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спецификации, руководства, описания, API Mixed Binary Logging Format

When running in MIXED logging format, the server automatically switches from statement-based to row-based logging under the following conditions:


A warning is generated if you try to execute a statement using statement-based logging that should be written using row-based logging. The warning is shown both in the client (in the output of SHOW WARNINGS) and through the mysqld error log. A warning is added to the SHOW WARNINGS table each time such a statement is executed. However, only the first statement that generated the warning for each client session is written to the error log to prevent flooding the log.

In addition to the decisions above, individual engines can also determine the logging format used when information in a table is updated. The logging capabilities of an individual engine can be defined as follows:

A given storage engine can support either or both logging formats. The following table lists the formats supported by each engine.

Storage Engine Row Logging Supported Statement Logging Supported
CSV Yes Yes
HEAP Yes Yes
InnoDB Yes Yes when the transaction isolation level is REPEATABLE READ or SERIALIZABLE; Nootherwise.
MyISAM Yes Yes
NDB Yes No

In MySQL 5.6, whether a statement is to be logged and the logging mode to be used is determined according to the type of statement (safe, unsafe, or binary injected), the binary logging format (STATEMENT, ROW, or MIXED), and the logging capabilities of the storage engine (statement capable, row capable, both, or neither). Statements may be logged with or without a warning; failed statements are not logged, but generate errors in the log. This is shown in the following decision table, where SLC stands for "statement-logging capable" and RLC stands for "row-logging capable".

Condition Action
Type binlog_format SLC RLC Error / Warning Logged as
* * No No Error: Cannot execute statement: Binary logging is impossible since at least one engine is involved that is both row-incapable and statement-incapable. -
Safe ROW Yes No Error: Cannot execute statement: Binary logging is impossible since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine that is not capable of row-based logging. -
Unsafe STATEMENT Yes No Warning: Unsafe statement binlogged in statement format, since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT STATEMENT
Unsafe MIXED Yes No Error: Cannot execute statement: Binary logging of an unsafe statement is impossible when the storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, even if BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. -
Unsafe ROW Yes No Error: Cannot execute statement: Binary logging is impossible since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine that is not capable of row-based logging. -
Row Injection STATEMENT Yes No Error: Cannot execute row injection: Binary logging is not possible since at least one table uses a storage engine that is not capable of row-based logging. -
Row Injection MIXED Yes No Error: Cannot execute row injection: Binary logging is not possible since at least one table uses a storage engine that is not capable of row-based logging. -
Row Injection ROW Yes No Error: Cannot execute row injection: Binary logging is not possible since at least one table uses a storage engine that is not capable of row-based logging. -
Safe STATEMENT No Yes Error: Cannot execute statement: Binary logging is impossible since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine that is not capable of statement-based logging. -
Safe MIXED No Yes - ROW
Safe ROW No Yes - ROW
Unsafe STATEMENT No Yes Error: Cannot execute statement: Binary logging is impossible since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine that is not capable of statement-based logging. -
Unsafe MIXED No Yes - ROW
Unsafe ROW No Yes - ROW
Row Injection STATEMENT No Yes Error: Cannot execute row injection: Binary logging is not possible since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. -
Row Injection MIXED No Yes - ROW
Row Injection ROW No Yes - ROW
Safe MIXED Yes Yes - ROW
Safe ROW Yes Yes - ROW
Unsafe STATEMENT Yes Yes Warning: Unsafe statement binlogged in statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. STATEMENT
Unsafe MIXED Yes Yes - ROW
Unsafe ROW Yes Yes - ROW
Row Injection STATEMENT Yes Yes Error: Cannot execute row injection: Binary logging is not possible because BINLOG_FORMAT =STATEMENT. -
Row Injection MIXED Yes Yes - ROW
Row Injection ROW Yes Yes - ROW

When a warning is produced by the determination, a standard MySQL warning is produced (and is available using SHOW WARNINGS). The information is also written to the mysqld error log. Only one error for each error instance per client connection is logged to prevent flooding the log. The log message includes the SQL statement that was attempted.

If a slave server was started with --log-warnings enabled, the slave prints messages to the error log to provide information about its status, such as the binary log and relay log coordinates where it starts its job, when it is switching to another relay log, when it reconnects after a disconnect, and so forth.