RPM by executing the following command as the system root user, replacing the name shown for the RPM as necessary to match the name of the RPM downloaded from the MySQL web site:

shell> rpm -Uhv

This installs the MySQL server binary (mysqld) with NDB storage engine support in the /usr/sbin directory, as well as all needed MySQL Server support files. It also installs the mysql.server and mysqld_safe startup scripts (in /usr/share/mysql and /usr/bin, respectively). The RPM installer should take care of general configuration issues (such as creating the mysql user and group, if needed) automatically.

To administer the SQL node (MySQL server), you should also install the client RPM, as shown here:

shell> rpm -Uhv

This installs the mysql client program.

Management nodes. To install the MySQL Cluster management server, it is necessary only to use the server RPM. Copy this RPM to the computer intended to host the management node, and then install it by running the following command as the system root user (replace the name shown for the RPM as necessary to match that of the server RPM downloaded from the MySQL web site):

shell> rpm -Uhv

Although this RPM installs many other files, only the management server binary ndb_mgmd (in the /usr/sbin directory) is actually required for running a management node. The server RPM also installs ndb_mgm, the NDB management client.

See Section 2.5.1, "Installing MySQL on Linux Using RPM Packages", for general information about installing MySQL using RPMs supplied by Oracle.

After installing from RPM, you still need to configure the cluster as discussed in Section 17.2.4, "Initial Configuration of MySQL Cluster".


A number of RPMs used by MySQL Cluster NDB 7.1 were made obsolete and discontinued in MySQL Cluster NDB 7.3. These include the former MySQL-Cluster-clusterj, MySQL-Cluster-extra, MySQL-Cluster-management, MySQL-Cluster-storage, and MySQL Cluster-tools RPMs; all of these have been merged into the MySQL-Cluster-server RPM.