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21.4. Performance Schema Instrument Naming Conventions

An instrument name consists of a sequence of components separated by '/' characters. Example names:

wait/io/file/myisam/logwait/io/file/mysys/charsetwait/lock/table/sql/handlerwait/synch/cond/mysys/COND_alarmwait/synch/cond/sql/BINLOG::update_condwait/synch/mutex/mysys/BITMAP_mutexwait/synch/mutex/sql/LOCK_deletewait/synch/rwlock/sql/Query_cache_query::lockstage/sql/closing tablesstage/sql/Sorting resultstatement/com/Executestatement/com/Querystatement/sql/create_tablestatement/sql/lock_tables

The instrument name space has a tree-like structure. The components of an instrument name from left to right provide a progression from more general to more specific. The number of components a name has depends on the type of instrument.

The interpretation of a given component in a name depends on the components to the left of it. For example, myisam appears in both of the following names, but myisam in the first name is related to file I/O, whereas in the second it is related to a synchronization instrument:


Instrument names consist of a prefix with a structure defined by the Performance Schema implementation and a suffix defined by the developer implementing the instrument code. The top-level component of an instrument prefix indicates the type of instrument. This component also determines which event timer in the setup_timers table applies to the instrument. For the prefix part of instrument names, the top level indicates the type of instrument.

The suffix part of instrument names comes from the code for the instruments themselves. Suffixes may include levels such as these:

Top-Level Instrument Components

Idle Instrument Components

Stage Instrument Components

Stage instruments have names of the form stage/code_area/stage_name, where code_area is a value such as sql or myisam, and stage_name indicates the stage of statement processing, such as Sorting result or Sending data. Stages correspond to the thread states displayed by SHOW PROCESSLIST or that are visible in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST table.

Statement Instrument Components

Wait Instrument Components