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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition |
Packages that use TextHitInfo | |
java.awt.event | Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with different types of events fired by AWT components. |
java.awt.font | Provides classes and interface relating to fonts. |
java.awt.im | Provides classes and an interface for the input method framework. |
Uses of TextHitInfo in java.awt.event |
Methods in java.awt.event that return TextHitInfo | |
TextHitInfo |
Gets the caret. |
TextHitInfo |
Gets the position that's most important to be visible. |
Constructors in java.awt.event with parameters of type TextHitInfo | |
InputMethodEvent.InputMethodEvent(Component source,
int id,
AttributedCharacterIterator text,
int committedCharacterCount,
TextHitInfo caret,
TextHitInfo visiblePosition)
Constructs an InputMethodEvent with the specified source component, type, text, caret, and visiblePosition. |
InputMethodEvent.InputMethodEvent(Component source,
int id,
TextHitInfo caret,
TextHitInfo visiblePosition)
Constructs an InputMethodEvent with the specified source component, type, caret, and visiblePosition. |
Uses of TextHitInfo in java.awt.font |
Methods in java.awt.font that return TextHitInfo | |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.getNextRightHit(TextHitInfo hit)
Returns the hit for the next caret to the right (bottom); if there is no such hit, returns null . |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.getNextRightHit(int offset,
TextLayout.CaretPolicy policy)
Returns the hit for the next caret to the right (bottom); if no such hit, returns null . |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.getNextRightHit(int offset)
Returns the hit for the next caret to the right (bottom); if no such hit, returns null . |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.getNextLeftHit(TextHitInfo hit)
Returns the hit for the next caret to the left (top); if no such hit, returns null . |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.getNextLeftHit(int offset,
TextLayout.CaretPolicy policy)
Returns the hit for the next caret to the left (top); if no such hit, returns null . |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.getNextLeftHit(int offset)
Returns the hit for the next caret to the left (top); if no such hit, returns null . |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.getVisualOtherHit(TextHitInfo hit)
Returns the hit on the opposite side of the specified hit's caret. |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.hitTestChar(float x,
float y,
Rectangle2D bounds)
Returns a TextHitInfo corresponding to the
specified point. |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.hitTestChar(float x,
float y)
Returns a TextHitInfo corresponding to the
specified point. |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.CaretPolicy.getStrongCaret(TextHitInfo hit1,
TextHitInfo hit2,
TextLayout layout)
Chooses one of the specified TextHitInfo instances as
a strong caret in the specified TextLayout . |
static TextHitInfo |
TextHitInfo.leading(int charIndex)
Creates a TextHitInfo on the leading edge of the
character at the specified charIndex . |
static TextHitInfo |
TextHitInfo.trailing(int charIndex)
Creates a hit on the trailing edge of the character at the specified charIndex . |
static TextHitInfo |
TextHitInfo.beforeOffset(int offset)
Creates a TextHitInfo at the specified offset,
associated with the character before the offset. |
static TextHitInfo |
TextHitInfo.afterOffset(int offset)
Creates a TextHitInfo at the specified offset,
associated with the character after the offset. |
TextHitInfo |
Creates a TextHitInfo on the other side of the
insertion point. |
TextHitInfo |
TextHitInfo.getOffsetHit(int delta)
Creates a TextHitInfo whose character index is offset
by delta from the charIndex of this
TextHitInfo . |
Methods in java.awt.font with parameters of type TextHitInfo | |
float[] |
TextLayout.getCaretInfo(TextHitInfo hit,
Rectangle2D bounds)
Returns information about the caret corresponding to hit . |
float[] |
TextLayout.getCaretInfo(TextHitInfo hit)
Returns information about the caret corresponding to hit . |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.getNextRightHit(TextHitInfo hit)
Returns the hit for the next caret to the right (bottom); if there is no such hit, returns null . |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.getNextLeftHit(TextHitInfo hit)
Returns the hit for the next caret to the left (top); if no such hit, returns null . |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.getVisualOtherHit(TextHitInfo hit)
Returns the hit on the opposite side of the specified hit's caret. |
Shape |
TextLayout.getCaretShape(TextHitInfo hit,
Rectangle2D bounds)
Returns a Shape representing the caret at the specified
hit inside the specified bounds. |
Shape |
TextLayout.getCaretShape(TextHitInfo hit)
Returns a Shape representing the caret at the specified
hit inside the natural bounds of this TextLayout . |
int[] |
TextLayout.getLogicalRangesForVisualSelection(TextHitInfo firstEndpoint,
TextHitInfo secondEndpoint)
Returns the logical ranges of text corresponding to a visual selection. |
Shape |
TextLayout.getVisualHighlightShape(TextHitInfo firstEndpoint,
TextHitInfo secondEndpoint,
Rectangle2D bounds)
Returns a path enclosing the visual selection in the specified range, extended to bounds . |
Shape |
TextLayout.getVisualHighlightShape(TextHitInfo firstEndpoint,
TextHitInfo secondEndpoint)
Returns a Shape enclosing the visual selection in the
specified range, extended to the bounds. |
TextHitInfo |
TextLayout.CaretPolicy.getStrongCaret(TextHitInfo hit1,
TextHitInfo hit2,
TextLayout layout)
Chooses one of the specified TextHitInfo instances as
a strong caret in the specified TextLayout . |
boolean |
TextHitInfo.equals(TextHitInfo hitInfo)
Returns true if the specified TextHitInfo
has the same charIndex and isLeadingEdge
as this TextHitInfo . |
Uses of TextHitInfo in java.awt.im |
Methods in java.awt.im that return TextHitInfo | |
TextHitInfo |
InputMethodRequests.getLocationOffset(int x,
int y)
Gets the offset within the composed text for the specified absolute x and y coordinates on the screen. |
Methods in java.awt.im with parameters of type TextHitInfo | |
Rectangle |
InputMethodRequests.getTextLocation(TextHitInfo offset)
Gets the location of a specified offset in the current composed text, or of the selection in committed text. |
JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition |