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The INNODB_FT_DELETED table records rows that are deleted from the FULLTEXT index for an InnoDB table. To avoid expensive index reorganization during DML operations for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index, the information about newly deleted words is stored separately, filtered out of search results when you do a text search, and removed from the main search index only when you issue the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement for the InnoDB table.

This table is only accessible to users with the SUPER privilege. Before you query this table, set the configuration variable innodb_ft_aux_table to the name (including the database name) of the table that contains the FULLTEXT index, for example test/articles.

Table 19.23. INNODB_FT_DELETED Columns

Column name Description
DOC_ID The document ID of the newly deleted row. This value might reflect the value of an ID column that you defined for the underlying table, or it can be a sequence value generated by InnoDB when the table does not contain a suitable column. This value is used to skip rows in the innodb_ft_index_table table, when you do text searches before data for deleted rows is physically removed from the FULLTEXT index by an OPTIMIZE TABLEstatement.
