спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Chapter 22. Extending MySQL
Chapter 22. Extending MySQL
Table of Contents
22.1. MySQL Internals
22.1.1. MySQL Threads
22.1.2. The MySQL Test Suite
22.2. The MySQL Plugin API
22.2.1. Plugin API Characteristics
22.2.2. Plugin API Components
22.2.3. Types of Plugins
22.2.4. Writing Plugins
22.2.5. MySQL Services for Plugins
22.3. Adding New Functions to MySQL
22.3.1. Features of the User-Defined Function Interface
22.3.2. Adding a New User-Defined Function
22.3.3. Adding a New Native Function
22.4. Debugging and Porting MySQL
22.4.1. Debugging a MySQL Server
22.4.2. Debugging a MySQL Client
22.4.3. The DBUG Package